Categories: Qurbaan Hua

Qurbaan Hua 24th December 2020 Written Episode Update: Neel is accused of kidnapping Meera

Qurbaan Hua 24th December 2020 Written Episode, Written Update on

Viyas jee explains that Neel doesnot even know her so what could have been their relation as she was the friend of Chahat, Baleq explains that there was a relation and the girl whom Neel desired to marry was not Chahat but Kashmeera.
In the night Viyas jee seeing both Chahat and Neel sleeping together, he prays that nothing should ever come in between their love and they should remain like this forever, Meera wakes up in the morning, she exclaims that this would be a fresh start in her life with Neel who would have to talk about their marriage with the family now that Chahat is not in their way, she decides to change her clothes however is shocked to see that her wardrobe is empty, she runs to find that her bag is packed and in the hall, Viyas jee exclaims that she could have stayed for some

more time because she is the friend of Neel’s wife, Kashmeera is not able to say anything, Chahat also comes mentioning how she tried to stop her but Kashmeera mentioned that she cannot stay in the house of her in Laws, Chahat asks her to take the blessings of Viyas jee by touching his feet as she has also called a cab for her, Kashmeera takes his blessings then Chahat taking her hand pulls her outside explaining to Viyas jee that they would leave now.
Chahat takes Kashmeera outside, Meera asks what is she trying to do because she lad left the house but this proves that she doesnot care for Neel, Chahat mentions that she came back to get some of her belongings but saw that Akhund Jot was about to turn off but she understood that Meera doesnot have the sense to take the responsibility of this family, that the bond which holds the family together is their relationship so she would never let her take Neel away to destroy that bond, Meera exclaims that she being a Muslim would lecture her on how to become a good Hindu wife. Chahat says that she knows they are of different religions but she respects the god which they pray to and has a lot of respect for Viyas jee because he is just like her father, she would never let her take the only person who would be Viyas jee when he is old, Meera exclaims that she would inform Viyas jee about her being a Muslim but when she is about to leave Chahat plays the video where she is giving money to the dancer, Chahat explains that she is simple but never dared to call her stupid.
Meera threatens Chahat saying that she doesnot know who Chahat has meddled with, Meera walks out of house, she sees Neel working with his car, Meera asks him to have the courage to see her off when his fake wife has throwed her out of the house, Neel says that this cannot be so because whenever Chahat makes a decision it has some reason, Meera explains that he was not only able to stay awake for the Akhund Jot, Neel explains that that is not something with which she can be so casual, Meera threatens to reveal the truth of Chahat in front of the entire family if he doesnot talk with them about their relationship, Neel tries to reason with her however she leaves in anger, Neel hears her cry, he is shocked to see that she has fallen on the ground, when he goes to help her she pulls him on the ground with her and refuses to let him get up, exclaiming that it is not possible that he has developed feelings for Chahat.
Chahat wonders how she would inform Neel about the reason because of which she was forced to order Meera to leave their house, Chahat plans to make him a dish of potato as then he would be in a calm mood during which they can talk, she starts to buy the potatoes’ when Baleq tries to pull the bad, Chahat inquires what is he trying to do, Baleq explains that he thought the bag would be heavy so he would pick it for her, Baleq asks her to come sit with him on the motorcycle and they both would buy the groceries together, Chahat refuses to come with him and threatens to inform Viyas jee about his actions as he is a man of god and should focus on the work of the Mandir.
Baleq thinks that she has gotten a lot of attitude which is not right, and he would take every step to make her fall for him, he is pulled by Godamabri, Baleq in anger asks what is she doing, Naveli from behind hits him with a wooden stick, Baleq asks if she has gotten mad, Naveli exclaims that he has made a fool of them as he is running after Chahat. Godamabri also mentions that she no longer trusts him, Baleq explains that he was wondering why Chahat asked Meera to go when she herself was adamant to stay for some more time, Naveli doesnot believe him and starts beating him with the stick, Baleq runs but then around the corner stops, he is shocked to see something then also asks them both after pointing a finger.
Neel is with Meera on the ground, she doesnot let him get up even when he is tensed because someone might see them together, Meera doesnot let him leave explaining that they have not been together so that he refuses to even be with her, Neel gets up mentioning that the time Is not right, and things are a lot complicated because of which she must leave as it is not the right time.
Neel pleads with Meera to leave then Meera warns him to never show her his face as it is not right, Baleq explains that he was right to know that something is not right because the peon informed him about Meera and that she was his girlfriend then how did Chahat come into his life, Baleq thinks that only Meera would be able to solve this confusion.
Chahat in the kitchen is trying to make the food for Neel however while making it she cuts her finger, Neel rushes asking why she did this when it is not her talent, Neel while trying to apply the herbal medicine creates an even more mess, they both clean it up and then the bell rings on the door.
Neel and Chahat rush to open the inspector coming in the house, jamuna asks if Dr Baig has gotten well but the inspector explains that they have come for the case of Meera as she has been kidnapped, Viyas jee inquires who could have done this, the inspector explain that Neel has been suspected of kidnapping her because he was the one who was last with Meera, and when they traced the call it originated from the mountain. While investigating in the area they found the shirt which belongings to Neel, Viyas jee assures them they are mistaken because Meera was the friend of Chahat so what relation would Neel have with her.
Baleq comes from behind mentioning that there is a relation, and it is that the girl who Neel desired to marry was not Chahat but Meera and he found this when Viyas jee sent him to inquire about the family of Chahat. Viyas jee gets angry upon hearing this while both Neel and Chahat get really nervous.

Precap: Chahat explains that the girl is in the room, both the police and Chahat runs into the room, the inspector asks her that it was Neel who got her kidnapped and she should tell them where his accomplice is.

Update Credit to: Sona

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