Fan Fiction

Pyar to hona hi tha2 Arshi Samud FF Part 27

Pyar to hona hi tha2 Part 27

Thanks a lot Jo,Shifa,Ammu,Akshaya n Vasuraj.
Saraswati is played by Gautami Ram Kapoor.

Saraswati smiled through tears in her eyes realizing that they were her sons who came to meet her.This is what she wished for see her sons…to get her sons back..
She extended her hands to hug them.Suddenly fear pulled her back.
Saras:Maa…why did you leave us?
Arnav:Was your boy friend more important than your sons?
Saraswati’s heart was wounded by his words.
Saras:Tell Maa…
Suddenly they heard a voice from behind.
“I will tell”.
They saw a lady coming.
Saras:Arnav,is that not Pranati Maasi?

Arn:Are you sure?I have only a slight memory.
S:I am sure that it’s her.
She:Don’t be confused.I am your Pranati Maasi only.
A man came from behind.
He:I am Rajeev.
Saras and Arnav got irritated.
Arnav:Is it for this guy who left us Maa?You eloped with him only.Right?
Pranati:Stop it.Don’t talk so cheap about my sister and husband.If so there will be no one worse than me.
Arnav and Saras were stunned.
Rajeev:Just knowing half baked truth don’t get into conclusion.It’s true that Saraswati came with me.But not as my girl friend,but as my sister.She is like my sister.My beloved is Pranati.Your Maasi.

Saras and Arnav were stunned.
Pranati:You were very small.So you did’nt understand anything.Saraswati didi and I were very close to each other.So I did’nt hide my relationship with Rajeev from her.Once I introduced him to her.

Flash back…
Pranati:Didi…this is Rajeev.

Rajeev:Hi Saraswati…
They talked a lot.


Pranati:She was happy with my choice.She promised me that she will present it to our parents.But before she could do that our parents passed away in an accident.We were depressed.For some time I stayed in Raizada house.

Flash back….
Pranati:Didi…Rajeev is coming here to meet me.
Saraswati:Ok..anyways I will tell Rishi about him.
Pranati:No didi,don’t tell him no about us.I am not comfortable with it.

So when Rajeev came Saraswati introduced him to Rishikesh as her friend.
S:Rishi…this is Rajeev…my classmate.
Rishi:You did’nt tell me about Rajeev before even though he is your close friend.

Anyways nice to meet you Rajeev.
Rishi and Rajeev shook hands.

Rajeev made frequent visits to Raizada house to see Pranati pretending to be coming there to meet Saraswati.


Pranati:But it caused cracks in Saraswati didi and Rishi jeejaji’s life.

Flash back…

Rishi:Why Rajeev is always coming here to see you?Why such a deep friendship with him?Tell him not to come here again.
Since she had promised Pranati she could’nt reveal him the truth.

Saraswati to Pranati:Rajeev’s visits have to be stopped.Rishi is getting insecure.


Rajeev stopped coming and Pranati shifted to a hostel near her college for higher studies.Rajeev and Pranati romanced outside.

Saraswati met Rajeev at an ice cream parlour.
Saraswati:Rajeev,it’s time to disclose the truth to Rishi.I don’t want any misunderstandings between us.
Rajeev:Ok Saraswati.I myself will talk to Rishikesh.I will come home tomorrow.
Somebody clicked their photographs.

The next day….

Rishi came home and was shocked to see Rajeev there.
Rishi roared:So courageous to come home and meet my wife?
Rishi started punching Rajeev.Saraswati was shocked.
Saraswati:Rishi…what are you doing?
Rishi:Your heart pained when I punched your lover?
Saraswati was shocked:Rishi!What did you say?
Rishi:Don’t try to lie Saraswati.
He took a cover from his bag and threw the photographs at them.They were shocked.They were their ice cream parlour pictires.
Rajeev:Who took our photographs without our knowledge?

Rishi:Oh…must be upset for getting caught red handed.Right?Anyways it was only written that it is my well wisher.Get out Rajeev.
He pushed Rajeev out and closed the door.
Rajeev:Please Rishi…listen to me once.
Rishi burst into tears.
R:Saraswati…i really love you.Then why did you betray me?
She cried:It’s not like that Rishi.
R:I am not throwing you out for our children.
She cried.


Arnav and Saras were sad.
Saras:So that is why dad always fought with you?
Arnav:Who is that mystery person who send your photographs to dad?And why did that person do that?
Saraswati:That person did that purposefully to create misunderstandings between us.
Arnav:Who is that person?You know him?
Saraswati:It’s she.My best friend Guman.
They were shocked.
Saraswati:Guman was staying with us.I brought her home as she had nothing to survive.But i was shocked to find out that she is the one who poisoned Rishi’s mind.It’s because of her brainwash that Rishi ordered me not to allow Rajeev to visit me.She only took our photographs.I used to share each and everything with her.If a hird person knew about Pranati and Rajeev’s relation and the secret behind Rajeev’s visits it was Guman.But she betrayed me.

Flash back…

Saraswati:Why did you do this Guman?Tell me.Why are you trying to separate me from Rishi?

Guman:Because I want to be Rishi’s wife.
Saraswati was shocked:Guman!
Gum:I have always suffered.Now I want to have a luxurious life.For that i need to be a rich man’s life.I want Rishi to marry me.For that you need to be out of his life.
Saraswati:Your dream will never get fulfilled.I am going to reveal your true colours to Rishi.
Gum:No way.If you do that I will kill your sons Saras and Arnav.
Saraswati was shocked:Guman!
Gum:If you want your sons alive go out of Rishi’s life.
Saraswati cried”Guman…why are you doing this Guman?Please don’t harm my children.
Gum:If you want your kids to be safe do what I say.
Guman dictated something and Saraswati was forced to write it down in a paper.It was a letter to Rishi about eloping with Rajeev.Saraswati cried while writing such a big lie.
Guman smiled in an evil manner:Very good.

Saraswati:Why are you making me write this Guman?
Gum:I want Rishi and children to hate you completely thinking that you left them for Rajeev.


Arnav:So that’s why it your handwriting in the letter.
Saraswati:Yes.After that I left Raizada Mansion.
Rajeev:Saraswati tried to commit suicide.
Arnav and Saras were shocked.
Rajeev:But luckily I found her and brought her home.I informed Pranati.We decided to get married and leave this place as Saraswati did’nt want to live in this place.So after marriage we left for Canada.
Saraswati made her own image bad to save you guys.And you guys are blaming her?
Arnav and Saras wept.
Saras:We were made to believe such bad stories about her.
Arnav:It’s all because of Guman.We knew that she is pathetic.
Saras:But I never thought that she could stoop so low.
Arnav:Saras…she tried to murder you.Don’t forget that.
Saraswati,Rajeev and Pranati were shocked.
Saraswati:What?Guman tried to kill you?
Saras:Leave it Maa.It’s all over.
Saraswati:No no…
Saras held her hand:Maa…I told you I am fine.

Arnav held her other hand:Maa…we promise that we will get your positoon back in the Raizada family.
Saraswati:I don’t have any desire for that.I just want you both to be safe.
Arn:No Maa.Guman should not succeed anymore.We can’t allow her to fool dad anymore.
Saras:We will expose her and bring you home with us.We want your love Maa.
Arnav:Yes,we want all the love we could’nt get in our childhood because of Guman.
Saraswati kissed their forehead and hugged them.They all cried.
Saraswati:How did you all know that I am here?
Arn:Khushi Kumari Gupta is my…friend.She only gave me this information.
They all were surprised.
Rajeev:Khushi?My best friend’s daughter helped me by this.
They smiled.

Saras and Arnav:We will come back Maa.Wait for us.
Saraswati smiled through tears in her eyes.
They left.
Pranati:Didi,finally your sons back to you.This is the moment you wished for long.Right?
Rajeev:Truth had to be out one day and Saraswati’s sufferings are coming to an end.
Hopes blossomed in Saraswati’s eyes.She went and took the old family photograph of Rishikesh,she,Saras and Arnav.She hugged the photograph.Rajeev and Pranati became emotional seeing it.
P:Rajeev,at least now didi will get the happiness she deserves.Right?
He held her closer:Don’t worry Pranati.Saraswati will shed no tears from now onwards.

Arnav went to drama school to see Khushi.
A:Khushi,I just came to see you.Only to see you.
Her face blossomed.
A:To thank you.Because of you I got Maa back.I met her finally Khushi.I met her.Saras and I met her.I am so happy.
Arnav embraced Khushi with a smile.He was excited.Khushi smiled.
Coming back to senses he moved back.
A:Sorry,it just happened unknowingly.Now please don’t start yelling at me again.I am so happy that I am not at all in a mood to fight with you.
Khushi smiled.
Arnav was surpised to see her smile:What happened Khushi?You smiled?It happens very rarely.

Khushi opened her mouth in ‘o’ shape.Arnav giggled:Funny.
Khushi too giggled.
K:You are bringing back Maa to Raizada house?
Arn:Of course yes.
K:Then Guman?
Arn:Will kick her out as she is the one who threw my mother out.
Arn:Yes Khushi.She only cooked up stories against Maa.

Khushi was shocked:How can a woman stoop so low?Can’t believe it.Did you tell your dad about it?
A:No.Because dad won’t believe it.So we are planning for something different.

Saras was smiling thinking of his meeting with Saraswati.Kumud noticed it.
Kum:You had lunch?
He brought a box.
Kum:Eat from this.My mother prepared it.
S:But this is yours.What will you eat?
Kum:I brought extra food.
S:Don’t lie Kumud.I don’t want this.
Kum:You said my mother’s food reminds you of your mother’s food.
Kum:Then eat Saras.
S:Ok.But on one demand.You also should have from this.
Kumud was hesitant.
S:Don’t worry that you will have to put your hands inside the box I am touching.
Kumud became dull.
Saras ordered their peon to bring 2 plates.

S:One for you and one for me.
They served food for themselves in their own plate and started having it.
S:Kumud…very soon I will be able to eat my mother’s food daily…my favourite food.
Kumud was confused.
S:Because my mother will come and stay with me soon.
Kumud:What?How is that possible?
S:My mother is alive.
Kumud could’nt believe it:What are you saying?

S:Yes Kumud.I met her.Because of Guman only Maa had to stay away from us.
Kumud was shocked.
Saras told her everything.
S:Sorry for disturbing you with my family story.Why should I tell you all when you hate me.
Kumud’s heart was pricked.
She said in her mind:How will I tell you that your happiness is my happiness and your pain is my pain?My heart weeps like yours when you are away from me.

The mysterious lady was brushing her hair.Rudra came in front of her.He filled the partition of her hair with vermilion.
Rudra:Now you are complete.

She became emotional:Rudra!


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