Categories: Qubool Hai

Qubool Hai 10th December 2014 Written Episode Update

Qubool Hai 10th December 2014 Written Episode, Written Update on

Scene 1:
Location: Ahil’s residence
sanam is tensed to eye ahil’s bride going away. the bride enters the haveli, and is stealthily about to go in, when she is stopped by azhar’s parents, who taunt her that she is caring for her own step sister, being ahil’s wife. they threaten her that they shall tell tanveer, and she gets scared and asks them or rather begs them not to say. gazalla asks her what would she get, and as their habit, they ask her to make them dessert and she rushes away. They go out and find sanam gone, and tell tanveer excitedly the news. tanveer says that she has ruined many a love stories, and that she has ended the best of love stories, and that she has never lost ever, nor would ever she lose. The same peer baba who had met dilshad, comes and

says that the person blinded by the ego of power, shall not even be able to see his own ruins. they are shocked. Tanveer however smiles. they try to thwart him away, but tanveer evilly welcomes him, and he says that the incident that she considers her win, is actually the beginning of her loss. tanveer makes a joke of his prophecy, pretending that she is very scared, and says that he said the same thing last time too, and hence nothing would happen that he says. the baba says that she is now habituated to living in lies, and hence is oblivious that everything is changing, and she wont know, when her enemy confronts her. He tells her that some miraculous power is with sanam, and hence she bounces back everytime she tries to ruin sanam’s life, and hence asad and zoya’s sacrifice shall not go in vain, and their blessings of love shall never be unused, and warns her that there’s still time for her to rectify her mistakes, or else she shall definitely die. Tanveer gets frustrated and asks them to throw him out. But he thwarts them away, saying that her past is catching up with her, and now noone can save her. He leaves. she is disturbed. They try to compose her, saying that she shouldnt believe him, and its a time for celebration for her. She gets happy, and says that there shall be a fest, but not here, where this all started, and asks them to arrange the picnic, as she would go right now.

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Scene 2:
Location: Rahat’s residence
Rahat is tensed as he remembers haya’s bitter words, and her confession, leading to her asking for divorce. he gets upset, when faiz comes up from behind, smiling evilly. rahat is angry. Faiz says that he had tyold rahat that he would attain haya, and his belief in haya and their love, was beyond reality, but he had faith in himself, and he trusted this. Faiz starts teasing rahat as to how he and haya consummated their marriage, and asks him to leave for the sake of all three people, especially haya. He is enraged, and grabs faiz by the collar. Faiz smiles evilly. Rahat says that this cant be, as haya cant take this step herself, and for sure, she is played by him. Faiz says that he should divorce her, as even if he manipulated her, she wont know this, and till the time she does, she wont come to rahat. Rahat tries to grab him, but he shoves his hand away and leaves, smiling at his torment.

Scene 3:
Location: In the Graveyard
Azhar’s parents prepare the picnic spot for tanveer, right in front of asad and zoya’s grave, while they are scared. tanveer smiles satisfied, of her win over asad’s family once again. gazalla asks tanveer why are they here, as they are scared. tanveer shows them asad and zoya’s grave, and identifies it. razaak asks how does she know, and she says that she knows, as she has a long friendship with them. Tanveer says that they both died, but left behind their memeories for her. She gets up and says that she defeated zoya once again, as she caresses the grave. she asks them if they thought that their power of love would ruin her power of traps and betrayal. She says that she would defeat zoya again and again, every time she comes in front of her as sanam, and when she got to know, that sanam is alive, she never rested in peace. she says that when hatred goes beyond control, it thirsts for blood. She says that she always wanted to kill sanam and waited for long, and as a result she gave sanam a life worse than death today. she says that everything is fair in love and war. Tanveer tells asad’s grave, that destiny triumphed the power of love yet again, as she never learnt to lose, and starts kissing his grace and enjoys her win by asking for the dessert. she says that 20 years back, she defeated zoya, and today she defeated her daughter too, as she remembers the massacre and then how she slapped sanam and threw her out of the house. Azhar’s parents are confused. She tells zoya that they loved each other with no bounds, but they didnt deserve love. she tells that once again her fate favoured her over all the odds of the power of love. She asks for the dessert to be served, and gazalla scared, serves it to her, baffled and confused. she taunts their graves, to taste it a little. She starts taunting to zoya, that she loves eating the dessert with both of them.

Scene 4:
Location: Ahil’s residence
When tanveer and gazalla and razaak, return from their picnic, they find the door locked, and noone heeding to their calls, and opening the door. they get disturbed and baffled, as razaak and gazzal start screaming for latif. Suddenly, a voice rings and asks them to come outside, instead of beating the door, and look up. they are shocked to find sanam staring at them from the balcony, while tanveer is confused to hear sanam’s voice, wondering how she got here. She says that its this simple, to lock them out forever, and that if she opens the past, then they shall be out the door. she threatens them that she would get their graves dug there too. tanveer asks her to not threaten as she wont be able to prove anything. sanam says that this just make it all the more easier. She leaves. tanveer starts screaming out that she wont ever be able to prove anything. They tell her that sanam is gone. tanveer gets frustrated and asks them to go and open the door, so that she can teach sanam a lesson. The screen freezes on her frustrated face.

Precap: tanveer tells sanam that in a month, ahil shall throw her out of the house. sanam says that people should promise that which they can fulfill, like the one she would make. she tells tanveer that in a month, tanveer would herself beg down on knees, and apologise for her mistakes from ahil. She says thats her promise as Sanam raza Abrahim.

Update Credit to: Rimjhim

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