Good Morning Lovely Readers,
Badawala thanks to dear Niyaa(ty for such a cuty comment), kajal(so glad to knw dear silent reader that u r reading n liking), abhilasha,dhruvi, dharani, ishi, sanu, anu, amnaa, riya, anonymousa, moonlight,niyati,dhruti,khamoshi, ruch
Friends ur comments make my eyes glitter glitter
ty ty
Recap-Anmol is going through several side effects Sanchi breaksdown in Kabir’s arms. Ishita n Abhi think of using kids to bring kanchi close before Anand returns from Newyork
Ishita is telling something to Ruhi
Ruhi nods cutely.
Ishita-Beta see u like prince na he is so sweet but he is so sick he needs papa na dnt u think his own papa
Ruhi-yes mummy
Ishita-Ruhi u just ask him n see please beta we just want to know his opinion we want to help ur friend u will do na beta as I said
Ruhi (cutely)-mummy anything for prince’s smile
Ishita hugs Ruhi
she smiles at Abhi
Abhi is thinking something
Ishita-Abhi relax from ruhi n Anmol’s talks we will be able to make out what he feels
Abhi-Jaan r we doing correct by using kids in all this
Ishita hugs Abhi-jaanu its for their good dnt wry, n now toh we just want to know what Anmol thinks we r not doing anything more
Ruhi n Anmol r playing some board game
Ruhi-Anmy does aunty play with u sometimes?
Anmol-no actually ru mumma used to go to office na she used to be very busy but nani used to play alot
Ruhi-u know my also mummy doesn’t like to play with me but papa plays alot my papa is best I love him Anmy can I ask u something?
Anmol-haan na ru ask na
Ruhi-dnt u miss ur papa
Anmol-He left me when I was very small so I dnt remember him but wait I will show u his photo he is so hundsum (handsome)
Ruhi looks at photo n smiles-Anmy dnt u feel that u should also have papa
Anmol(teareyed)-yes but bhagwanji loves him alot n he doesn’t send my papa back to me
Ruhi-what about new papa?
Anmol(angry)-Ru dnt say that my papa is with us mumma says Ru nobody can take his place ever n mumma does double role I dnt need any new papa
Ruhi is little scared but she hugs Anmol-Am very sowiee Anmy please dnt be angry with me u r my bestie please
Abhita are overhearing them
Ishita-Anmol loves veer alot if Anmol is against this we cannot go forward
Abhi-jaan but I believe he loves Kabir equally
Ishita is walking on grass barefoot in hospital garden
She smiles while walking
Sanchi n veer r walking barefoot on grass hand in hand
Sanchi is pregnant
veer-baby u shd walk everyday like this, because whenever u r stressed ur brain becomes extra hot, grass is cold cold from feet coldness will enter brain n dimaag thanda ho jayega
Sanchi laughs-veer u ur logic my cutty joker
she pulls his cheeks
(ishi for u this scene )
Fb ends
Sanchi is walking Kabir observes he smiles Sanchi is lost in her thoughts she observes Kabir is walking besides her
Kabir-mujhe bhi dimaag thanda karna tha
Sanchi-u too believe in this??
Kabir-veer taught me he n his silly logics but fact is mind actually feels relaxed
Sanchi-u miss him ?
Kabir-Sanchi 7years ago when he left home I was angry but I used to miss him alot our house became lifeless he was jaan of our house but I was hoped for his return but now……………
Am waiting Sanchi waiting for Anmol to get alright n fill our dull house back to life
Sanchi (moist eyes)-Kabir u think mummyjii papajii will forgive me? will they accept Anmol
Kabir (looks in her eyes)-I cdnt help veer seven years ago I cdnt get u justice but I promise now un Anmy will get a place n respect in Malhotra family atleast I can do this much for veer n Anmol n n n. you
Deep eyelock
Tu mera humdaard hain plays
Sanchi is making Anmol’s hair Anmol looks at hair in comb
Anmol starts weeping
Kabir comes
Kabir-Kya hua bachaa bachaa
Anmol-uncle I will become taklu everybody will tease me, I willnot take medicines no I will not take
Kabir hugs Anmol Kabir gets teareyed
Abhi is asking Anmol to eat medicines he refuses
Ruhi-prince yaar let hair fall na for me to u look cutyy eat medicine na please please
Anmol-no Ruhi I look bad u r lying
Kabir comes-bachaa how do I look
He takes off cap All r shocked to see he has shaved his hair
Kabir is bald (omg)
Sanchi is dumbstruck
Kabir-u taklu me taklu u wear cap I wear same cap lets see who teases us? we r heroes right Ruhi?
Ruhi-Yes yes cutty
Kabir makes Anmol eat medicines
Abhi n Ishita get teareyed
Kabir smiles at Sanchi
Sanchi (emotional)-This was not required we could have convinced him other way
Kabir-Sanchi convincing cannot make his heart happy now he is completely satisfied n anyways I wanted to look different bored of same look so how do I look?
Sanchi (teareyed)-A person with such a beautiful heart always looks the best
Sentimental wala eyelock
mera tujhse hain pyaarasa rishta plays
Precap-Anmol-Kabir uncle is my chachu
Tears drop from Anmol’s eyes Sanchi nods
Anmol’s pov-How can chachu become papa?
So so awesome,amazing episode yaar……… superb yaar…..iss episode par kar mare ankh me ashu agae agar veer jinda hote to ache hote he is a great prankster…….but I want kanchi pair…….iss story me kanchi ko pair bana na nahi to tumara sath barebala katte……..I love you dost
dear i have no words for your ff…………..if i write something to praise you and your ff it would be insult to your ff and your talent……………this was too emotional……ruhi and anmy’s bonding i love it ………….ishita and abhi are just perfect…….and kabir is bald (OMG) i can’t even imagine this………..please please post next one soon i can’t wait for next one…….tc………….love you……..
Thanks a lot rushi dear for the special scene
Such a emotional episode anbir bonding kanchi scene nd Abhi ishita scene were so good
Lots of love
Firstly sorry dear for not commenting. Actually I was admitted in hospital. Just got discharged for Diwali. Anyways it so amazing outstanding marvelous fabulous again u nailed it killed it. I’m speechless and it’s beyond beyond beyond beyond beyond everything. Lots of huggs and kisses to u and luv loads
Hey rushi amaz mindblowing epi again by u dear.. Nd dhruti ne sahi kahan ki word bhi kam pad jaye tumhari tarif me…Standing ovation for u bole to mithun da style me… kya baat kya baat kya baat… Tc post nxt asap
??? wow wow wow Rushi ??? mind blowing dear ???
Rushi……….teri iss plot pe main vaari jawaan………too good dear……very heart touching, very emotional……..luv u sweetieeeeeeeee………..
Amazing…. Its one if my favourite story….. Update soon
Yr merit ankh bhar ayi…..really heart touching…… Aisi story TV pe aye to tellywood k achche din ajaye… it!!
OMG I have no words to say.Just summarizing I know that would not even cover 20% of appreciation for u it was awesome. Supppppppperb.
I have little confusion regarding precap.But no I will wait for next epi that u will definitely post asap.
Awww this was such an emotional one
… Feel really bad for little Anmy… The best part was that bald one… Can’t imagine our handsome doc bald ? hehehe… Outstanding yar… Too good… Keep going?