Categories: Qurbaan Hua

Qurbaan Hua 18th February 2021 Written Episode Update: Chahat is finally able to forgive Neel

Qurbaan Hua 18th February 2021 Written Episode, Written Update on

Neel asks all those who are listening on the radio that the name of his wife is Chahat and she works in the wellness hospital so she asks anyone who sees her to apologize on his behalf and if she smiles then they must inform him, he then dedicates the song to her and after it is playing Chahat recalls of all the moments spent with Neel and how they became husband and wife and the name which Neel wrote on the name plate of their house which had both the letters of Hindu and Muslim religions. She gets irritated so walks out of the cabin.

The patient mentions how he would not forget to take the medicine however she must forgive Neel and also the nurse also pleads with her to forgive Neel, she then heads in the OT to check a patient but hears the child pleading with her so she asks for a minute

then as soon as she heads out there is the entire staff with the banners requesting her to forgive Neel, she however walks away so the nurse calls Neel exclaiming how Chahat is still angry but then Neel vows to not stop until he is forgiven by Chahat.
Ammi Jan exclaims how nothing has happened and even when Chahat has married Neel she is still angry and the entire radio is listening to their fight which has caused a lot of shame to their family, she exclaims how this is he right time so calls a servant ordering him to go and give the sweet dish to Chahat as it would make her remember the family from which she belongs.

Vyas je is with Acharia Vishwaiyant jee explaining how he knows that the actions of Neel have caused tremendous problems but he is still the Mant and has been performing the pooja for a lot of time so is pleading in front of them that they should not take away the right, he even tries to apologize when Acharia Vishwaiyant jee stops him explaining how they know that the entire Brahman community s angry with him however they cannot forget that he has served the community for the past several years so they would accept his request so he should sit with them.

The driver reaches the house of Chahat however is shocked to see that it is locked then he calls Ammi Jan who exclaims that he should leave the bowl on the door. Alakh Nanda comes out of the house in despair thinking of why she was also given the job of making the sweets for the Pandit, she thinks of seeking Chahat’s help however is shocked to see that she has already made a dish so takes it inside.

Baleq is really angry and doesnot stop even when Godamabri tries to comfort him explaining how if he is forgiven by the Pandit then would not leave the position of the Mant so they have to do something, Naveli comes explaining how he should not worry because she also has to take revenge from Vyas je so makes them listen to the radio explaining what Neel is doing, AlakahNanda comes with the dish informing Godamabri how she has made it, she is ordered to serve it so takes the dish in front of Vyas je and the Pandit, she starts serving it and the Pandit after eating it explains how it is really delicious so asks if she has made it which is when she explains how she brought it from the house of Chahat, this angers the Pandit who after standing asks if this is why Vyas je apologized mentioning how if he desired to ruin their religion by making them eat the dish made by Muslims, Vyas je explains how he did not know anything. Naveli exclaims how his respect would be ruined even more when the Pandit’s listen to the Urdu poetry of Neel.

Neel reaches the hospital then informs how he has reached the hospital then he sits in front of Chahat however she tries to walk away, he stops her explaining how she knows what kind of a person he is so should forgive him as he has also written some poetry for her, he starts reciting it which is when the entire hospital staff also gather around them.

Naveli places the radio in the hall and walks away meanwhile Vyas je along with the Pandit is angry seeing that Neel is reciting the verses of the Muslims, Chahat is finally able to forgive him so asks from where he copied the lines and how long did it take him to learn them then they both hug each other.

Acharia Vishwaiyant jee mentions how it is really sad to see where the Dhiani family has come as his son is openly talking of the Muslims. Vyas je asks him to give him another chance however the Pandit leaves without listening to anything that Vyas je has to say and even he tries to apologize Acharia Vishwaiyant jee leaves explaining how it can no longer happen.

Vyas jee sees Neel and Chahat coming which really angers him so when Neel asks what has happened, Vyas jee explains how he should have also brought the flowers because those which Chahat has touched cannot be placed on death, Neel asks what has happened to which Vyas je exclaims how if it would have been on his right then he would have refused to even see his face, he pours acid on the flowers which worries them both.

Baleq runs after the Pandit exclaiming how he also thinks that there should be a new Mant for the Mandir, Acharia Vishwaiyant jee explains how he cannot ask Vyas je to leave the seat until and unless Neel and Chahat have a baby which makes their family unpure. Baleq thinks how he only has to make Chahat and Neel have a child in order to become the Mant.

Jamuna is walking thinking how he always prays that Vyas je forgive Neel and accept his marriage with Chahat however he then sees a doll coming to his feet then listens Godambari and Baleq arguing where she explains how KashMeera has sent the gifts for Neel and Chahat explaining how Vyas je would accept them when they have a child of their own. Jamuna leaves when Godamabri asks if he would have heard it, Baleq explains how her husband is really simple which is why he is not able to succeed and would have till now talked with Neel about starting a family.

Chahat brings some snacks for Jamuna who exclaims how he has had the tea made by her after a long time, she sits on the ground when he asks her to sit with him, mentioning how he has something to say since Neel is not with them, he mentions how he is like a father to her so wants to ask if she and Neel have thought about taking their family ahead, Chahat mentions how they have not thought of it, Jamuna mentions how if they have a child then Vyas je would no longer be angry with them, Chahat is however worried that if they have a child then she worries that Vyas je and Ammi Jan might not accept him, Jamuna however mentions how she should not worry because when kripa was born then the difference between Neel and Vyas jee were removed.

Neel comes back home in the night so calls out to Chahat however she doesnot respond so he wonders that she might not have returned however when he turns on the light, he is shocked to see the decoration so asks who has done it, Chahat comes out mentioning how it could not be anyone other then her, she asks him to tie the knot of her blouse as it is not tied, he is shaking when she asks the reason, he says how it is really cold however she mentions if he is so nervous then how would it happen, Neel doesnot understand which is when she explains how if he keeps shaking like this then their family would not grow and they would not be able to do what other married couples do. Chahat then closes the curtains and the door explaining how she is talking of their child, Neel starts to get really nervous and is not able to control himself, he then comes close to Chahat while she is standing by the window.

Precap: Neel and Chahat are getting romantic. Alka informs whole family that Neel and Chahat are thinking about a baby. Chahat even thought about the names. Aadil for boy, Zenat for girl. Vyas ji gets angry.

Update Credit to: Sona

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