Haay guys thank you so much for all your comment keep commenting like that , hope you like my ff and if an suggestion please be free to tell me thankyou so much.
Hear is the next epic-
Suhani- antuy I will come in minute okk .
suhanij j’s mom- yaa okk.
suhani leaves and yuvraj and suhani j comes .
suhani j- mom can I watch movie with him please mom.
yuvraj- yaa antuy can she I am just setting two seats back of you .
suhanij’s mom- sorry beta she must be troubling you, suhani come and site here.
yuvraj- noo antuy its okk I was just watching a cartoon movie she can watch with me please antuy .
suhani j- yaa mom please .
suhani j’s mom- yaa okk but come early okk.
yuvraj- yaa antuy will leave her don’t worry by the way its yuvraj birla nice to meet you they shakes there hand and they both leaves to yuvrajs place and suhani comes.
suhani- antuy suhani did not came where is she .
suhanij’s mom – she is with that boy watch movie pointing towards yuvraj .
suhani could not see his face as suhani was sitting on his lad and also he was looking down at some thing .
suhani- okk .
after 2 hour
suhani j’s mom – I am coming in a minute if suhani comes make are sit okk .
suhani- yaa of course antuy she leaves.
suhani get’s up to take her bag which she had put up but the bag was not coming out as it was stucked she pulls it more strongly and her hand slips as she was going to fall but two strong hand catch her by her waist protecting her from falling.
yuvraj’s povi-
I was going to suhani’s mom because she was hungry there I saw a girly trying hard to pull her bag out but by mistakly her hand slips .
End of pov
As she was going to fall yuvraj catched her bye her waist yuvraj was mesmerized to see her, her eyes her pink lips was making him go crazy on her the both had a deep eyelock.
Suhani’s pov –
I don’t know what had happened to me I was wholly getting lot in his eyes like a magnet was pulling me I heard suhani telling where is here mom I broked the eyeloke and stood up straight getting away from his gripe and told him thanks I tooked suhani in my arm a sat down with here on my lad.
Suhani – your mom is coming in a minute okk .
Suhanij- no I want my mom now and she starts two cry.
Yuvraj also sits there and help suhani to stop making her cry, he use two joke and she use too smile then start crying again .
A old lady pass by and ask them what happened to her suhani was going to tell when she interpret.
Old lady- you must have shout at you child see how she is crying.
Old lady looking at yuvraj- you are her dad na can’t you tell your wife to not shout at her .
Suhani- antuy you ar.. she interpret again .
Old lady- what she is small na you are big this is how you shout your child that she is crying this much I think so both husband and wife are the same scolding the child.
Suhani’j looks at both of there reactions and starts too laugh
Suhani j- nooonooo dadi they are not my mama and papa and they where not scolding me she laughs more.
Seing suhani’j laughing both yuvraj and suhani smiles when she laughs .
The old lady says sorry awkwardly and leaves
Suhani j’s mom comes and ask her what happened she tells her everything in her childish way . she also starts to laugh
Yuvraj and suhani smiles awkwardly
Suhani j – mom I am hungry.
Yuvraj gets up – yaa she was so I got her hear, suhani you will come to me na to watch the movie after you had your food.
Suhani j – of couse prince bhayai ,will definetly come, is it the thing to ask, you also na.
they three smiles at her.
Pyar tune kya kiya- YUVANI ff episode-3

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"The best and most beautiful things in this world cannot be seen or even heard, but must be felt with the heart."
Super cute episode…. Yuvani meeting was wonderful….I am in love with Suhani junior…..waiting for the next……
Thank you so much dear
lovely episode…
Woww..yuvani’s first meet was awesome….suhani j is super cute…update asap
Thanks dear
Cute one..Yuvani meeting was superb..BTW what is ur name?
Thanks, my name is siddhi
nice episode …………..simple and cute moments
Thanks dear
wow suhani j is so cute… yuvani first meeting is superb…
Thank you so much
Hi sis episode is sooooooo cute yaar.entire episode is nice.especially juniir suhanis part is super cute.
oh wow it was so nice n aunty part was superb
Woo so cute….
so cute.. there is something new in ur story.. I like it.. waiting for next epi..