Categories: Radha Mohan

Radha Mohan 17th February 2024 Written Episode Update: Tulsi vows to move ahead with her plan

Radha Mohan 17th February 2024 Written Episode, Written Update on

Kadambari mentions they have rightly said that relations of blood are strong, she informs Gungun loves Radha but would go to her own mother, clarifying that she is her Ramaa while Tulsi is her actual mother and requests her to understand that this Tulsi is playing the same game with her and trying to turn their entire family against them. Radha thinks of how Mohan jee first asked her for the Mangal Sutur and then even blamed her for the condition of Tulsi, Gungun also got angry with Kadambari so then kadambari says she is once again offering Radha to join hands with her because this fake Tulsi is only targeting Radha first and after that she will be her next target. Kadmabari informs Tulsi would come after her when she gets rid of Radha, as no one has raised questions on her in so many years but

this girl raised questions on her character, she thinks of when Tulsi said that Kadambari did the same thing. Tulsi wonders what are they both doing together, kadambari informs Radha cannot defeat Tulsi alone but if they both are together then would be able to defeat her easily so she asks if Radha would support her, Kadambari once again turns to leave however Radha agrees to support her so hearing this Kadambari starts smiling. Radha agrees with her saying they should make the enemy of their enemy their friend but she should not mistake that the enemies can become true friends, Radha says she is just doing to protect her family, Mohan and Gungun. Radha says once she has thrown the fake Tulsi then would turn the skies and land upside down to get her punished for murdering Tulsi, Kadmabari says they would think of it later but have just one mission to throw the fake Tulsi out of their house, kadambari raises her hand forward so Radha replies just for this one purpose, they both shake hands seeing which Tulsi gets shocked while Radha think she is just joining hands with kadambari so she can even get her punished with the fake Tulsi.

Tulsi thinks that they both have become friends but what she has done with Kadambari and Radha today, they had to become allies but she thinks before they both do anything against her then she must do something. Tulsi turns down the blinds thinking that there is the permanent Maa and present wife while on the other side is the old wife, so then their side is heavy but she has to do something to make it weigh on her side, she will not let that stubborn old women and the daughter of pandit to win from her. Tulsi thinks that Radha, Mohan and Gungun are the most important part of this family and today they all have turned their face from her due to anger but it vanishes very quickly, kadambari has also shook hands with Radha because she desires to ruin her entire plan. Tulsi thinks she has to increase the level of her game and something which shatters the feeling of belonging for Radha, they all should have sympathy for only her while Radha must be hated. Tulsi thinks she has to do something which turns every feeling they have for Radha into hatred, Tulsi starts thinking when she finally starts smiling thinking now she will do something which they donot have even thought of in their dreams, the game is about to change for which Radha should be prepared.

Mohan tells the doctor he knows it should not have happened however requests the doctor to talk with Tulsi for one time, Mohan opens the door of the room but is shocked as Tulsi is not there, he along with the doctor wonder where has she gone to. Mohan then opens the bathroom but thinks where did Tulsi go to, he runs out searching for her, ketki and Ajeet come asking what happened when Mohan informs Tulsi is not there, Ketki is tensed and even Rahul comes so they all start searching for her. Rahul asks the nurse if she has seen Tulsi but no one is able to find anything.

Kaveri si also searching for Tulsi, she thinks that only Tulsi could have taken care of Radha and where did she go, Kaveri thinks of just searching for Tulsi, she is also searching for. Ajeet, Ketki and Mohan are also anxiously searching for Tulsi, the doctor orders the guard to search for the patient who was in the ICU. Ajeet and Ketki also keep asking everyone if they know about Tulsi but no one has any idea. Gungun runs to Mohan wondering if her mother has left them again but Mohan replies he would not let her leave under any circumstance, Gungun makes Mohan promise before hugging her, Kadmabari and Radha are walking when Kadmabari suddenly stops Radha, she wonders why are they both so tensed and something has happened. Kadambari says the fake Tulsi has once again done something wrong so they should go to see, Mohan seeing Radha asks where is Tulsi hearing which Radha and kadambari both are shocked, Radha asks how would she know when she was with maa je but Mohan asks her to say the truth asking if something happened between them both, Radha replies she has not done anything, he then questions Kadambari who asks why would she say anything. Ketki returns telling Mohan they cannot find Tulsi anywhere, Vishwaniyat and Rahul also inform how they could not find her anywhere, Mohan wonders where could have Tulsi gone to. Gungun then asks Ramaa to tell the truth about her mothers location as she is very ill, Radha asks how could she know anything, Ajeet runs to Mohan informing about Tulsi, kadambari gets shocked asking where has happened to Tulsi Bhabhi, Ajeet says they should come quickly with him, Mohan along with them all run with Ajeet.

Ajeet going outside points towards the roof, they all are shocked as Tulsi is standing at the corner of the roof, Mohan yells at Tulsi, everyone gets worried however Radha is furious. Gungun gets emotional requesting her to come down, Mohan also says if something happens to her, Tulsi replies he should it happen to her because it would be right, besides he does not have any place for her in his life and that of Gungun, he should let her go from his life. Kadambari says they have to accept her talent, as she figured this plan to turn everyone on her side and she is just going to turn their attention toward herself, Radha furiously replies she would just act which will convince Mohan who will start pleading with her. Mohan and Gungun request Tulsi to come down, Radha gets irritated. Tulsi asks Gungun to forgive her as she was not with her for so many years but now has to turn Mohan in two section so they should let her die, Mohan requests Tulsi to not do it. Tulsi replies she knows he has married Radha and loves her a lot and are very happy while Radha even takes care of their entire family so only she is the person in this house who is good and this is why it is good if she dies, Mohan asks her to not do this madness when everyone tries to stop her except Radha, Tulsi says there is just one way in front of her and it is death, Mohan is shocked

Update Credit to: Sona

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