Categories: Rabb Se Hai Dua

Rabb Se Hai Dua 20th September 2024 Written Episode Update: Ibadat separates her room from Subhan

Rabb Se Hai Dua 20th September 2024 Written Episode, Written Update on

Scene 1

Mannat tells everyone that they will get married tomorrow. Whoever wants to be a part of it can. Subhan says I won’t till I divorce Ibadat. She says fine then I will get the divorce papers ready and you will sign them first.

Ibadat is packing her stuff. Subhan comes there and says you don’t need to leave this room. She says you will keep your new wife with your old one? He says I can shift with Mannat. She says I don’t need your charity, you can keep this room as a wedding gift. He says I can’t stay here with Mannat. She says I know because my essence is in this room. This room has our memories.. you might try to make new memories but you will remember this crazy Ibadat. This room has shared my longing

for you, you can’t keep your new wife here. He asks if there is another memory? She says there are some memories that are my whole life but I can’t share them with you anymore. She tells him to not do the same with Mannat that he did with her. Love her fully and respect her which you never gave me. He says just leave it.. you cheated me and now saying all this. Mannat was right that I should have divorced you. I will sign the papers now. Your wish will come true. She says I didn’t sign them first because I thought you will realise about your mistake but I don’t think you can comprehend your wrongdoings so I will sign them first now. He asks if she is going to leave the house too? She says I never want to see your face again but I can’t break my mother’s heart so I will stay here. People are liars here but I am going to face them. Have a happy married life in this room with your new wife. She leaves. 

Ibadat gets a call from an unknown number but her phone dies so she couldn’t take it. 

Scene 2

Mannat is selecting jewelry for her wedding. Kaynaat shows her jewelry. Dua comes there and asks what’s going on? Mannat says Kaynaat is being more mother to me than you. Dua says if you see her real face then you wouldn’t call her your mother. Mannat says enough.. I am your daughter so it hurts me that my mother isn’t part of my marriage. Dua says I can never be part of someone’s happiness who got it by snatching it from someone else. You will never get the love like this, you broke your sister’s life. Mannat says she broke me, she destroyed me to keep Subhan and me separate but we are going to be united now and nobody can stop it.

Hamida comes to Ibadat and says I never thought you would lose so easily. She says its not a war.. Subhan loves and wants to marry Mannat, he was never mine. Hamida says he is your husband so how can you be silent? you have to stop him. She says you care about me but I have left justice in God’s hands now. I don’t want to stop Subhan in any case, I just want him to be happy. If you want to do something for me then.. she gives her a box and says give this to Subhan as his wedding gift from me. This will give him happiness. 

Kaynaat comes to Hafeez and says I ordered a sherwani for you. He says stop this.. your son is already married and doing injustice to his current wife. She says you never think about your son.. they will be divorced soon so just be happy for him. They love each other so let them get married. He says you are so selfish, can’t you see Ibadat’s pain? Kaynaat says I want her to be destroyed.. she is Gazal’s blood, her filthy blood will show its colours soon. She asks him to just be a part of Subhan’s wedding but he angrily leaves. 

Hamida and Dua pray together. Dua prays to God to save Ibadat’s marriage. 

Ibadat sits alone and burns her photos with Subhan. She recalls Subhan and Mannat hugging each other and cries silently. Subhan is passing by her room and stares at her. She sadly looks at him and closes her door on his face. She falls down while crying. 

Precap: Kazi asks Subhaan and Mannat do you accept this marriage. Mannat says wait a minute she gets up and says to Subhaan these are divorce papers and Ibaadat has already signed them. So before proceeding further you have to sign these papers. Ibaadat doesn’t agrees with the marriage and burn the divorce papers

Update Credit to: Atiba

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