Fan Fiction

Pyaar Dard Hota Hai : Kriyam Episode 16

Hello everyone x

Episode begins.


Everyone is gathered in the hall. Sayaam and Krishna are near eachother. Suhani comes there with Yuvani and Veer. Suhani sounds serious.

Suhani: You all may be wondering why I called you here. Even you Soumya. Yuvani and Veer have something they would like to say.

Yuvani: Um ……

She glances at Veer quickly.

Yuvani: I love Veer. And Veer loves me.

Everyone is shocked, but happy.

Veer: And I want to marry Yuvani. And spend my life with her.

Suhani smiles excitedly.

Suhani: And I have agreed!

Everyone claps and goes to Yuvani and Veer to congratulate them.

Yuvraj: Thank you Veer. For bringing happiness to my daughter.

Yuvaan: Congrats Veer! I mean …… bhai!

Everyone smiles in happiness. Krishna talks to Sayaam.

Krishna: We did good, Sayaam.

Sayaam also smiles.

Sayaam: Yes.

He looks at Krishna. He leans in forward to her, and she melts, looking into his eyes.

Sayaam: Thank you, Krishna. You helped my family a lot.

Krishna smiles. Sayaam slowly leans away again.

Veer: Krish. Sayaam. Thank you.

They nod.

Suhani: Listen! I have one more thing to say.

Everyone goes silent.

Suhani: Krishna and Sayaam? Please. Come here.

Krishna and Sayaam look at eachother confused, and move forward to the centre.

Suhani: We all know that Krishna and Sayaam were married under circumstances we did not agree with.

Yuvraj: Suhani, why are you bringing up the past? Lets just move forward ……

Suhani: Yuvraj. Let me finish. I have made a decision. I want you to marry …… again.

Sayaam and Krishna are shocked.

Sayaam: But maa ……

Suhani: I know you are both already married. But i think its a good idea if you complete all the ceremonies and rituals. Together, with Yuvani and Veer.

Bhavna: This is a good idea. I mean no one has a problem with this marriage, since they are already married. Why not make it official?

Sayaam: But maa. You know I dont believe in all these rituals and things.

Suhani: Yes, beta. But its necessary.

Veer: So its final. Me and Yuvani will be getting married and so will Krishna and Sayaam!

Soumya: Lets do the engagement tomorrow!

Suhani: So less time?

Yuvraj: Dont worry, Suhani. Everything will get done. We will start preparing now!

Everyone is busy in discussion, whilst Krishna grabs Sayaam’s wrist and leads him to the terrace.

Sayaam: Krishna?! Krishna, what are you doing?!

She leaves his wrist.

Krishna: Sayaam!? What does maa mean? We have to get married? Again?

Sayaam: I guess so ……

Krishna: But Sayaam! This is a contract marriage as it is.

Sayaam is hurt.

Sayaam: But I cant ruin your life forever! I didnt think what would happen after the 6 months. You go back to your life and I go back to mine? No Krishna! It doesnt work like that. What about all the questions?! The shame it will bring to your family. No Krishna. I cant do this.

Krishna is shocked. She cries.

Krishna: So what are you saying?

Sayaam: That we marry again. For good.

Krishna is shell – shocked. Sayaam leaves and Krishna breaks down on the floor, in silent tears. Krishna thinks.

Krishna: I cant. He ruined my entire life. I will never be free from this unwanted relationship.

Sayaam watches from the terrace doorway. He thinks.

Sayaam: Im sorry Krishna. But I cant let you go so easily. I love you. I cant tell you yet but I do. And when I do tell you, it will make up for all the pain and hurt I have caused you.

He wipes his tear and smiles.

Sayaam: Just wait, my love.

Scene fades.

Krishna comes to the hall, and acts normal. There is an array of clothing on the table and Yuvani and Baby are choosing clothes.

Yuvani: Krishna? Come, choose your outfit for the engagement! Its your wedding too! Baby. Move. Let Krishna sit.

Baby reluctantly gets up.

Yuvani: Okay, Krishna. Look around and see what you like, then we can show mumma.

Yuvani hugs Krishna.

Yuvani: And thank you Krishna. I know that this was all your doing. You bought my happiness back.

Krishna smiles faintly. She chooses 2 lehngas. One is a cream, gold colour and elegantly designed and the other is a baby, pink colour, more heavily embroidered. She is stuck for choice. She finally chooses the cream one.

Krishna: This one.

Baby: Krishna! Choose the pink one. It is heavier and more expensive.

Sayaam hears this as he is walking into the hall.

Yuvani: Baby. Just because its more expensive doesnt mean it is nicer.

Sayaam: And Baby. Krishna is beautiful anyways, whatever she wears. She doesnt need expensive clothes like you as a symbol of beauty.

Baby is shocked at Sayaam’s taunt and Krishna looks away from Sayaam.

Episode ends.


Krishna places the ring on Sayaam’s finger. She moves her hand away but Sayaam grips it, smiling at her.

Q. I need some help! Which order do these main functions go in? Haldi, Mehndi, Sangeet?? Then obviously the wedding?

Im trying not to make the wedding drag, so i might do it in a series of shorter episodes.

Cover @kriyyam.fc on instagram


Obsessed with Kriyam from Suhani Si Ek Ladki so i have decided to write fanfiction about them! Enjoy xx

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