Fan Fiction


Days passed by . It’s one day before the competition and Nandini’s feelings for Manik became stronger. Yes , she truly loves him now . But what about Manik ? Does he love her the way she loves him ?

Manik’s POV

I really don’t know what’s happening with me. Why am I thinking about Nandini all the time? Why am I attracted towards her? Why do I feel good talking to her? God! Whom will I talk to ? I can’t let my friends know about this. ‘No Manik, it’s just a mere attraction. ‘, I tried convincing myself . ‘But why her and not any other girls ?’, these thoughts popped up in my mind whenever I tried convincing myself.

Tomorrow is a great day, the competition is very important for me. But after being so close to her, I don’t feel like deceiving her. She is very talented and I guess maybe she deserves the prize. But fab5 ? Fab5 is everything for me. Now what am I supposed to do? It’s all because of Harshad. His evil plan is finally working it seems. He is succeeding in breaking fab5. If I say I love her, then fab5 will break as they don’t like her. And on top of that , there shouldn’t be any secrets between us. But harshad had a condition so that fab5 will break. If I say I don’t love her,then she will breakdown and she won’t win the competition. I can’t be selfish , but I guess I have to be.

Nandini’s POV

I don’t know what these feelings are. They are not the feelings of friendship. So does that mean, I am in love with him ? God , I don’t understand anything do I really love him? And what about him , does he really love me ? Right now I’ve got to concentrate on my music. Let me call Navya and shahid( her group members for the competition , group name – star shines ).

End of POV

It’s night time

Some students are busy practicing and some are busy decorating the stage and auditorium. Fab5 is in the jamming room , practicing. Even star shines is in their jamming room. Manik messages Nandini to come to the garden. Nandini excuses herself and goes to the garden. She finds Manik there.

Manik’s POV

I don’t know what to tell her. ‘Manik’, Nandini called out from behind. I turned to her. ‘Manik, why did you call me here ?’,she asked me. I held her by waist and brought her closer. She blushed. I tucked her hair strands behind her ear which was disturbing her . We both were lost into each other’s eyes.

End of POV

Harshad was passing by and saw this . Harshad thinks in mind – ‘Wow Manik , finally the moment I was waiting for came . Now just wait and watch what I’m gonna do . ‘ He clicks a photo and smirks. He leaves. There was someone else also watching Manan. It was Dhruv.

Dhruv’s POV

I was in tears seeing Nandini and Manik . I love Nandini ….yes I love her truly. But for me , her happiness is greater. So if she is happy with Manik, then let them be together. I should not separate them.

End of POV

Dhruv cries and leaves from there

Manik’s POV

I saw the happiness in her when I got closer to her. I don’t feel like deceiving her. I closed my eyes and kissed on her forehead.’ I have feelings for you Nandini , which I never had for anyone else’ , I told her and asked her ‘ do u also have the same feelings ?’ She smiled and moved back . ‘I’ll tell you tomorrow ‘, she said and left . I was left in thoughts. I don’t know whether what I told her was actually true or not , I don’t know if I had true feelings for her . But by now my friends were impatient and called me . I headed back to the jamming room .

End of POV

Next day in college

Everyone starts gathering around the bulletin board. Navya brings Nandini there and Nandini gets shocked seeing something . Even fab5 comes there and everyone makes way for them . Fab5 also gets shocked seeing it .It is Manan’s previous night photos which harshad clicked .

‘What is all this Manik?’, Mukti asked Manik angrily. Alya turned to Nandini and asked the same thing. ‘ oh so Manik Malhotra loves Nandini Murthy?’ Someone said from back . It was Harshad. Alya slaps Nandini . ‘Alya don’t ‘, Manik shouted at her . ‘Then tell me Manik, whatever bhai said is right ? So you started keeping secrets ? ‘Alya asked him . ‘Manik, tell them that you love me ‘, Nandini cried. Manik tried to control his tears.

What will be Manik’s reply ?
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