PURVI: bulbul what happened? Y r u sneezing?
BB: nothing.
Purvi touches her head.
PURVI: what nothing? U r having fever. Wait I will call doctor.
BB: purvi don’t call doctor. I am fine.
PURVI: what fine?
Purvi takes bb’s phone. That time purab calls hher. Purvi attends the call.
PURAB: Hello Bulbul.
PURVI:Hello Purab. I am purvi.
BULBUL(in thoughts): Purab. Y did he call me?
PURAB: hello purvi. Where is bulbul?
PURVI: she is near me. Actually she is having fever.
PURAB: what fever? What happened? Wait I will come to ur home.
PURVI: ok. U come now.
Purab cuts the call and leaves to bb home.
BUBUL: y did u say to him abt me?
PURVI: he is our frnd. He will help us.
BULBUL: He is ur frnd not mine.
PURVI: yes. He is not ur frnd. He is ur love.
BULBUL: what love? Me? I don’t love anyone.
PURVI: then y r u avoiding him? U r afraid that u will fall for him when he is near u so only u r avoiding him.
BULBUL: I don’t love him & I won’t fall for him.
PURVI: don’t lie to me. I know u love him. I can see ur love for him in ur eyes.
Purvi leaves from there angrily and calls arjun.
ARJUN: Hey purvi. Purab accepted his love.
PURVI: but this bb. She is very adamant. She can’t accept that much easily. We have to do something.
Doorbell rings.
Purvi opens the door & sees purab.
PURVI: hey purab. Pls come. There is no one in home. I am going to buy medicines for bb. U pls take care of her.
She goes out and purab goes to bb room and sees her.
PURAB: bulbul. How r u?
BULBUL: I am fne.
PURAB: actually this morning I wanted to ask sorry to u. sorry bulbul for hurted u and purvi.
BULBUL: its ok purab and sorry bcoz I scolded u badly.
Bulbul sneezes and purab gives tissue to her. He checks her temperature. He get shocked to see 108 degree
PURAB: Oh my god bulbul. Ur having this much temperature. U take rest. I will make something for u.
BULBUL: no need purab.
PURAB: What no? Keep quite and take rest. I will come
Bulbul sees him with cute childish face.
He goes to kitchen and makes soup for her. He brings it to her. He takes one white cloth and dips it in water and puts it in her head.
PURAB: Have it.
BULBUL: purab I can eat.
PURAB: Shhh… have it.
He feeds her wiith his hands.she admires him.
BULBUL(I thoughts): he is so cute while handling me and taking careof me.
Will bb realize her love for purab….

Awesome. …
Lovely maa superb and so sad for bulbul but happy for purab’s care for her.