Categories: Radha Mohan

Radha Mohan 13th May 2024 Written Episode Update: Mohan is able to find Manan

Radha Mohan 13th May 2024 Written Episode, Written Update on

Gungun along with Radhika and Mohan are searching for Manan an calling his name, he is able to get up but then Yug enters the classroom wearing the disguise and sits on the dice threatening Manan that the time is over.

Some time ago Yug is holding the bag when Radhika calls him so he thinks if Radhika sees the contents of the bag then everything would be ruined, she asks what is he doing here when he informs that Mom informed him that she came here so he got worried. Radhika gets worried telling Yug how she feels Manan is in the school as she met Champi when she came to the school and while massaging him she felt as if Manan had given some of his mangoes to Champi, Yug even sees Mohan standing outside the classroom, Yug says if Radhika feels that Manan is here then they should search for him without

wasting any time which is he is asking her to go downstairs while he will look for Manan upstairs as who knows what sort of condition he would be in. Radhika leaves when Yug picks the mask after sitting on the chair vowing to even teach Mohan a lesson saying that all of his problems are going to end in the school.

Manan wakes up while staring at the opening so he calls to his mother, Radhika while calling out to Manan is running in the school, Mohan is also searching for Manan when Yug starts following him holding the knife and wearing the disguise, Yug exclaims it cannot happen because Mohan would not be able to return from where he is about to go now, Mohan turns to the other side while calling to Manan when Yug is about to stab him from behind but then runs to hide when Mohan is about to turn back, Mohan feels as if someone is standing in the corner so he starts walking to check, Yug prepares to attack, Gungun suddenly calls papa hearing which Yug thinks Mohan was able to get safe today but he will surely pay the price. Mohan asks what is Gungun doing here, she replies even she came to search for Manan as the head boy told her that Manan was going into the school, Mohan says even Sody said the same thing so he is double sure that Manan is here, Gungun tells Mohan they cannot waste any time, Mohan hugs Gungun tightly telling her that he is feeling proud of her because he started wondering what had happened to her but after seeing her do all this today, he is feeling he got back his intelligent and brave girl, Mohan leaves with Gungun after telling her that Yug is also in the school. Radhika is even searching for Manan.

Ketki is calling to Gungun but she is not able to find her when Ajeet asks what happened, Ketki says she could not find Gungun when she went to pick him up so Ajeet says Ketki should call Mohan bhai. Mohan and Gungun both are looking for Manan, Ketki calls him asking where is he when he says that he came to the school but says his daughter Gungun is missing however Mohan tells her that Gungun is with him looking for Manan. Mohan says Gungun is very stupid asking if she could not inform Ketki, Gungun replies she did not want to waste the time, Mohan agrees with her saying the way she is worrying it seems Manan is her brother, Gungun asks him to not waste any time.

Radhika is still not able to find Manan so keeps walking in the corridor when she hears Manan calling her so goes to open the door of the classroom, Manan also wake sup an tries to go to the door but then is shocked to see a person wearing a black mask enter through the door. Radhika going into the empty classroom wonders where can she look for him. Manan gets scared seeing the person in the black mask approaching him, he sits on the dice so Manan asks who is he, he replies he is the death of Manan which he is going to enjoy a lot, Manan feels traumatized.

Gungun is also calling out to Manan but not able to find him, Radhika starts crying in the classroom when she feels someone behind her so turns to see Gungun, Radhika gets emotional so Gungun says they will find Manan as she is also going to stand by her, Radhika says she searched each and every corner but is not able to find Manan, Gungun says Radha is crying but she can never forget that Radha is the same person who saved her in each and every trouble either the fire or the bore well, the bus with the bomb, snake or even the tiger, or Damini, she neither accepted defeat yesterday nor will she let it happen today and it is only due to Radha that people call her brave as she taught her how to fight with the situations then should remember it and not be scared. Gungun asks her to stop crying and think like Radha when she has changed the name but is still the Radha from Barsana, she wipes the tears saying today she has to save not Gungun but Manan, not being Radhika but Radha who was not scared of anyone, she knows Radha needs a partner so reveals he has come here, Radha shockingly takes the name of Mohan jee, Gungun informs even papa has come to save Manan and both Radha, Mohan can solve all the problems as when they both are together then are hit. Radha keeps crying,Gungun asks for her hand and says that Manan would be waiting for her so Radha agrees to leave with her.

Manan starts walking backwards but the person keeps coming forward and then takes out the knife seeing which Manan is stunned. Yug says that neither his mother nor father will come but only the angels will come to take him so he says the time is over, Yug is about to slit the throat of Manan when the lizard falls on him, Yug tries to pus it out so Manan is able to run, he thanks Happy when he wonders why is he not able to hear it properly, Yug comes out to follow Manan who is running while even limping, Yug is still holding the knife when Mohan sees Manan so starts running after the person, Mohan keeps calling to Manan but is not able to find him, Yug comes out of hiding while following them both, Manan is walking down the stairs while Mohan wonders where has he gone to, Mohan sees Manan standing under the stairs, Gungun and Radha hear the voice of Mohan jee so Gungun says this means papa has found Manan, they all are delighted.

Update Credit to: Sona

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