Categories: Radha Mohan

Radha Mohan 15th February 2024 Written Episode Update: Mohan defends Radha in front of Tulsi

Radha Mohan 15th February 2024 Written Episode, Written Update on

Mohan reveals he did not love Radha at first but it changed with the passage of time and now they are a husband and wife, Mohan explains how they both got married by force in the presence of the police, he says he has given them another chance to be happy so is it wrong. Radha asks if she heard what Mohan jee said because if they see it then Tulsi is the one trying to form wrong relations, Mohan asks Radha to calm down because when he tries to calm one then the other starts arguing, Tulsi says this is how Radha married Mohan by forcing him to get the custody of Gungun, Tulsi says that Mohan had married her because he loved her and she cannot understand why Radha married Mohan and what does she want, Radha angrily warns Tulsi to stay quiet asking what does she know about her and think of her, Tulsi

replies she has understood her very well, she blames Radha for being a deceiver and wrong women.

Tulsi wonders why are her family members quiet and she should be handed over to the police, Tulsi asks why are they all bearing her, Mohan tells Tulsi it is not like this, Tulsi says she is not bothered by what happened in the past and he should just let go of Radha and ask her to leave, Tulsi says she is not angry with Mohan and neither with anyone in the family, she says she knows why Radha came into the house and if she had come for Gungun but now her real mother has returned, as the real wife has come back and they donot need her at all so she demands Mohan should ask Radha to leave. Tulsi turning to Radha asks from where has she come, she orders Radha to return to Barsana and she has taken good care of her daughter for which they would give her the amount she desires and they will think she never came in their lives. Tulsi says she feels Radha would not accept it like this and must be thrown out, Mohan stops her when Tulsi asks if he would leave Radha, she demands an answer from Mohan.

Kadambari asks Radha if she is looking at Tulsi who is not associated with anyone because she first cursed her and is now demanding Mohan to leave her so this is why she is asking Radha to join hands with her because their common enemy is standing in front of them and is is of need to join hands with the enemy for their common enemy. Mohan tells Tulsi he cannot leave Radha, she questions why can he not leave Radha, Tulsi then turning to Radha asks if there is any relation between her and Mohan, Tulsi says that she knows Radha forcefully married her but has he accepted this relation and come close to her or touched her, Tulsi asks if there is an martial relation between them both, Mohan along with Radha and the entire family are shocked, Mohan furiously calls Tulsi but she asks him to stay quiet saying she is talking to Radha who claims to be his wife and she wants to know if there is any relation between them both and how strong is it actually. Tulsi asks Radha to tell the truth, Radha accepts there is not any martial relation between her and Mohan jee, Tulsi starts clapping saying that Radha is the wife of Mohan who has till now not formed any relation with Mohan.

Tulsi says Radha married Mohan by manipulating Gungun, she asks why did she marry him when they both sleep in the same room but then why is there no relation between them both, Tulsi explains that marriage is not like this, she says that Radha is not the governess but her value is of the same, she says the wedding is of convenience because they have brought a governess for free, Tulsi asks Radha if she knows why Mohan has not formed any relation with her is because he does not love her, and he only has Tulsi in his heart and can never love a low class women like her. Mohan angrily demands Tulsi to stop saying it is enough explaining he cannot hear anything wrong about Radha mentioning she has suffered enough and has no idea about the high standards of her character. Mohan says she wanted to know then must listen, he accepts that he loves Radha a lot to the extent which cannot be measured and Radha is not just his wife but his friend, life partner and the most to his life. Mohan accepts that Radha married him by deception and when he married her he had no love for her but he was forced to love Radha, as she has brought him back to life explaining she assured Mohan meets the actual Mohan who was lost, he explains he was broken after she left and Radha is the one who has nurtured him , she kept calling him Bhagwan and then filled the same believes in him so Mohan informs he fell in love with her and on that day his life was complete. Mohan asks what was Tulsi saying to Radha that she is an opportunist and fraud, he asks if Tulsi even knows what Radha has done for him and his family. Mohan says Radha gave him a new way to live his life, and gave his entire family a new life so Tulsi should say what he must give in return to Radha asking if he can give his properties, revealing they are not even worth the dust of her feet and if he gives her tens of millions then can not even think about repaying what she has given him.

Mohan asks if Tulsi wants to know what Radha has given him explaining he was broke before the arrival of Radha, and had not given the world other then hatred while Radha gave him the blessing of love and values, and the biggest thing which she has given is hope to live his life and it is due to Radha if he is standing in front of her because she taught him the way to live, so this Mohan is of Radha hearing this Tulsi is shocked. Mohan says the Mohan of Radha, Tulsi just keeps looking at Mohan who is crying and notices that even Radha is emotional, he slowly starts walking towards Radha after leaving Tulsi. Mohan holds her hand and picking the Mangal Sutur helps her wear it around her neck. Mohan is smiling while looking at Radha, Tulsi is shocked staring at them both while Mohan signals Radha to not cry

Update Credit to: Sona

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