Categories: Rabb Se Hai Dua

Rabb Se Hai Dua 5th June 2024 Written Episode Update: Armaan tells Ibadat that Mannat is in danger

Rabb Se Hai Dua 5th June 2024 Written Episode, Written Update on

Scene 1

Ibadat comes to Subhan’s room and begs him to listen to her but he closes the door on her, her hand gets hurt so Subhan gets worried and starts cleaning up her wound. Ibadat lovingly looks at him. She says I have hurt you a lot but I need your help. Mannat is in trouble, we have to help her. Subhan says what kind of a person are you? you are asking me to save her after she destroyed me? Ibadat says she is my sister, if Sufi was in trouble then would you be silent? Subhan says Sufi isn’t like Mannat, he would die for my happiness but Mannat eloped without thinking about anyone. She destroyed everyone’s happiness, I am not going to help you. Ibadat begs him and asks him to forget everything for a bit. Subhan says just leave me alone, I need to tend to my pain right now.

I think Mannat deserves the pain after hurting so many people, he throws her out of the room and locks the door. Ibadat begs him but he doesn’t listen.

Mannat grabs Armaan and says how dare you hurt my Farhan? I trusted you but you went against me. He asks what happened? Mannat slaps him and says you have hurt him badly. She shows him the video of Armaan telling Farhan to give jewellery to him and run away with Mannat. Armaan thinks Farhan double-crossed him. Mannat says I trusted you more than my sister but you double-crossed me. Armaan says this is all planned by Farhan, just come with me. He grabs her but Farhan comes there and beats him up badly. Mannat runs away. Farhan tells Armaan that he won’t let him succeed. Arman grabs him and says I won’t spare you but Farhan’s goons come there and grab him. Armaan says I won’t spare you. Farhan leaves from there.

Mannat comes back home, she asks Farhan if he is okay? he nods and recalls hurting himself and then lying to Mannat that Armaan did it to him. He asks if she can cook for him? she says sure, I will cook something simple.

Scene 2

Farhan finds the jewellery in Mannat’s bag and smirks.

Armaan comes home and tells Ibadat that Mannat’s life is in danger, Farhan is going to sell her off somewhere. Ibadat asks how does he know? The flashback shows Farhan’s goon told him that. He says I found Farhan’s friend who told me that, we have to do something. Ibadat says lets go there and save her. Dua stops her and says I told you to not go to Mannat, we have no proof if Armaan is telling the truth or not. Stop being trapped by others’ lies, we can’t trust Armaan. Hamida says she is right, he kept lying about Mannat’s relationship with Farhan. Armaan says she is in danger. Hamida slaps him and tells him to get lost. Gulnaz says stop scolding him. Hina comes there and asks what happened? Ibadat says Mannat is in danger, Farhan is going to sell her off to someone. Hina says this can’t happen, she prays for Mannat’s safety and gets dizzy. Ibadat says we should inform the police. Dua says she is enjoying her life with Farhan. She shows her photo on social media with Farhan. Dua says you are worried about her and otherside she is enjoying her time with him. Ibadat says this photo maybe fake. Kaynaat says that girl has destroyed our honor, I don’t care if she dies but no one will go to save her. Dua says she is right, Mannat is dead to us. Kaynaat says we don’t care if she is sold off or dies. Ibadat says enough, I won’t spare anyone who tries to hurt my sister, she is in danger, at least show some humanity, she is going to be sold off. I am begging you all to help me. No one takes her side. Ibadat begs someone to help her. Subhan comes there and says I will help you. All are shocked.

Precap: Ibaadat comes to rescue Mannat and says come with me, this is such a bad place to live. Mannat says I’m more happy here then that palace and you know why because Farhan is with me here and I’ll live with him. Ibaadat says do you even know what he is trying to do. Mannat gets angry says stop cursing him and asks what he is going to do? Ibaadat says he trying to sell you.

Update Credit to: Atiba

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