Categories: Radha Mohan

Radha Mohan 12th August 2023 Written Episode Update: Devika tries to manipulate Dadi to blame Radha

Radha Mohan 12th August 2023 Written Episode, Written Update on

Devika seeks permission to call the Dadi of Radha to the witness box, the judge grants the permission however Tulsi is worried wondering why is Devika calling Dadi, Radha asks her why is she calling Dadi when she does not have any relation to all this, Mohan quickly texts Shekar asking why is Devika calling Dadi, Shekar replies he is also thinking of the same and what is in the reports, Mohan texts Shekar that he has no idea but is not getting a good feeling. Damini gets a call from Kans, she scolds him questioning why is he calling her as someone might get suspicious, she asks why is he so eager for money, she will surely give him the money but he needs to end the call. Mohan wonders who is Damini talking to, he is suspicious of Kans that he is working for Damini since he always needs money.


going to the witness box promises to speak only the truth after swearing on Bhagwat Geeta, Devika asks if Radha loved Mohan, Dadi says that she used to perform pooja of him like a Bhagt, Devika says that Radha was so much in love that she would wait for Mohan to come to Varandhwan and she was such a big Bhagt that she would request to go to the Trivedi house and had no interest in studies but learned the Bhagwat Geeta by heart that Mohan gave her, Devika asks if Dadi is also a child and does she think of all these things as Bhagt and not love. Dadi remembers when she told Radha this is all love, Devika says even then she let Radha go to the house of Mohan, so can she know the reason, Devika explains she is not only her Dadi but has fulfilled the responsibility of being a mother and raised her, but she never felt she is sending her to the house where the person whom she loves resides, she never thought something bad would happen to her. Dadi asks what is she talking of, Devika exclaims that Dadi herself desired something bad to happen. Radha asks Devika to stop questioning what sort of questions is she asking her Dadi as there is nothing of the sort, Shekar texts Mohan saying Radha is getting irritated which is not a good thing. Devika says Dadi desired Radha should trap Mohan in her beauty so she can stay in that house. Dadi warns Devika saying it is enough, Tulsi mentions Damini has reached a new level since she is forcing such things to happen. Dadi says it was the house of her sons friend, Devika says a wealthy friend because his son owns Trivedi publication which has a turnover of tens of millions, Devika says that Radha fell in love with Mohan while Dadi was interested in the wealth of the Trivedi family, so the dream of such people who live in a one bedroom house was about to be fulfilled, Radha once again asks Devika to stop, she pleads with the judge to stop Devika from asking her Dadi such questions, Shekar also objects saying that Devika is ringing the time of the court by asking such baseless questions. Devika says that someone else has asked these questions, like the elder Pandit jee who had even ousted Radha’s father from that position, Devika says she hopes that Dadi remembers it otherwise the elder Pandit jee can also come to the court room, and what about the photo that was printed in the newspaper of Radha and Mohan, which blamed them both for having an affair.

Devika takes the newspaper saying they both were looking really beautiful together, she shows the newspaper to the entire courtroom and even the judge, she asks if Radha reached the court by herself or Dadi sent her there, Dadi says that she did not even know anything when Devika replies even the journalist can come here to whom she gave the photo by her own hands, Devika says the journalist told her that some old lady gave him that photo, Kaveri exclaims Devika would be old for calling her an old women. Devika says she has all the proofs and not one of her argument is baseless, she asks Dadi why did she allow her Radha to go to the Trivedi house, Dadi says that she did not know when Radha went there but she only left to inquire about Mohan, Devika says however she stayed there to care for him, saying she should a nurse as she keeps very good care of everyone. Kaveri exclaims Radha takes very good care of Mohan while beats them with the help of Tulsi.

Devika asks why did Radha keep the Varth of Tej, she explains that a women keeps the Varth to get a good husband and the unmarried girl to find a good husband so she asks if they should say that this is the business blaming Dadi, Mohan gets furious and is about to interfere when Ketki stops her, Gungun also gets worried. Damini grows suspicious of his actions. Devika mentions they should say that Radha did all this to marry Mohan but she had prepared for it a long time ago, by murdering Tulsi. Tulsi herself says it is all a lie so she even requests Shekar to do something.

Dadi says it is all a lie since Radha only met Tulsi once and she even helped Tulsi at that time, Devika asks what sort of help, Dadi says that Tulsi in the hospital, but stops so Devika insists that Dadi should say it. Mohan asks Kadambari when did Radha meet Tulsi in the hospital, kadambari also replies she does not know anything so pleads with Dadi to not utter even single word. Dadi looks to Radha who signals her to not say anything. Devika pressurize Dadi saying this is a court and it is a sin to lie here, Dadi remembers what had happened. Tulsi thinks no one knows about that black night so how did Devika find out about it. Devika says that Dadi would not say anything so it is up to her to speak the truth, the entire people are waiting. Devika starts telling how Dadi and Radha came to the Tulsi house where Tulsi met them, and they both came to sit in the house. Dadi told that they came for the Darshan of Ba Kai Bihari jee so brought the Parshad, but there was not anyone in the house so Tulsi informed them that everyone has gone to fix the marriage of Ketki. Tulsi said she is waiting for her blood report, but Dadi knew that she might be becoming a mother. Radha is worried when Damini thinks she was not in the right sense of mind at that time since Tulsi was about to give birth to the child of Mohan so she made a very good plan to end everything, They recall when Tulsi brought the sweets for Radha, however Damini purposefully threw the vase so Tulsi came to check it, but while climbing the stairs she slipped because of the oil that she had put there however Tulsi managed to maintain her balance, then agreed with Dadi, Tulsi kept on walking upstairs when Damini had even poured the oil on the last step so Tulsi fell after slipping and came falling to the last step, seeing which both Radha and Dadi got worried, they rushed to help Tulsi asking if she is fine, who was just crying for her child. Damini exclaimed that the child of Tulsi has died due to the fall. Mohan is really amazed.

Update Credit to: Sona

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