Categories: Radha Mohan

Radha Mohan 18th June 2024 Written Episode Update: Gungun blames Yug

Radha Mohan 18th June 2024 Written Episode, Written Update on

Mohan angrily pulls the person and pulls the mask from his face seeing which Gungun and Ajeet are excited, Gungun however is stunned to seethe person behind the mask. Radha says it is Kundan, Mohan does not understand it while Gungun is also baffled. Yug comes out of his room asking what has happened to them as they can hear the sound outside, Yug asks what is Radhika doing here so late at night, he then remembers how he had given the bag to Kundan informing him about what he has to wear, he asks if Kundan knows what does he have to do, Kundan is worried about what if he gets to jail, Yug says that going to jail is the work of poor people while they are rich and he assures he will bring Kundan out of jail so he gave the disguise to Kundan complimenting that he is looking like a hero. Yug is stunned asking

what is Kundan doing here, Radhika says he came to attack on Gungun and she feels he is the same one who locked her son in the school. Yug then asks Gungun if she is fine, but Gungun once again blames Yug for being the real hoodie man, Radhika asks if she started again but Gungun replies she even has the proof.

Yug says it is not right to talk like this but Gungun starts searching on her phone, but is stunned when she cannot find the video an wonders where did it go, Yug says there would be a video if it was real, Yug remembers when he saw the pone sitting on the desk while Gungun was hiding so then he slowly picked it up to see the video of him dressing up, he with a smile on his face deleted the video before putting the phone back. Gungun once again says she is telling the truth that Yug uncle is the real hoodie man who wants to attack her as she knows everything about him while he is a criminal, Radhika replies she knows why Gungun is doing it all against Yug but she is not going to come back, and as for the person who trapped her son in the school then she has found out he was Kundan, they have to know the reason behind it, Radhika tries to question Kundan but Yug stops her saying he will question Kundan so asks if he was the one who locked Manan in the school.

Yug takes Kundan by the collar asking why did he do it threatening to take his life, Kundan accepts he is the one who did it all, Kundan says he wanted to take revenge from Yug, Radhika asks what sort of revenge, Kundan explains he was not able to work properly in the office and then he got fired so was angry, he knew the biggest weakness for Yug sir is his son so he used Manan, Yug asks what is Kundan doing in their house if he wants to take revenge from Yug, Kundan says he needs a lot of money, Gungun once again blames Yug for being the real hoodie man and says he might have even called Kundan, Mohan asks why is Gungun talking like this and how can she put such a big blame on Yug. Gungun remembers when Manan said that Champi bit the person in the leg, he says that if Kundan is the real hoodie man then he would have the bite of Champi on his leg and they will find the entire truth after checking it, Radhika asks Kundan to show his feet, Mohan angrily demands Kundan show it, he slowly kneels to lift the feet while Gungun signals him to show his right leg, Kundan starts to take off his trouser to reveal the mark, Yug asks them to see that he has the mark, Gungun is stunned seeing it while everyone else is also shocked, Yug recalls how he told Kundan that Gungun is even going to check his feet hearing which Kundan refused so then Yug said he is going to make sure that his legs have the marks, he then asked Kundan to put his hands over his mouth if he gets scared, Yug asks if Gungun has to say anything else when she tries to explain it is all a lie and thye should trust her, Yug gets furious saying they can see the bite marks so what has he done to Gungun that she made him into the enemy, Gungun replies he has ruined a lot of things and if not stopped would do a lot worse in the future, she says she can see his desires and he is dangerous for both the enemies, Yug says she should explain it to him, Gungun replies he just acts of being simple while she knows he is a monster. Radha warns Gungun saying it is enough, saying she is now crossing her limits, Ajeet says they should first call the police and get Kundan arrested after which would decide what to do next, Ajeet asks Gungun for her phone using which he dials the police helpline while informing them of the entire situation, the police arrest Kundan who turns to Yug but he signals him so the police take him away.

Radha runs to hold the hand of Yug asking him to come back home with her as they have witnessed a lot of drama today, while something would happen each and every day until they remain the neighbors, Gungun tells her Ramaa she is telling the truth that Yug uncle is dangerous for everyone which she is not understanding, Radha asks if Gungun knows her husband more then her, Gungun says indeed she does as she has seen the true face of Yug uncle who is not as he seems and is making everyone a fool, Radha angrily tells Gungun it is enough asking how is she talking about Yug and did she forget all the manners. Mohan comes to stand in front of Radha, saying she cannot talk like this to his daughter, Radhika replies then he should teach his daughter how to talk with elders, she must not be supposed as parents tend to learn from their parents and she can see the condition of the father, Mohan questions what does she mean that he has turned his daughter into a spoiled kid, Radhika replies that the way he has been acting would have an effect on the children, Mohan replies that she should also learn how to talk with children.

Mohan explains Gungun is his daughter and what does Radhika have with her, he can make his daughter into anyone but who is she to Gungun, Radhika asks what is Mohan talking about as she is the mother of Gungun, Radhika herself wonders what has she just said to him, Mohan asks why did he get quiet as the words came on her tongue, Mohan says she wants everything, Manan, Gungun and even the relations so says Gungun is not her daughter while only his daughter, Radhika is stunned hearing it, Mohan asks if they all can see how she kept telling him that he has an ego but she is crying when he claimed Gungun is his daughter, Radhika replies neither herself nor her family is bothered by anything but only Mohan is concerned by it all, Radhika takes the hand of Yug asking him to come home but he asks for a minute, Yug goes to stand in front of Mohan and they both start staring each other, Mohan asks why is Yug staring at him when it is not right and did his wife not teach him manners, Yug is furious while Mohan is just staring at him.

Precap: Mohan is outside his house saying Ram Ram Satye Hai. Radha and Yug walk to him. Yug’s mother asks him who died. Mohan removes the sheet showing a statue with Radha’s face on it and says my wife Radha died. He puts the statue on wood logs to light it up. Gungun is about to stop him but Meera stops her and says wait I need to see to what extent can Mohan go.

Update Credit to: Sona

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