Categories: Rabb Se Hai Dua

Rabb Se Hai Dua 4th December 2023 Written Episode Update: Dua to be arrested

Rabb Se Hai Dua 4th December 2023 Written Episode, Written Update on

Scene 1
Dua gives Hina juice. She says I had milk I made for Ruhaan. I am so full. She’s lost her mind. Dua asks do you remember what happened when this accident happened? Was Gazal around? Gazal is outside. Ijaz says Dua will get the truth out. She says I have a way. She tells him the plan. Hina says I can’t recall how I fell. I was cleaning the table and I fell. Hina’s head hurts. Hina says Dua says you were shoved you didn’t fall. Hina sees a flashback. Dua says Gazal hit you and locked you under the bed. Haider says please tell us what happened to you. DUa says don’t be scared. we’re all here with you. Did Gazal do it? She says Gazal came to my room. Gazal shoves Dua and says see her condition. Stop torturing her. You want her to go sick right? Haider

says we care about her more than you. Get out or I will kick you out. Gazal says you can’t touch me. Don’t torture my mom like this. If anything happens to her I won’t forgive you all. Haider says you’re a demon. Get lost. You’ve no humanity in you. You did this to my mom. No one is trusting you here.

Hina’s condition gets bad. Gazal says stop ruining my mom’s condition. She should have no stress. She’s my mom and you’re saying I am responsible for her condition? Haider says get out of here. Gazal says my mom was always on my die. You all are responsible for her condition. Dont’ accuse me. Ruhaan says get out fo here. Gazal says you shut up. You’ve never done anything on your own. Your’e your brother’s assistant. Hina says Gazal.. Dua.. She panics. Dua gives her water. Ruahana says to Gazal I will break your face. Police come there. She says what’s going on here? Gazal says my mom’s life is in danger. They’re reminding her of the accident. It’s giving her stress. Ask them to not bother my mom. They all want to kill her. Please save her inspector. Dua says stop your drama. You can’t fool anyone. You will go to jail.

Dua says ammi I know you’re suffering but please tell us who shoved you. You were trying to name her. Tell us the truth. Who shoved you? Hina sees a flashback. Gazal asks who did this to you. Who is responsible for your condition? Who didn’t let my husband be mine? Who made your husband divorce you? Who misbehaved with you? Who isnulred you? Hina recalls Rahat slapping her and Dua insulting her. Hina says Dua. Everyone is shocked. Hina says Dua did all this to me. She ruined my family. She turned everyone against me. Dua says no I didn’t do that ami. hina faints. Haider asks Gazal to stop manipulating hina. Gazal asks who did all this? She says Dua. Dua is very bad. She ruiend my life. My son is always after her. I slipped and fell and he’s not paying attention. HAider is such a bad kid, he doesn’t eat on time. I run after him all the time. I slipped and fell. Everyoen is shocked that she’s lost her balance. Gazal says you were talking about Dua. She says yes Dua ruiend my life. Gazal says Dua provoked this suicide. Please arrest her.

Inspector says for provoking Hina to do a suicide you’re arrested Dua. Everyone is shocked.

Episode ends

Update Credit to Atiba

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