Qayamat Ki Raat 30th June 2018 Written Episode, Written Update on
Scene 1
dharam’s says they are haveli people. They wont ever know. we aren’t as rich as them. Pandit ji my husband’s life was sacrificed and now my son. Dharam says enough ma. Prithvi has done so much for me and raj. He gave me equal information. Raj calls Dharam an says please come. Pandit ji says what happened? he says raj called. Pandit’s wife says what will happen now? He sees shoes. He sees his son and says why are you listening to us? He says in heart I want to know who was Kalasur.
Dharam comes to haveli. Raj says I called dharam here. He says someone tried to kill Sunakshi chachi. It was written on board where does rakha lives? That’s your dad’s name. Inspector calls Prithvi and says Birju ran from jail. Prithvi tells everyone. Sunakshi says
The hand gets into Rakha’s room. Head says now I will know where my parts are.
Aman says to Raj we will stop this wedding but how? Gauri hears. She says I will tell Pritvi right now.
Rakha sees the hand. He screams. Dharam gets into his room. He runs out and says he will kill me. Rakha says he will kill me. i saw it. He is very dangerous. Dhrama says i saw inside nothing is there.
Rakha ties thread on everyone’s hand.
GAuri says to Prithvi I know you are worried. It will all be okay He says it will be. Gauri says to Raj I didn’t tell him this time because you texted sorry but I will.
rakha says he will kill me. That hand.. His wife recalls the hand Swahasni cut. Dharam says please calm down baba. He makes Rakha sleep. He says doctor my father has lost his mental balance due o what happened 25 years ago. The head says I want to find where my body parts are. Who will tell me now.
Scene 2
Aditiya calls Karuna. Gauri says that psycho is calling. Karuna sayas why he keeps calling me. WHy doesn’t he understand that I am not interested in him. Gauri picks his phone and says I have this phone now. Whenever you need to talk to Karuna call me.
Pandit ji comes to Rakha’s room and sprinkles water. He puts hand on his chest. He says something really bad happened. His wife says was birju here? Is he looking for the body parts? only he knows where they are. Those haveli people did this. Dharam says ma don’t blame me. Pandit ji says I know what to do and baray thakur will tell me what to do.
Head says to hand go and find about what is he upto.
Dharma comes to haveli. Raj says what happened? Dharam says baba had an attack last night. Ma thinks its because of the temple. Raj says again? DOn’t say all that please. Bring uncle to america we will get his treatment done there. Dharma says we dont’ have money. Raj says I will slap you if you say that again. Nothing is more important than you and uncle. Don’t ever worry about money again. He says okay after Karuna and Aman’s wedding we will take him there. Raj says we will go back after teo days. He says how? Raj says because no marriage is gonna happen. Gauri says yes. Raj says we need your help/ The two girls are with us as well.
Gauri says we dont’ want this wedding to happen. We have to prove that this couple is not meant to be. Raj says dad will listen to you. Gauri says only you can do this. Garui says I will help you. Raj says no I will help. They take dharam from there.
Pandti ji says to Prithvi I know you don’t believe in all that happened in the temple but can we place a temple there again? Prithvi says can you come out of this superstition? We should rather break the building. Gauri says pandit ji is right. We all believe in God. God isn’t magic but he is hope. If we place in idol there it will give people hope and the fear might go away as well. Pritvhi says prepare for it pandit ji. Head says no this can’t happen. I will lose all my powers if that happens.
The hand comes to the temple. It lits all black magic stuff and the head reads mantras to make that place dark again.
The hand comes to Rakha’s room. His daughter comes in. She gives him food. Rakha gets scared. She says papa its me. I brought food. The hand mixes something in the food. His daughter makes him eat.
Rakha recalls that night. Rakha goes to temple. He starts digging. He takes out a trunk. The trunk moves itself. It opens and the hand comes out of it. The hand throttles him. Rakha says leave me.
The hand comes in front of Rakha. He says I want to find my other body parts. You have to tell me. Rakha says I will tell everyone that you are back. Rakha comes out.
Pandit ji says to everyone for all four families this temple is very important. I want our kids to place the idol in this temple. Dharam, Raj and Gauri come forward.
Precap-The wedding celebrations start. Gauri sees rakha in the jungle. He says I buried his pieces here.
Update Credit to: Atiba