Categories: Radha Mohan

Radha Mohan 18th May 2024 Written Episode Update: Radha refuses to accept the request of Gungun

Radha Mohan 18th May 2024 Written Episode, Written Update on

Gungun asks Radha if she knows how Manan is save right now, explaining that Radha and Mohan were together at the time and they are a hit when they are together, she pleads with her Ramaa to come back before hugging her again. Radha also gets emotional to the extent that she starts crying before embracing Gungun who is also crying, she keeps thinking of when Gungun asked if she will also leave her like her mother. Gungun and Radha keep hugging each other thinking about their past life, Radha then slowly pushes Gungun away who is requesting her Ramaa to come back explaining she really misses them and loves her father a lot but when Radha does not reply, Gungun asks if she loves him or not.

Mohan exclaims he knows Radha loves him and is just saying it as she is angry with him, Ajeet, Ketki and Meera

are trying to stop Mohan but he is not listening to them and keeps walking ahead. Ajeet says he is just walking.

Gungun says today she has to tell the truth weather she loves papa or not, Mohan sees Gungun asking this question from Radha who replies how can she tell her that she stil loves him, Radha sees Mohan jee standing behind them so suddenly stops, she then says she does not love Mr Trivedi hearing which Gungun is shocked but says it cannot be the truth and she is lying, as she loves her father and is his Radha who loves her Mohan a lot. Radha replies she does not love him, explaining she is nothing for him, saying she has moved on in her life explaining she married Yug seven years ago and she even has a child with him, while she is very happy with her family and now she cannot leave them, while truth be told she does not want to come back. Gungun questions what about papa, her Mohan jee, Radha asks who is Mohan jee saying she does not know any Mohan jee, as the one Gungun is talking about is now just Mr Trivedi and she does not have any feelings for him because she has left the person and life back, she does not have any relation with him. Gungun holds the hands of Ramaa asking what is she saying as she loves papa so it is a lie, Radha tells Gungun that she does not have any fault in whatever happened while she still loves her a lot, but it is also the truth that they both cannot stay together because her Radha whom she considered her as her mother got lost seven years ago but the beautiful moments they have shared are still in her heart which she will remember for the rest of her life that she also have a very beautiful daughter whom she loves a lot but she cannot stay with her now, Gungun refuses to accept it after which she starts crying, Radha says it would be better for her if she accepts the truth, Radha pulls her hand from that of Gungun who keeps crying, she while looking at Mohan starts walking towards him, Gungun starts looking at them when Mohan opens his hands for her but she walks past him from the side without even looking at him, Mohan realizes that he has lost his Radha, she also starts crying while walking towards the hospital. She then stops to look at Mohan before walking again. Mohan thinks Radha is lying and she still loves him a lot while cannot even live without him, no matter how many times she says that she does not love him but her eyes cannot lie as they have understood the words which they dinot even say, while he knows the truth is what she is not able to say that she still loves him. Mohan also runs towards the hospital.

Yug thinks he has to go be with Radhika while if Manan says a lot of things in front of Radhika then he would have lost a lot, Yug says he has to say it in front of her while then would lose everything, the nurse asks if he said anything when he replies he was thinking which party to vote in the elections, he asks the nurse if she can take off the drip as he has gotten very tried but the nurse replies she cannot take it off, Yug says when he is feeling better then what is the need to apply such an IV, Yug says they did not even give him anything to eat while having such a big hospital, the nurse says if he behaves like this then she would have to call his wife and doctor, Yug asks why would she call his wife as he was just joking and is going to lie down, he says they cannot even joke. Yug sees the nurse is looking the other way so he starts drinking from the IV set, so that the drop ends a lot quicker, the nurse is busy working when Yug puts the IV back at its place before taking a deep breath, the nurse is shocked seeing the bottle has ended, Yug says it is very good as he is feeling better with a lot of energy, he says she can apply another bottle when the nurse wonders how did it end and blames Yug for pouring it on the floor, she is shocked when she cannot find even a single drop and says he has done something wrong, Yug replies how can he do it when she was standing beside him so demands her to remove it as he wants to go back home, Radhika calls Yug while standing at the door, he gets worried.

Mohan while walking in the hospital looks at Manan who is unconscious and keeps thinking about all the times when he was there to support Manan either at the time of his bicycle or when the vase was about to fall on him. Mohan enters the room and going to sit beside him says Manan is his son, he understood why he was feeling the connection because every time Manan hugged him he felt like Manan is his own, and he is a part of his life, he even understood why he feels pain when Manan is hurt and he was getting restless while Manan was locked up in the school. Mohan says Manan is the sign of the love of Radha and Mohan.

Punam apologizes to Ba Kai Bihari jee saying she tried a lot but could not stop Yug from harming Manan and wonders what sort of a day has arrived as she is protecting her Grandson from her own son, she says that the child should not be punished for the mental state of Yug and Radhika does not know anything because if she finds out what Yug did with Manan then they would face a very big trouble. Gungun asks Punam what has Yug uncle done to Manan. Punam is shocked seeing Gungun standing behind her.

Update Credit to: Sona

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