Fan Fiction

Is Pyaar ko nei thood saktha hai (Episode 2): Suhani si ek ladki (Yuvani)

Suhani- Somwu you have been so quiet since we have left the Birla house. What’s wrong?

Soumya- aaree, Kuch nahi… why do you think that?

Suhani- Maybe I was just feeling it.

Soumya- Yeah, probably.

Suhani- Birla house was so beautiful, right?

Soumya- Yeah.

Suhani- But that Yuvraj was so arrogant na?

Soumya- I guess.

Suhani- but he was very handsome…

Soumya- Okay. (she was burning in jealousy)

Suhani- What am I even saying yaar? somwu I am going mad…

Bhavana- When have you not been mad Suhani dear? (she was whispering to herself)

Bhavana was watching the conversation of the best friends from outside the bedroom, laughing at her childish reaction to Yuvraj. Filled with delight that finally her sister has found someone who makes her happy and complete. After all, she deserved it after her awful past.

Suhani- I have to avoid that ajeeb sa ladka whom i feel so oddly towards.

Soumya- Shut up now Suhani, na? Lets talk about something else.

Suhani- Haah, tho teekai…

Suhani was a little confused but just agreed and moved on.

A couple of hours later at the Birla House…

Rags: What shall we do now, its getting boring, right guys?

(saurabh slings his arm around his wife, making her smile smugly)

Saurabh- Finally Rags, you said something worth hearing…

Rags’ smile falls while seeing everyone poke fun at her.

Menka-Lets all play truth and dare na? We will set up a campfire and everything…

Suhani- wow, that would be beautiful. Lets do it. (A small smile lit up her pretty face)

They all set up outside and enjoy the blazing of the fire lighting up the night sky with brave reds, oranges, yellows and golds.

Menka- Okay, so we spin the bottle and the first person the bottle lands on will ask the second person the bottle lands on truth or dare… Okay?

Everyone says their okays. And the bottle is put in the middle of the floor, ready to be spun.

Menka- You can spin the bottle first Sharad, since its your wedding. (she winks and sharad blushes)

Sharad spins the bottle and it lands on rags, he spins it again and then it lands on Yuvraj.

Rags- Okay then Yuvraj… truth or dare?

Rags and Saurabh stood next to Anuj and Menka , who stood next to the to be married couple Bhavana and Sharad, who stood next to Yuvraj who stood next to Suhani who had linked arms with Soumya.

Yuvraj- Dare… of course… (he leans to a side and nudges Suhani by accident)

Suhani just looks at him with an odd expression on her face, which he returned with a smile.

Rags: I dare you to dance romantically with… (She glanced around the circle just too see what decision of hers would cause the most trouble or the provocation of a fight) Soumya…

Soumya grins open teethed with a glow that it up her face with delight. Yuvraj looked uncomfortable and shifted from foot to foot.

Yuvraj- And what do you do if you can’t do the dare?

Suhani- just do it… na?

Menka- take an item of clothing off…

Everyone- What???

Menka: I’m sorry guys, rules are rules..

Rags: Why is it such a big deal yuvraj, its just a dance…

Suhani didn’t understand why it felt like a very big deal to her either, why she wanted to leave and not see the dance between them. Soumya was getting angry by the minute that he was debating to do it or not.

Yuvraj- Come here then Soumya…

Soumya couldn’t contain her happiness and almost ran all the way to Yuvraj, blushing. She grabbed his hand and Suhani looked down in confusion and pain. Yuvraj glanced back at Suhani and saw her look to the ground. The music started and Soumya started to try and dance and she sort of dragged Yuvraj to where she was moving. She spinned herself around and joyfully swung to the music. But Yuvraj just watched Suhani not look up and after a few seconds signalled the music to stop.

Yuvraj- Sorry Soumya.

Suhani looks up at Yuvraj in confusion. He lets go of Soumya and pulls off his shirt, now wearing just in a vest and throws the shirt to the ground. Everyone stays in silence, afraid what was going to play out. Soumya controlled and concealed her rage and went to stand back in her place, Yuvraj stood back as well. Suhani stared blankly in to the fire, confused.

Rags- Yuvraj? Why didn’t you dance with the pretty Soumya, huh?

Saurabh- Just shut up, Rags, Bhavana you can spin the bottle now.

Bhavana spun the bottle obidently to avoid trouble, her first spin landed on Suhani and her second on Sharad.

Suhani- Ooooooh bhaiya…. truth or dare??

Sharad- truth…

Yuvraj- Dhar pok!

Sharad- Shut up guru!

Suhani- Fine, fine… then Sharad bhaiya, were you the one you asked your mum to give my family the proposal for my sister?

Sharad stuttered and thought, while the spectators giggled.

Sharad- Well… yes

Bhavana bushed bright red and Suhani smiled widely, which brought a smile to Yuvraj’s face though he didnt know why.

Suddenly the fire blazed very high and lots of sparks flew toward Suhani, Yuvraj and Soumya.
Yuvraj saw it coming and put his arm around Suhani’s stomach and the other around her middle and quickly spun her around so she faces away from the spark and his body covers her from it, Suhani gasps loudly in suprise and everyone who is support of them becoming a couple smile widely, the sparks that were flying toward Suhani hit Yuvraj’s bare shoulder instead, making him wince in pain. This made Suhani jump in concern and quickly move her hand to where the spark hit. She freezes when she realises what she’s done and then slowly moves her hand away.

Yuvraj grabs Suhani by the shoulders and turns her toward him, shaking her slightly.

Yuvraj- Suhani, are you alright?

Suhani- Hmm… (she looks in the the night sky blanked out and confused)

Yuvraj- Suhani?

Suhani- ah… yes. What about your back? (suhani puts her arm where the spark and hit him)

Yuvraj nods. He lets her go and they both turn toward the circle again. They were oblivious to Soumya in a fit of rage that she was ignored when the fire was hitting her too. Everyone was grinning mischeviously.

Sharad- You know Guru, you and Suhani make very cute couple…

Suhani and Yuvraj- WHAT?!?

Saurabh- Sharad isnt wrong… (he laughs)

Yuvraj- Me and Suhani?

Suhani- No way… (she said childlishy)

Menka- Suhani didi, are you sure?

Suhani turned sideways away from Yuvraj and crosses her arms over her chest after hitting Yuvraj in the shoulder with playful annoyance.

Suhani- yes I’m sure, I’d never handle an arrogant sadu who hates samosas!

Yuvraj pushes her in the back with one with a smug smile, making her lose her balance and stumble slightly. Yuvraj quickly grabs her upper arm to make her stable.

Yuvraj- Sadu? Again? And the reason we can’t be a couple is because you are unhygenic and eat dirty street food not because of me…

Suhani turns around faces Yuvraj.

Suhani- Now Mr Sadu Birla, i have told you once and I am telling you again, my samosa’s are not dirty! (she rubs her hand on the soot of the wood in the fire)

Yuvraj- Suhani! Move your hand from the fire! (he goes to move her hand away but she already moves it and takes Yuvraj’s handkerchief with her clean hand, from his pocket.)

Suhani- Now i will make your stuff dirty! (she moves to wipe her sooty hand on the handkerchie but before she does..)


Suhani runs and Yuvraj chases her around the garden while everone watches. Pratima comes and watches the scene, amused. Soumya cripples in envy but keeps quiet thinking of what to do. She knows she needs Yuvraj as her husband.

Pratima- Stop being so childish, bachoon.

Yuvraj- But maa, Suhani will make my handkerchief dirty!

Suhani slows down to say a response and at that moment Yuvraj grabs the handkerchief and pulls it toward him pulling suhani into his chest as well. Instinctivley he put his arm around her to brace him self, Their eyes meet and they have an eyelock. The tips of their noses meet and they get lost in the moment. They relish on the buzz in their veins. Yuvraj grips on to her tighter and Suhani can hear her heartbeat in her ears. Everyone looks on with pure happiness, except Soumya. They stay in silence just looking in to each others eyes. (Sware plays) Yuvraj breaks out of the momet and grins. He suddenly blows into her face, making suhani become taken aback and her glossy hair to wisp in the air. And while suhani is distracted with suprise, Yuvraj grabs the handkerchief and walks away.

Yuvraj- Thank you… (He smiles)

Suhani- You don’t win this Sadu! (she yells after him and everyone a the campfire, except Soumya, laughs in joy at the pair being so happy finally)

Precap: Yuvraj walks in to a room and sees Suhani drawing something on to a big piece of paper.

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