The episode starts with Maha Mahishasur aims at Radha. Wind starts blowing heavily .. All the Vrindavan praja look on in tears asking Radha to stop. Radha says Maha Mahishasur if you’ve the guts then catch me. Mahishasur runs behind Radha, while Radha runs faster then speed of light….. All the ppl look on shocked, unable to believe their eyes ?.. Balram looks at Krishna. WHAT’S HAPPENING….!!?? He looks at Krishna’s finger which is also moving round n round lyk Radha n smiles. Balram says ooh, so its ur Leela.. Krishna nods yes..
Maha Mahishasur runs behind Radha unable to catch her. He stops tiresome n Radha also stops. Krishna looks at the sun waiting fr sunset ?. Maha Mahishasur throws fireballs towards Radha. Krishna steps out of the cave. Yashoda shouts no…. Where’re you going.!! Everyone look shocked. Krishna holds Radha’s hand and pulls her n they hide behind a rock. Maha Mahishasur aims at the rock. Radha sys Krishna were you doing all this….?? Krishna acts innocent ?.. Nono Radha… V al were also shocked thinking ? you’re doing all this. Anyways, if you weren’t doing then it was Devi’s miracle. Radha nods. The rock breaks. Maha Mahishasur throws fireballs ? ? ? towards KriDha but the balls don’t harm them. Maha Mahishasur gets shocked. The sun finally sets ??. Devi Durga comes there and shouts Maha Mahishasur……!!!! Everyone joins hand ??? in reverence. Maha Mahishasur and Devi Durga indulge in a furious fight. Krishna smiles ?.. .. Devi Durga takes her trishul and kills Maha Mahishasur ?.. Everyone gets glad and chant JAI
Everybody praises Radha for her courage. Vrishbhan n Kriti hug Radha. The boys feel ashamed on their behaviour with the girls n apologize, praising Radha’s courage ??.. Yashoda says it’s such nyc opportunity, and there’ve been many problems now n v hv nt gt peace, to celebrate ? lets organise a program on Sharad Poornima… Nanda raj nods n says yes, it’s a nyc IDEA.. Radha Krishna look at each other n smile ?..
Radha is making butter. She thinks where r The odr gopis, y didn’t they arrive yet, I should go n check.
Krishna goes to Vishakha’s house and gives her a flower ?. He asks if she loves him. Vishakha nods. Krishna tells her that he also loves her. Radha looks on n gets shocked/annoyed. Krishna loves Vishakha…! She follows Krishna who next goes to Lalita’s house, welcomed by her. Lalita sys I’ll bring butter for u. Krishna eats butter and says that’s nyc. Take this flower. Lalita asks why..? Krishna says cos I luv u. Lalita sys really..!! Krishna says yes, bt don’t tell anyone. Radha sys WHAT…! she follows him all along as he goes to Ananda’s and Chandrika’s house to give the flowers ?? with love ..
Radha is in fully shock unable to believe how Krishna can luv all the gopis together..
Krishna returns in the forest and sees his friends missing. He asks the other boys abt their whereabouts. They know nothing. Radha comes there shouting.
K-I’m here from so long..
R-Oh is it so, m I blind, what do u think u’ll cheat me n I won’t get….
K-CHEAT..? Ohno Radha you’ve sum wrong.. Thought..
R-I’m not a fool Kanha ji, neither I’ll cum in ur talks now, tell me what u said to my friends, you love all of them together.. U r cheating them n also me.
K-It’s simple reason
K-You love ur friends
K-your friends love you
K-See Radha, how do u love all ur friends, same way I cn luv ..
R-Shut up, that luv is different
K-Is it so
R-Yes , n u r again trying to persuade me, tell me truth, u really luv me or there’s anything else, was I foolish that I always thought ….
K-What u thought..
R-Nothing, u r persuading me.
K-Then y r you..
R-You’re cheating my friends by loving all of them together n u hv also cheated me n I’ll not leave u n I’ll never talk to u, I’m going n I’ll teach u such lesson u’ll never forget I won’t talk to u….
She goes away angrily in tears.
The boys say Kanha, the way Radha is angry ?, we don’t think she’ll ever talk to u.
Krishna-Is it so, bt I don’t think so
Boy-We’re sure
K-Then lets bet on it, if Radha talks to me then u’ll give…
B-pots full of butter.
K- butter also mine, Radha also mine, everything will gt Fyn ????
Precap:- Krishna’s friends are reduced to the size of insects. A wrestler cum shouting where’s Krishna..? Krishna tells dau that wrestler is his devotee n he cnt fyt him.
Hope u loved it, plz leave a comment if you liked it ??
Nobody likes it ???
Dearie awesome yaar may I know in which pg it’s getting posted
Omg…. I loved it dear….sorry for not commenting… I didn’t read being busy… loved radha very much…. she is so cute….