Categories: Rabb Se Hai Dua

Rabb Se Hai Dua 2nd November 2023 Written Episode Update: Haider also exposes Gazal

Rabb Se Hai Dua 2nd November 2023 Written Episode, Written Update on

Scene 1
Rahat says I am sorry mom. If I took care of you this girl won’t have done anything. Dadi says there’s only one witness to this crime reminaed silent. Rahat asks who is it? She says Gulnaaz. She knew what Gazal was doing. Rahat strangles Gulnaaz in anger and says I will kill you. How dare you do that to my mom. everyone tries to stop them. Dua stops them. Dua falls. Rahat says I am sorry my daughter. This woman has made me lose my mind. Dua says I know abu you’re hurt. But please control your anger. There’s a lot more that has to come in fornt of you. Dadi says they’ve made our family shatter. we should know how much damage have they done to us. Dadi says Dua tell them what has happened. Dua says no one was trusting me. Dua says my maid momo was also

a victim to their sins. They hit her and accused her of theft. Dua says no one trusted me. My house broke in front of me. I didn’t know how to save my family and my marriage. I tought I should talk about Ruhaan and Gazal’s nikkah. I thought she might panic and tell the truth but she agreed for the nikkah. They tried to burn me alive and kill me. Noor got burned instead of me. They’re shocked. Dua says she set our room on fire later. Rahat is shocked. She says Gazal wanted to kill me.

Ruhaan says I loved her so much but she made me doubt her and Haider. She made me think Haider has an affair going on with her. She plotted all off that for me to see. She told me she will write Haider’s name on her hand. Then she blamed Dua for it. I was an idiot. I thought Dua is against her because of Gazal. I was feel bad about myself. I questioned her who does she love. She said she loves me but Haider is after her. Haider wants us to get married so she can stay in our house. She told me Haider wants her and told Haider I abuse her. She made me hate my brother. She made me want to kill my brother. That’s why I didn’t want to marry her but Haider locked me in the room. She told me she will be my wife bbut Haider’s lover. Dua helped me save my life and made me run from the house but she blamed Dua for everything. She created this misunderstanding between Dua and Haider.

Dua says to Haider when you were vulnerable she told you about herr mom’s death so she can force you to marry her. She pretended to kill herself. Hina says that’s not true. Haider loves her. He has sympathy for this girl. Haider says wrong. I’ve only loved one girl. Dua Haider Akhter. Hina is shocked. Hina says you said you love Gazal. He says I was blackmailed into saying that. I said that ot save you. I lost everything to pay for your sins. Dua is right. She kept trying to tell us Gazal’s reality but I didn’t listen to her. She did what she did but my mom is a bigger sinner than her. I was always your son but I forgot about being a good husband. You ruined my life. Everything is over. He says everything is over. He cries. Everyone tries to calm him down. Rahat consoles Haider. Rahat says everything will be fixed. Haider says this will never heal. We lost everything. She was playing with my emotions for her revenge. She says you wanna know mom why I married Gazal? I married her because she threatened she will kill herself. I never let tears come in my wife’s eyes but i changed because she manipulated me and made me pay for my mom’s sins. How awful her life is beacuse of our house. She ruined my marriage and this family for her revenge. She’s so shameless. She’s no right to be in this house for a second. She has to be kicked out of this house.

Episode ends

Precap: Haider walks to Gazal and says, your true face is out in front of everyone, he gives her divorce papers and asks her to leave. Haider wipes off Dua’s tears.

Update Credit to: Atiba

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