Categories: Radha Mohan

Radha Mohan 12th October 2023 Written Episode Update: Gungun gets in an accident

Radha Mohan 12th October 2023 Written Episode, Written Update on

Gungun is playing in the ground when Mohan and Radha in excitement tells her that they have defeated Damini, Gungun in excitement starts running towards them when Damini thinks now today she is going to make sure that their Gungun dies in front of their eyes today, Radha and Mohan are shocked to see Gungun getting hit by a car.

Some time earlier Radha mentions that Navaratri is going to start so they are also going to get rid of Damini and she is sure that this time they will celebrate Deshara with their entire family in their own house after the Grehperwash, Mohan asks Damini to wait and see how they take back everything from her, Radha praises for Ba Kai Bihari jee and Druga Maia, Radha asks Damini to get ready as the competition is going to be fierce, Mohan suggests Damini should start counting

backwards as the time to vacate his house is near, he asks Radha if they should leave and after holding her hand leaves.

Mohit says to Damini how they felt that Radha and Mohan would accept defeat but now feels they are going to defeat them, Damini instructs him to shut up saying that now they are going to suffer on her hands, Mohit asks what is she planning, Damini replies the only way to defeat them is to attack the reason for their strong relation and so she will do it, Damini exclaims both Radha and Mohan have left in excitement but now their Gungun is going to die.

Radha in the auto asks Mohan if they should call back home informing they are coming back, Mohan asks Radha to come close as he needs to talk of something important, he kisses her on the cheek while Radha gets nervous as they are in the auto when he says even the auto driver would romance with his wife back home. Mohan appreciates Radha for having the trust in him informing how he actually himself did not have the courage, Radha replies she knows her Mohan je can do anything for him when Mohan replies that his wife Radha can do anything, he explains that she has given him the chance to live the life once again.

Damini angrily walking towards the car thinks now she can do anything to ruin them, she demands the car keys from Mohit explaining Radha and Mohan have made a mistake by deceiving her so she sitting in the car thinks she is going to ruin everything.

Mohan gets out of the auto explaining he is really happy today, Radha pulls him inside asking why is he so happy, Damini is following them in the car thinking he is really happy right now but would very soon be really sad.

Kadambari is not able to believe what she is hearing and is very glad when Radha explains they are going to celebrate Navratri in the house in Barsana while will celebrate Dashera in their own house, kadambari asks them to come back quickly as they preparing for the festival tomorrow, Mohan tells Maa how they both are going to pick Gungun and give her a surprise, Radha tells her that they have asked Ajeet bhai to bring all the things needed tomorrow for the pooja, kadambari asks them to quickly bring Gungun as she was really tensed in the past few days.

Rahul comes from behind calling Maa, he says he has brought the photo of MataRani, Dadi says it is a very good sign as Rahul brought the photo of MataRani so now all the bad omens would end from their house. Kadambari lifts the cloth but seeing the frame is broken exclaims it is not a good sign, ketki replies that that it is a good sign when the glass breaks but kadambari replies that this is the biggest bad omen that glass of the frame of Mata Rani breaks, because if they are not able to see the face of Bhagwan then this means that the devil is looking at them.

Damini slowly increases the speed of her car to come beside the auto when she sees both Radha and Mohan romancing so exclaims that Mohan should smile all he desires because very soon he is going to suffer a lot because of his daughter.

Bhushan asks Kaveri what is her daughter going to do when Mohit replies he knows it will be certainly something heinous, kaveri asks Bhushan to see how Damini is her daughter and she surely completes something that she prepares to do, Bhushan says they are going to see what happens, Kaveri goes to sit on the couch after placing her phone on the table when Bhushan asks what is she doing, Kaveri replies she is waiting to hear the death news of Gungun because she has really irritated her and now she prays that Damini should give her such a death that even Bhagwan thinks before granting her birth again.

Gungun slowly opens the door of the school when she wonders why does no one from her family come to pick her up, exclaiming they think she can manage anything. Gungun thinks she has to run away otherwise the watchman would make her sit beside him. The auto goes over some rubble so Mohan asks him to be slow but Radha says he should increase the speed hearing which Mohan asks the reason when Radha replies that the school would have ended so they need to reach quickly, Gungun waiting outside the school wonders why has no one come to pick her up as she is tired of waiting.

Kadambari lights the Diya in the mandir and prays that he should make sure that everyone is safe, Mohan and Radha steps out of the auto when Radha gets worried questioning Mohan where is Gungun as she asked him to hurry, Mohan sees Gungun in the park playing with a puppy so asks Radha to not worry and look at her, Damini also sees her when Radha starts calling her but Mohan stops her, he suggests they should plan something and explains that Gungun has also compromised a lot ever since they shifted to the small house because she is living a life which she is not used off, he suggests they should give her a surprise.

Radha asks Mohan what can they do, she points to the ice cream after which they plan to give her everything one by one, Radha stunned hearing that the price of the doll is five hundred after which they purchase the balloons and then the ice cream, Damini angrily exclaims that today they are going to suffer immense pain as their daughter is going to die in front of their eyes.

Damini covers her face exclaiming that Gungun would be the one to wear the clothes of the dead people, she covers her face.

Gungun is still playing with the puppy when Mohan calls her, Gungun gets excited to see the doll and ice cream along with the balloon, Gungun starts jumping when Mohan asks her to come out quickly, Gungun jumps from the ground when Mohan informs that they have defeated Damini, Radha explains that they have won and gotten back their house.

Radha and Mohan start walking towards Gungun who is also running but she hits a brick so both Mohan and Radha ask her to be careful and get a bit worried Gungun however starts smiling when Mohan instructs her to come to them, Radha suggests she should be careful. Damini sitting in the car says Goodbye to Gungun who slowly comes on the road and is about to get hit by a car, Radha and Mohan once again get scared and even Gungun gets a bit scared. Radha says she has advised her to not hurry when crossing the road but she does not listen, Gungun asks her to not worry as nothing will happen to her. Mohan and Radha both are waiting for Gungun who starts walking towards the, Damini quickly puts the car in the first gear before starting to drive towards Gungun who is standing in the middle of the road, Gungun mentions nothing can happen to her until she has the support of them both, Damini keeps on increasing the speed of the car and finally hits Gungun with her car, the blood falls over the face of Mohan and Gungun falls in the middle of the road. Mohan and Radha both are stunned, they are not even able to move when Radha drops the doll and Mohan lets go of the balloons and even the ice cream, they are just standing there looking at Gungun who is lying there on the floor.

Precap: Mohan asks Doctor to look after Gungun. Gungun is in ICU. Her dadi asks Doctor about her condition. Doctor says we will be conducting three different operations at her and we have to call specialist Doctor. Mohan asks doctor to call the specialist. Doctor says that will cost 20 lakhs. Damini gets happy for removing biggest problem from her life.

Update Credit to: Sona

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