Categories: Radha Mohan

Radha Mohan 15th August 2023 Written Episode Update: Damini plans to take her revenge from Radha

Radha Mohan 15th August 2023 Written Episode, Written Update on

Radha is sitting crying, Gungun asks Ketki what did the judge say about Radha, Ketki starts crying when Gungun gets worried asking what has happened. Kaveri smiles thinking they have finally achieved what they desired since now Radha would finally go and meet Tulsi. Damini exclaims that Radha along with Shekar and her Mohan jee have tried a lot but they failed. Dadi and Ramaveshwar both plead with the judge saying that she must not punish their daughter. Shekar goes to Radha apologizing to her but she stands up asking where is Mohan jee, Shekar says he does not know when Radha explains she is feeling that Mohan jee is in a lot of trouble the police constable push Radha out of the court room when she keeps advising Shekar and Gungun to find Mohan jee.

Radha stops when Damini is standing in front

of her with a smile on her face and kaveri also comes to stand by her side, Damini says she is very sympathetic of her, Radha angrily warns Damini to ell her where is Mohan jee otherwise she will suffer the consequence, Damini hugs Radha saying Mohan would remain like this until Radha is hanged, and so she had to hug Radha as she lived with them for so many days. Radha is sure that nothing would happen to her and even her Mohan jee who would surely come to protect her after which he will never leave her, Damini says this si what she desires that he does not leave her, she threatens this time if she does not get what she desires she could not cut a finger but burn the entire bowl. Radha once again tries to harm Damini when she is pulled back, Radha says nothing will happen to her as this time she has the support of her Mohan jee, while even threatening that Damini would get what she deserves, Kaveri thinks Radha has gotten a shock after hearing the judgment so she feels Radha would get mad, Damini exclaims she never desires that Radha should get mad since she wants to see her hanged.

Kadambari asks what is happening and why did Mohan switch sides to Radha, Ketki says that Mohan was never against Radha but acting just to prove the truth, Ketki reveals the entire truth about how Mohan was looking for the proofPrecap: Police throw Radha in a cell. Damini walks to police and says break all of her bones. An officer starts hitting her. Lawyer says to family, we tried but court didn’t allow us to meet Radha. Radha says by tomorrow I have to break the prison. Mohan trapped says I have to save Radha before 5 days or else she will be hanged till death.

Update Credit to: Sona

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