Hey guys…this is Aarion…I am sorry that I didn’t upload the episodes for such a long time….sorry….but I have no other option…..after the vacations the school started. to cover the portions at a faster speed
……faster than a bullet train……..so I have to study the daily portions also….plus my marks went down slightly and my mom was not satisfy with my performance…so extra study timetable by mom……and plus I am super happy that I got a new cycle…….I have started practicing it and I fell down today…but am happy………enough of my nonsense and let’s start….
Recap:sumo and shravan love realisation………
Episode 6
The episode starts with sona……and her class.,..
As usual all are playing inside the class and our dear sona was reading a book about nutrition…..concerned about future…….
Then dev enters…all are amazed to see him….especially girls…..and sona too…..
Dev wearing a tight t-shirt…….black shoes….sunglasses….jeans….a different watch ….hair messy….totally different….(dev imagine……. :0 )
Sona started her thoughts…..
Mr agyakari bacchha……..is now a typical hunk……good this attire….just love him…….
She was shocked what she thought…..and then told to herself….
No no no sona it is wrong….printing message was having an error….having an error…..and then she felt a bit ashamed……
Dev saw her and thought in his mind-plan worked…….!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Fb shown
Dev in his room
Thinking about sona
How to make her think about him
How how and how!!!!!
A big question mark in his mind
Suddenly an eraser came….erased the question mark and pencil drew a lit bulb……
Ya he got an idea……
He thought-shona on first meeting looked at him but felt blunt about his style….so why not change the style bacchhu…..
He went to his wardrobe and took at the clothes etc….
And said
Sona…get ready to see me tomorrow…..
Fb ends
Scene ends with dev’s happy and successful face
Next scene
Music room
Students of XI A
Sumo playing piano but all in vain…..
She does not have an interest in music but listens to music…..
Whereas our hero shravan loves music…singing….dancing……..
He saw sumo and an idea popped up..
He too the guitar and started playing the time of taare zammeen par……all students got silent………sumo was listening carefully…..
With full spirit and complete happiness and confidence….he started singing…..rather than that his voice was having a punch in it…….an effect…wow…….
Sumo loved this song……..it was her fav song….she also wanted to hear give me some sunshine from 3idiots….
Like soulmates….shravan understood and sang the next song…give me some sunshine…….all the students and teachers listened to him carefully…even Hitler…….
Sumo was all happy……
Shravan noticed this and got happy……..
Scene changes to school compound ……all children are going home….shravan went early as he had to go somewhere……
Sona and sumo walking together….
Talking about today’s experience…..
Both are happy….
But someone comes in front of them to end their happiness….
This is the new entry which I told in last episode……
Let’s keep it a secret…give ur guesses…..
? hint-charecter in krpkab
Precap-sona all shattered ….priya and nithin worried….dev gets to know about it……..
This is it for now…….I am super tired…….hope u like this episode……thanks for your sweet comments…..keep commenting….
I am totally shattered about edkv getting off air…..edkv team has started to wind up the story…..I am so unhappy….I have signed the petition given the link by nikitha di ystd……and in that article…Ariana do you said right to that b****y shraman named account…who is he to tell like that……I just hat him…well said di….
Ps-di it was a bit over but that person needed that…..
I am sorry I am a bit cruel to others if they say something to what I love…….I am of that type..soryy for inconvenience……
With love
Very nice ?
Nze epi
Amazing waiting for next part
That was a cute epi!!! Yah small but okay coz u have to study. Sona attracted towards Dev. WoH! nd Shravan with a guitar gives me goosies. Such a ssuspensive ending!!! I’m very curious now to knw abt the new entry. Obv some twists so waiting
Hey u r just amazing aarion loved it really loved everything both devakshi n shraman scenes r fab ?
nice epi
post soon
loved it
That’s OK..at least u posted it now
…aaj kal tho koi ff nahi mil rahey hai..sivaay ek ya dho ff k alaava..???
Lagta hai sahi log..edkv off air ki kabar sey buried tarah sey hil gaye..????
I guess WO vickey ya khatri hai
Nice epi dear
It’s awesome ??