Pyar Ke Saat Vachan Dharampatni 14th July 2023 Written Episode Update: Ravi and Pratiksha get kidnapped

Pyar Ke Saat Vachan Dharampatni 14th July 2023 Written Episode, Written Update on

Scene 1
Ravi finds Pratiksha. He says what happened to you? She says hey kindapped Kinjal. We have to find her. Mahesh puts a gun on them. They’re about to shoot. Pratiksha shoves Ravi. Ravi throws sand in their eyes and pushes Pratiksha in the car. They run away. Pratiksha is scared. Ravi says I brought their car keys. Pratiksha says they wanted to kidnap me but they took Kinjal. The car breks down. Ravi check the car. He says to Pratiksha do you know how to fix it? She cries. Ravi says why are you crying? She says I am scared for Kinjal. She says I picked you. He says sorry I blocked your number. I was angry. Pratiksha cries. She says I couldn’t save my sister. Ravi says i promsie you we won’t let anything happen to her. I am with you. We will find her. Mahesh

and his men come there. They put a gun on Ravi. Ravi tries to snatch the gun from them. Ashok gets shot from Ravi’s hand Ravi drops the gun. Mahesh says you made a huge mistake. He calls Viper (Ashok’s son). Viper shouts and says someone shot my dad.

Amar says to Gulshan you do cases of such dangerous people? He says Ashok and Mahesh are my old clients. I am not scared of anyone. They do murders on a daily basis. His son Viper handles everything. He’s psycho. He’s crazy. Viper picks his gun and leaves. Gulshan says he loves his dad and cares for him a lot. He can do anything in anger. Pratiksha is on the way with Ravi. Pratiksha says we can meet an accident. He says we’ve to find Kinjal before anything. Their car hits another car. Viper is in that car. Kaviya asks where is Adi? Gulshan says Ravi left without telling. Kaivya says he had work. Gulshan says you spoil him so much. Amaira says to Kaviya did Ravi tell you? She says I can’t tell dad about his behavior. Viper asks his men to pick Ravi and Pratiksha and take them to a factory. Kaviya calls Mahesh. She says to Manvi they didn’t update me if Pratiksha is dead or not. Mavni sayss relax. Kaviya says I want to get the news the she’s dead. She says they’re not picking the call. She calls Micky. Micky tells her the girl is alive yet. She says send me her photo. I wanna see her scared face. She’s in this world for a few minutes only. It will give me a lot of peace. She says I can’t wait to know if she’s dead. Micky takes Pratiksha’s phot and sends to Kaviya. Kaviya says the photo is blur. She calls Micky and says the picture is blur. Send a clear picture. Manvi says call Mahesh and Ashook.

Scene 2
Kaviya calls Mahesh. Kaviya says there’s no update. Mahesh says Ashok got shot. He says Pratiksha wasn’t alone. She says she was alone. Was Ravi there? He says Ravi came there and saved Pratiksha. She’s perfectly fine. He’s helpling her. Kaviya says how is this possible. He says we kidnapped her sister by mistake. We saw Pratiksha on the road. She was asking us for the lift. We saw her and realized they made the mistake. We decided ot kill her but Ravi came there and he saved her. HE risked his life like he loves her a lot. Kaviya says shut up. He can’t love her. She’s no one to him. Mahesh says is Ravi your husband? Kaviya shouts he’s my husband only. Ashok says Viper is going after him. Stop him, he might kill your husband. Viper drags Ravi and Pratiksha to the shed. Kinjal sees them. She screams. Ashok says Viper is my son. He wants to take revenge.

Kinjal screams leave my son. Ashok tells Kaviya Ravi shot me. Viper wont’ leave Ravi. He says call Viper. Kaviya tells Manvi Ravi’s life is in danger. Kinjal screams who are you. Leave my sister and jeju. He says silent or I can give you current. He gievs her electric shock. Kinjal faints. He says stay silent now. I only like people who don’t shout. Kinjal cries. Viper says what do you want? Pratiksha opens her eyes. Pratiksha says Kinjal are you okay?

Episode ends

Precap-Kinjal and Pratiksha tyry to run. Ravi takes them out. Kaviya puts gun on Ashok and Mahesh and says I will kill you if anything happens to Ravi.

Update Credit to: Atiba

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