Pyaar aur Parivaar- balance b/w love and family (Part 9)

Akshara: (laughing) Enough Abhi! Now put me down….

Abhimanyu and Akshara sit on the couch…

Abhi: But Akshu… How come you are here in Udaipur? You should be celebrating your b’day with your family right???

Akshara: Yes… and I’m with ‘my family’ right now….. My real family!!!

Abhi: Are you serious??? You are back with your family, the Goenkas!??

Akshara nods happily… Abhimanyu happily hugs her…

Abhi: I’m so happy for you Akshu….

They talk for some time… Then suddenly Akshara sits up and stretches out her hand, leaving Abhimanyu confused…

Akshara: What are you looking at??? Give me my present…!

Abhi: Ooo… haa…. That… I….

Akshara: Abhi…. Give it fast…..

Abhi: Yes babaa… I have it but not here, at home….

Akshara: Ok…. then I’ll take it afterwards… (looks at the clock) Oh god… I have to go Abhi…. Bye…

Abhi: And yes…. Akshu, be ready by 8:00 pm… and text me your address…. There is a surprise for you….

Akshara: Ok… cool… Bye…Love you….

Abhimanyu gives a flying kiss to Akshara… She smiles and leaves…

At Goenka Villa:

Akshara gets ready for the party… She is wearing a lavender color gown, wearing a tiara…. She’s just like a princess!!!

She comes downstairs….and sees evrything dark…. Just as she reaches the middle of the hall…. All the lights lit up… Party poppers popped around her one by one… Everyone wishes her at once… ” HAPPY BIRTHDAY AKSHU!!!!! 

Akshara gets teary- eyed seeing all her family members wishing her after so many years…. She runs to them and hugs them tightly…. All of them reciprocate, emotional.

Vansh: Enough of crying all of you… we got to celebrate this day after so many years… So let’s live this moment to the fullest…. (Goes to Akshu) May I have a dance with the B’day girl???

Akshara: Sure Mister… (all laugh)

Dil… le chala…. plays…. All of them dance with full josh…. Just then Kairav gets a call… He comes aside and attend it…


Aarohi: (from USA) Hello Bhaiyya… Guess what??? I’ve a Good news for you!!!!!

Kairav: What a coincidence Aaru… Even I have a Good news…. We found Akshu…!

Aarohi: (becomes a bit upset recalling the past) Ooo… That’s really…. a Good news Bhaiya…

Kairav: Yes right? Can you believe it??? She is with us on her birthday…. I wish you were here….

Aarohi: Your wish is going to be true Bhaiya…. Because I’m coming to Udaipur… I had applied for college transfer… and from now I’m going to be with you all!!!

Kairav: Omg Aaru… This is a very good news…. Wait I’ll give the phone to Akshu….

Aarohi: No Bhaiyya… Not now… I’ll not be able to talk to her because of my guilt… And I’m going to be there in a couple of weeks right?? So I’ll apologise to her, face to face…

Kairav: Ok Aaru… I’ll go give this news to all… BYE…

Phone call ends…

Kairav goes inside and informs this to everyone…. Everyone, specially Akshu, gets so happy…. They dance…

07:30PM, Birla House:

Abhimanyu is getting ready….. He gets a phone call….

On phone:

Abhi: Yes…. That order was placed by me…. Okay you’ll have the photos by 9:00 PM… Please make sure the gift is wrapped properly and delivered by tomorrow…. Ok thank you… (ends the call)  Ok… Gift…check! And the surprise place is also checked!!! Now I’ll leave before it’s too late…

Manjiri: Where are you going Abhi? At this hour???

Abhi: Maa!!! Just sit in my room and keep your phone around…. I’ll be calling you in half an hour…

Manjiri: But what will I do here without you???

Abhi: Maa please… You’ll get all your answers…

Manjiri: Ok… But make it fast…. Bye!!!

Abhi: Thank you maa… Bye!!!

He leaves the Birla mansion…. He reaches the Goenka villa…. Where he sees Akshara pacing around nervously….

Abhi: Sorry sorry Akshu… For being late….

Akshara: Do the hell with your Sorry Abhi… Do you know how hard it is to sneak out of the house at this time??? Thank god I got some help from my brother…. Let’s go…

While riding:

Abhi: You said your elder brother helped you to sneak out? Like, is your bro okay with his sister roaming with a stranger at this time???

Akshara: Not like that!!! Firstly he knows about us…. and secondly he is not against love as he has grown up seeing some epic love relations…. like my parents’….

Abhi: Lucky you and your brother…! I’ve only seen people suffering in such relationships…

Akshara: Abhi! Are you okay???

Abhi: Yeah I’m perfectly alright…. Now get off the bike…

Abhimanyu blindfolds Akshara and takes her to a place… Then he slowly opens her blindfold…. She opens her eyes and sees a lakeside, beautifully decorated with lights and there, is a dinner table with food, flowers and candles….

Abhi: A surprise candle- light dinner… just for you and me….

Akshara’s happiness knew no bounds…. She happily shreiks and leaps to hug Abhimanyu…. but lose their balance and she lands on top of him…. (jaaniye plays)

They get up and go to the dinner table… they eat and talk and laugh and…. have a very good time….

After dinner, they sit on a bench stargazing….. Suddenly Akshara gets teary eyed…

Abhi: Are you okay Akshu???

Akshara: Yeah I’m fine…. Just remembered my mothers….

Abhi: You must be missing both of them terribly…

Akshara nods and rests her head on Abhi’s shoulder… Just then Abhi takes his phone and videocalls his mum….

On the phone:

Manjiri: Ooo.. finally!!! What took you this much time Abhi??? And what is the surprise you were talking about???

Abhi: (showing Akshara) This is the surprise!!! Maa… Akshara… and Akshu…. Maa…

Akshara: Jai shree krishna Aunty….

Manjiri: Jai shree krishna beta…. Abhi who is she???

Abhi: Maa…. She is Akshara Goenka…. Remember me telling you about a doctor helping all her patients just the way you help everyone around you??? She is the one…

Manjiri: Oooo… Nice meeting you beta….

Abhi: Actually, it’s her b’day today and she was missing her mother…

Manjiri: Missing??? Her mother doesn’t stay with her???

Akshara: Not really aunty…. Infact she would never comeback… She’s near the god….

Manjiri: Ooo… Sorry beta…. Ok… So you are a doctor right? What are your hobbies???

Akshara: I like singing so much…

Manjiri: Ooo…Me too…

Akshara: Really??? Then one song please???

Manjiri: Only if you sing after my turn???

Akshara: Deal!!!

Abhi: Common maa… rock it…

Manjiri sings Piya tose…..soo melodiously…. Then Akshara sings Lag ja gale….also melodious…

Manjiri: Akshara beta…. You are blessed beta… what a melodious voice…

Akshara: No… Not more than you aunty….

They start praising each other…. Seeing this Abhimanyu gets teary eyed…. He is so happy that his mother and his love are not only caring for eachother but also respecting eachother… Now he is sure that he has made a wise choice choosing Akshara as his life partner…. He gets up to wipe his tears…. As he gets away….

Manjiri: Beta… I’ll ask you something as a mother…. will you answer it as a daughter???

Akshara: Yes aunty…

Manjiri: You and Abhi… love each other…. Don’t you???

Akshara: (blushes) Yes aunty….

Manjiri: I’m so happy for you beta…. But I want you to promise me that whatever the situations be like…. you’ll never let your love lose… Promise me???

Akshara: I promise aunty…. I’ll never let you down….

Manjiri: MAA! Call me Maa from now….

Akshara gets teary eyed at Manjiri’s  motherly gesture…

Akshara: Ok ‘Maa’!!!

They smile comforting each other…. Abhimanyu comes there…

Manjiri: Ok Abhi…. I’ve some kitchen work… You both wind up the party and Abhi drop her safely at her home… Bye!!!

Call ends…

Abhimanyu and Akshara ride back to the Goenka villa….

Abhi: Akshu…. I need you to send me individual pic of your parents….

Akshara: Why??

Abhi: For you gift… remember???

Akshara: Ok… I’ll do it… Bye… Call me after you reach okay?

Abhi: Okay… Bye… Good night….

He leaves… Akshara slowly walks into the house and gets shocked to see all her family members pacing around, worried….

Precap: Goenkas question Akshu…. Abhi enters the Goenka villa….


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