Categories: Qurbaan Hua

Qurbaan Hua 6th March 2020 Written Episode Update: Sarsati realizes the true intentions of Baleq

Qurbaan Hua 6th March 2020 Written Episode, Written Update on

Chahat pulls her hair to clean the flour, Neil points towards but in the attempt to clean she ends up covering her entire face with the flour, Neil jokes by saying that she is looking like a cartoon character, he helps her in preparing the wheat, she gets nervous and takes a step back, he is working like a true chef, she remembers what she wished that she would marry a chef so that he can work in the kitchen that will allow her to look after her patients, she starts to day dream about them both as a husband and wife where she is thanking her mother for that she is married to a cook, she places the glass of milk, then explains that her mother is saying that she wants to see his face, he immediately complies to her wishes, he even boasts about his beauty then pulls the veil, Chahat after seeing her face

realizes that it is Neil, she asks him how did they both get married, he mentions that it is the truth and they cannot deny it, Chahat is not ready to believe that she is married to him, she questions him by saying that he already has a girlfriend, he responds that he has dumped her just for her, she refuses to accept the Nikkah, he inquires then what will she do about the promise which she made to her mother, he makes her realize that she was the one to wish for a husband who is a cook by profession.
She wakes up from her dream, he puts the cake in the oven then when it is baked he takes it out and after placing it on the table prepares to apply the dressing, Chahat mentions that her father would be really happy to know that she has made the cake, he looks angrily at her so she changes her statement by saying that they both have made it, he says that there is still work that needs competition then after they dress it he asks for his backpack and leaves after saying that he only made it because he wanted to fulfil his good deed for the day and leaves.
Chahat reaches her bike but is wondering why the cake got so light, she is surprised to see that the box is empty, Neil calls her from behind saying that he ahs the cake which she is looking for then he gives the cake to the orphans, Chahat asks why did he do this because she had prepared the cake for her father and even Allah will not forgive him, he says that she was the one to tell him that children are a signal from god.
She is really worried about what she will do as she ahs nothing to give to her father, he asks her to look at the children ad see how good they all are looking, she refuses to listen to him but when she finally turns she is shocked to see that they are eating pastries, he hands her the cake, but when she says that it was a rude prank he corrects her by saying that it was not a prank but revenge for what she did to him in Delhi, she mentions that she has given him the name which suites his personality and so will leave now, he asks the children to eat the cake, then goes to Chahat asking her to drop him to the bus station as she is the treason he got late.
He asks her to sit behind him but she says that he ca sit on the back of a girl who crossed him in the bike race, he tries to sit on the bike but they both end up falling, Chahat lands on the top of Neil she immediately gets up realizing what has happened also cleans herself, he asks if she did this on purpose because he knew that she wanted to take away his honour, Chahat refuses to accept it saying that he is not handsome and it was all just a mistake.
She asks him to sit with her, he says that she must give him the cake as he will place it between them because he has doubts about her intentions, she assures that she will not even look to him even if he is the last person on earth, he sits and asks her to dr8ive carefully.
Baleq asks Sarsati to drink the milk as it will cool her down, she says that she doesn’t want to cool down because she will not listen to Viyas anymore, he asks her to fulfil the rituals which she used to perform but she says that she will never do them again, Sarsati mentions that what Viyas is doing is wrong as he should take care of his children, Baleq says that she always used to plead with Neil explaining that he must not get angry as the one who gets angry over small things can never remain happy, he says that she should not come to the pooja if she doesn’t want to but he will pray for her, he also makes her wear a Gajra.
She is sitting when Naveli comes asking her to help her with her zip when Sarsati asks Baleq to also take her but he refuses then she also leaves the room, Baleq says that he ahs brought he cake for her with a lot of love so she must drink it and also that he along with her father will miss her in the Pooja.
Sarsati picks the glass to drink the milk then remembers what Baleq said so promises to do all that she can to make Viyas agree for Neil’s marriage, she immediately runs to take the thali for the pooja but then realizes that there is someone in their house, she wonders who it might be as everyone is at the Mandir, then she goes towards the kitchen where something comes under her feet, she picks them up to realize that they were the ear rings of Naveli, she even finds her Dupatta
Sarsati remembers that they both were of Naveli so wonders if she is alright, Naveli is in the room with someone who is really close to her, he is holding her really close to him, Sarsati is walking by when she sees through the window that Naveli is with her husband and so realizes that they both are having an affair, Baleq says that he would have to act as if he hates her because no one knows of their relation
She tries to run but he makes some noise, she gets scared saying that Sarsati is at the house to which he says that he has mixed sleeping pill in her milk and she would be sleeping, Naveli asks him why does he not marry her if he loves her so much, Baleq mentions that he has been trying to take over the seat which Viyas holds and once he has the seat then they both will live according to their own wish, she asks if he is sure that he will be the one to get it, Baleq explains that he has been working to ruin the relation between both the father and son so that he can gain the trust of Viyas and even when Sarsati tried to bridge the gap he did all that he could to ruin his efforts, he admits that it was him who made a hole in the Diya, both him and Naveli hug each other, Sarsati is filled with anger and opens the door, both of them are shocked to see her standing there, Baleq immediately pushes Naveli and tries to act as if he cares for her, he tries to defend himself but Sarsati is not convinced and starts walking towards him, she slaps him really hard, Baleq is not able to believe his eyes.

Update Credit to: Sona

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