Qayamat Ki Raat 30th September 2018 Written Episode, Written Update on
Scene 1
Raj looks around for Gauri. Mishka says where are you going? Lets enjoy.
Karuna says to Gauri I can take not your life but someone else. Someone who has been sent to hospital earlier. Gauri says Ananiya. Gauri says don’t bring in my sister. Karuna says I will torture your family so much that you will cry all your life. Gauri says I will tell you everything.
Mishka dances with Raj on nachday ne saray.
Gauri wears her chunri and shoves Karuna. She throws a vase at Karuna. Karuna says what is she doing? Why can’t I see her? Karuna says where are you Gauri?
Roma says to ananiya I will say that the ring is lost. Prithvi says lets do the engagement. Gauri hidden shoves mishka. Her drink falls on Aditi. Annaiya takes aditi upstairs to clean her dress.
Dharam’s mother is looking for him. Menakshi says he isnt’ here. Why are you doing all this drama? Raj comes and says what happened? She says dharam hasn’t been home since 3 days. She says to Gauri please find out where he is. Gauri says he must be stuck somewhere. He will come back home.
Ajay says to Kalasur do something. Gauri is trying to delay the engagement. Ajay says go and ask that woman to help you. Te black hat woman comes aditi. Aditi faints. She leaves aditi on bed and makes her wear the chunri. Aditi disappears. Ananiya says aditi isn’t in her room. Karuna wonders who hid her? Menakshi says she is nowhere. Gauri comes downstairs. Everyone looks for Aditi. No one can find her. Ajay Mishka Karuna and kalasur come to Gauri. Gauri says I told you this engagement wont happen. Who will you make the ring wear now? It will be eclipse in half an hour your powers will be weak. You can’t do anything after that. Gauri says your end is near Kalasur. she leaves.
Kalasur says we should leave before she exposes us. Ajay says we should find her. i wont give up. roma asks Gauri where is aditi? Please take me to her. Gauri says it is just about half an hour. Trust me nothing will happen to aditi. Karuna sees aditi’s earring outside her room. she goes to her room but can’t see her.
Kalasur comes to backyard to meet the black hat woman. He says go and find her. You are from that family. She says you are tantrik find her out yourself. Kalasur says go and find her and tell me when ou see her. The woman takes off her mask. Gauri is dazed. She says Ananiya. Gauri hugs her. She says di I did what you asked. I hid aditi with tat chunri. I wore this black hat. We have to find out who this woman is. I hope they don’t hurt anyone. Gauri says you know what is next right? She says yes.
Karuna sees lipstick mark over pillow, she touches the bed and feels something. she takes off the sheet. She sees aditi. Karuna says aditi is here. Everyone comes. Menakshi comes and says
i came here but she wasn’t here. Karuna says to Gauri see she will be engaged now. Gauri says I made ou do all this. Aditi says how am i here? Raj says how did you faint? She says that tantrik is alive. Prithvi says what are you saying? She says a black hat woman came to my room and said I was working for kalasur for 25 years. Kalsur killed everyone in this house. SHe said to me that Kalsur took face of Gauri and did all those things with dharam. Ajay and his sister are kalasur’s friends. Ajay’s uncle is Kalsur. Karuna is a dead body. He is doing all this to get Gauri and he will. Gauri says this means I wasn’t lying all this time. See I was not lying. Ananiya says i saw a black hat woman going out of the house. Everyone goes out to stop her. Garui says to Karuna and everyone this is just the beginning. She what is next. You can’t do anything. Gauri says you people can’t do anything. I will end you all. you can’t harm my family. Gauri says ma kali is with me. You all with end.
Prithvi asks Vikram to call inspector. Gauri says everything is visible in this house. These four people are doing all this. Raj you never trusted me. Karuna was fooling us. Menakshi says why would we trust you. Gauri says I wasn’t with ajay it was mishka. Menakshi says you locked Karuna in a trunk. Kalsur says we can’t ignore all this. Ajay says she has insulted us so much. Raj says enough. No one will say a word about my wife. She had been telling us about the tantrik but after all this he might exist. Uncle says I have to go. Gauri says I wont let you go. Everyone will see your truth. Menakshi says you wont have been standing here right now. Gauri says this thread is protecting us all. I will show you the proof. She takes the thread near Ajay.
Precap-Karuna says i will keep an eye on her. Karuna says t Gauri your Raj is taken by Kalasur. Gauri comes to kalasur. He wants to marry her.
Update Credit to: Atiba