Categories: Qurbaan Hua

Qurbaan Hua 2nd February 2021 Written Episode Update: Neel falls to the ground because of the snake poison

Qurbaan Hua 2nd February 2021 Written Episode, Written Update on

Neel falls to the ground after being affected by the poison so Chahat rushes to help him, Vyas je is also not able to bear that his son is not well, Godambari tries to pull Chahat away however she exclaims how they have heard how the women protected her husband from Yamraj and this is how she would also save Neel.

Baleq opens the pipe but Neel pushes the pipe away shouting at Godambari asking what is she trying to do as her fast is about to end because he was able to get the jewellery of the Mandir because of it and therefor was able to prove the innocence of Chahat, he exclaims how he found them in the den of the snakes, he exclaims how they should understand that it doesnot matter which God they worship as a human can be judged by his actions.

Neel falls to the ground when Chahat rushes

to her she rubs his hand and asks how he got bit by the snake, Neel realizes how he was bit while taking out the jewellery saying how he doesnot have any regret because when he sacrifices himself for their love, it is when these people would understand that love is above any religion.

Vyas je tries to get up from his wheelchair when Baleq stops him exclaiming how nothing will happen to Neel however if he gets up then Neel would realize he is just acting and would never again trust him so he should just remain seated.

Chahat pleads with Godambari to giver her a cloth however she tries to pull her away when Chahat explains how she is adamant to save him, she ties her dupatta on his hand and then takes out the entire poison from his body using her mouth to suck it out, he explains how he would have died for her love because of her under any circumstance, Chahat scolds him saying how he should never try to do such a thing because if he is not in her life then she would not have been able to live without him. Vyas je is also not able to control his emotions.

Vyas je scolds both Godambari and Baleq mentioning how their plans would have caused him to loose his son, he exclaims how he only desires to end the marriage of Neel and Chahat because he fears that then Neel would not be able to practice his religion however if this is the effects of their plans then he would stop them, Baleq exclaims how they were only trying to save Neel from the Muslim girl and they would not use such means again but would select a path that doesnot affect Neel ever again.

Chahat is trying to inject the anti-venom injection however Neel is running away from her, she exclaims how he has lost the reputation of the hero because he is acting like a coward, Neel explains how Chahat should realize as he is really scared of the injections, Chahat then pulls him as they both lie on the bed, she tries to coarse him by commenting on how beautiful he is and that any girl would fall in love with him by just looking in his eyes, Neel gets excited so asks him to inject him, Chahat explains how he has injected him and he did not even realize, Neel is also shocked to see how he did not feel anything, he comments how she has magic in her hands.

Chahat explains how he should think of her before doing anything of the sort and also realize that she doesnot have anyone in the world except him, Neel explains how he also gets scared while thinking of drying but if anything happens to her then he would surely die without hesitation, they both hug when Godambari comes informing about the doctor who has come for the check-up of Vyas je.
The doctor after checking Vyas je explains how there is no movement in his legs and if this persists then he would never be able to walk again, Neel advises to bring Chahat however Vyas je stops him saying that it would better that he doesnot walk rather then to let Chahat perform the check-up, the doctor explains how there is a way however the costs is 1.5 million, hearing this Baleq explains how they do not have the money because all of their bank accounts have been frozen, Neel then leaves the room.

Baleq thanks the doctor for his help, Vyas je is worried if this plan would work to which Baleq explains how it would surely work because Chahat has been employed as a doctor and Neel is unemployed so this would create hatred amongst them.

Chahat is filling the water, Godambari comes explaining how she desires to thank her for saving the life of Neel, she explains how they are always worried for his health as he has to face such hardships, she mentions how she cannot say anything to her because she is a Muslim and doesnot wear the Mangal Sutur or fills her Mang with Sindoor as in their religion it is believed that by doing these actions the husband lives a life free from all the dangers, Chahat gets worried after Godambari leaves, she thinks of how Neel has instructed her to never fulfill any such ritual that is against her religion, she prays to Allah to show her some sign about what she should do, Chahat hears gollu crying so rushes to her, taking her up she tries to calm her down.

Neel after reaching the living room calls the manager explaining how he is ready to accept the job as a waiter, he explains how his father is ill so he requires the money, Neel thinks of a way by which he can get the amount for the injection.

Chahat places Gollu in her chair, her hand gets stuck in the bracelet which she is wearing, Chahat realizes how the Mangal Sutur also has black beats, she wonders if it is a sign from Saraswathi as they believe that the husband is able to live a long life when the daughter wears the Mangal Sutur, she thinks that it would not harm her religious rituals as it is just another piece of jewellery. Chahat wears the Mangal Sutur around her neck.

Precap: Neel is in a peon’s dress in Chahat’s hospital. Chahat sees him as he tries to walk away from her.

Update Credit to: Sona

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