Categories: Rabb Se Hai Dua

Rabb Se Hai Dua 5th October 2023 Written Episode Update: Haider announces Kaynaat’s wedding

Rabb Se Hai Dua 5th October 2023 Written Episode, Written Update on

Scene 1
Dua is calling Ruhaan but he doesn’t have his phone. He goes to Gulnaz’s room and says I am responsible for this. Gulnaz wakes up and cries. She says my son is against me, you care more about Dua. I will die soon but you have to promise me that you won’t interfere in Dua’s matter. Promise me that you won’t say anything for Hafeez and Kaynaat, you will not take Dua’s side. Ruhaan promises to not take Dua’s side. Gulnaz smirks. He says I will call the family but Gulnaz says dont inform them, they will curse you for making me try to kill myself. He says okay and leaves.

Hafeez tells Dua that he will die without Kaynat. Dua asks him to calm down, I will talk to Haider.

Gulnaz messages Gazal that she stopped Dua by pretending to kill herself, Ruhaan will do

as I say now. Gazal messages her that she is her partner in crime. There will be a drama at house now. Gulnaz says I am coming there.

Haider brings Kaynaat home. Gazal says I will bring her inside. He leaves. Gazal drags Kaynaat home. All family members are worried about Kaynaat. Hina says I will die if Kaynaat doesn’t come back home. Haider comes inside and says I won’t let you do that. I brought honor back. Gazal drags Kaynaat inside. Hina slaps her hard and shouts she is shameless.

Gulnaz tells Ruhaan that she wants to go home. She feels restless here. Ruhaan says you need to rest but she says I need to go home otherwise family will question us. Ruhaan says I won’t take you back till the doctor says so. She calls the doctor and asks if she can go home? He says yes and tells Ruhaan to never hurt his mother.

Hina shouts at Kaynaat that she has made them all ashamed. You didn’t even think about our honor. Don’t even think about Hafeez anymore. Kaynaat shouts that he is my everything so I won’t listen to you. Hina says I will kill your love today. She is about to slap her but Haider stops her and says this is not the way, she is your daughter. Hina says she is a curse for us. I won’t spare her if she takes Hafeez’s name again. Haider says I have already found a solution. We will get Kaynaat married. All are shocked hearing that. Kaynaat hugs him and says I knew you would understand my love. Haider pushes her away and says we got a proposal from Qureshi family so we will get Kaynaat married to his son. Kaynaat is shocked and says please don’t do that, I will die without Hafeez. Haider says if you take his name again then I will kill you. Kaynaat falls down. Gazal smirks and recalls Kaynaat slapping her before. She thinks I destroyed her and now I will wait for Dua and Haider’s divorce. Ravi sees all that and says I can’t believe these people can be so cruel. Hina says we will inform Qureshi family and start preparing for her wedding. Haider says we will do all rituals and says make sure Kaynaat doesn’t wear Dua’s dupatta on her wedding day. I dont want Dua’s shadow on my sister. Gazal smirks and thinks Haider will be mine soon. Haider says we will try to get wedding done this week only. Kaynaat begs him and says please don’t do this for me. Hina says you are shameless, Haider is doing the right thing, its your duty to keep up our honor. Gulnaz comes there and smirks. Ruhaan sees Dua calling him but Gulnaz says I will kill myself if you take the call.

Ravi calls Dua and he tells her about the injustice. He says Haider is going to marry Kaynaat to someone else. He will do it this week only. Hafeez and Hamida are hurt hearing that. Hafeez panics and says Kaynaat is mine, he can’t do this. I will die without Kaynaat.

Hina tells Kaynaat that she should be in limits now. I will keep you locked till you get married now. Dadi stops her and says God is watching everything, you people are animals. She is your daughter. Hina says I wish she wasn’t. She starts dragging her from there but Kaynaat. All rush to her but Hina says no one will help her.

Dua asks Hafeez to calm down. He says I will die without her. Dua says I will talk to Haider. I cant let him do this. Hamida says we will go with you. Hina can harm you, I don’t trust them so lets go. Dua says fine but you both will stay outside the house. I will talk to Haider.

Hina tells the family that Kaynaat is just doing drama. Dadi says you are so cruel. Hina says she is just doing drama. Dadi checks her pulse and its heavy. Hina thinks heavy pulse is a sign of pregnancy. That can’t be true.

The episode ends.

Update Credit to: Atiba

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