This is the story of Akshara and Abhimanyu. After the death of their parents Kartik and Sirat the siblings Akshara Kairav and Arohi have an emotional breakdown. As Aarohi blames Akshara for Sirat’s death, a heartbroken Akshara leaves the house. But by god’s grace she is found by a kind hearted couple Vijay singh Rathod and Asha singh Rathod. They hear her story and adopt her. On her insistence, the change her name as Sonakshi Singh Rathod.
After 13 years,
Sonakshi’s dream: Showing Sirat’s death.
Sonakshi: Mumma! (Yells and wakes up with a jerk)
Her parents rush to see her…
Sonakshi: (panics) Mumma… aha… no…. Aaru…no…aha…aha…
Asha: (worried) Sona!!! Don’t panic beta… Please try to breath….
Vijay: Sona… Firstly close your eyes… take a deep breath and then sing….
Sonakshi does as he says… she starts singing O kanha… Her voice so melodious that anybody can just forget themselves in her melody. After singing, she starts to feel better already.
Sonakshi: Thanks Papa! You are the best!
Asha: Then who am I?…(acts angry)
Sonakshi: You are our loving Asha… (hugs her)
Asha: Ok… Now both of you get ready…Sona!!! You have to go to Elena’s medical camp as a Cardio surgeon… and Vijay…. I have prepared all the files for our new deal…so you get ready and check the file once…
All of them get busy in their works…
Meanwhile at Goenka Villa,
Kairav: (on phone) Ok Manager saheb! You talk to them and fix the meeting… And please try to convince them as this is much needed for the welfare of our company… ok… Good day….
Manish comes there…
Manish: Kairav…. Are you fine? You look stressed?
Kairav: I can handle these Business tensions with ease but what about tensions going on inthe family?
Manish: I understand your pain of losing your parents and sister at the same time…. But it’s not your fault…and I want you to understand this…
Kairav: I know that it’s not my fault…but I will be the one to set thing’s right by bringing Akshara back home…. (he goes)
Precap: Private investigator give some vital info about Akshu’s whereabouts to Kairav.
Nice looking forward for this Fanfiction. It was a good start and good that Akshara won’t sacrifice for arohi I mean I hope
she doesn’t sacrifice 
Anyways loved this part

Thank you so much
…. You just gave me the encouragement I needed… I will definitely make sure to not let you down….
No mention I should be thanking you for this amazing story which you have started and hope it does very well