Categories: Radha Mohan

Radha Mohan 19th June 2023 Written Episode Update: Damini plans to harm Mohan

Radha Mohan 19th June 2023 Written Episode, Written Update on

Damini mentions she tried killing her and almost succeeded in it but why did Radha not reveal her truth in front of anyone, Radha says she does not want her to get punished for what she has done to her but what Damini had done all those years ago and the punishment of it is only death, Radha says she wants to get her punished for the death of Tulsi, mentioning the truth would be revealed by the person who has been suffering because of it, Damini wonders who is Radha talking about.

Some time earlier, Kadambari angrily says she is sure that Damini is behind everything mentioning she will surely make her pay once the truth is revealed, Kadambari informs that Damini has ruined the trust and explains that she is going to show Damini what it means to be kadambari devi, and will make sure that Damini

does not take any decision of the office by herself, Kadambari explains that Damini can keep the money for now but not these papers, hearing this Damini and Kaveri are shocked. Kadambari informs she is taking these papers, she angrily leaves without saying anything. Tulsi mentions how everyone knows that Damini is behind everything bt why is Radha not revealing the truth, she wonders what is Radha thinking to do.

Mohan slowly helps Radha sit on the bed when he starts staring at her injuries, Radha also starts crying seeing the mark on Mohan’s wrist and she keeps blaming herself for all his injuries, Mohan replies he is the reason behind everything explaining she called him but he did not listen to anything, Mohan gets emotional when Radha hugs him, asking if he got scared when Mohan replies he died. Mohan mentions he has not seen an irresponsible person like her in this world, he says that she tends to get into problem, Radha replies if she does not get in any trouble then how would he come to save her as it is said that the intensity of love is understood when they are in any sort of pain. Mohan informs it is time for her medicine, Radha replies that she had taken a lot of medicines just a while ago, Mohan copies the way she is talking, and he asks if she wants to get healthy quickly, so he gives her the medicine and water, Radha starts smiling after having it. Mohan then takes out the cream from the first aid box, which he starts applying on the marks that are on Radha’s face due to the immense cold, Mohan slowly starts leaning towards Radha, she is also very quiet but then Mohan suddenly realizes something and even Radha turns away, they both are very uncomfortable. Mohan mentions it has gotten very late so he asks Radha to sleep while he will come back, Radha stops him mentioning he applied the medicine on her injuries but should also let her apply it on his, Mohan is stunned and does not understand what to say, Radha starts applying the medicine, Mohan does not say anything but is just looking at Radha who gets emotional, Mohan then lies on his back when Radha removes his shirt to once again apply the ointment, Mohan starts teasing Radha who is also smiling, he then falls asleep after placing his hand on her lap. Radha thinks she has to talk with Damini, she slowly removes the hand of Mohan and angrily walks away.

Kaveri mentions Damini that she managed to convince Kadambari but what if Radha reveals the truth, Damini says that Radha would have revealed the truth if she planned it but she did not do anything of the sort, and she feels Radha is planning something really big as she could have ended everything for them but she is planning against them, Damini asks if Kaveri saw how Radha was staring at them and she could clearly see that Radha is planning something, Radha mentions that Damini is not wrong, Damini and Kaveri turn back and are shocked to see Radha standing at the door of their house, she standing n front of them mentions that now she is going to do something which Damini and Kaveri would not have thought about, Damini replies she is glad Radha came here and so why did she not tell anyone the truth, mentioning she should remember how she managed to trap Radha in the cold storage. Radha replies she still remembers how Damini deceived her and lead her to the cold storage where she locked her, Radha says she remembers each and every moment which she has spent without her Gungun and Mohan jee, she can never forget what Damini has done with her. Damini asks then why did Radha not reveal the truth in front of anyone, Damini mentions she knows Radha is not scared of anyone, as especially the entire family is by her side including Mohan. Radha says she even has the support of Ba Kai Bihari jee when Damini was prepared to kill her. Damini gets louder questioning what is going on in this house, Radha instructs her to lower her voice, threatening if she had told everyone the truth then Damini would have been locked in the jail. Damini asks Radha what does she want and what is going on in her head, Damini explains she had almost killed Radha but whey was she quiet and not revealed the truth to everyone.

Radha says if she had told everyone the truth then she would be blamed for killing her, and she would have gotten the punishment for a maximum of ten years which is not fair, Radha reveals she never wants to get her punished for what she ahs done with her but for the crime which she is hiding from everyone, and a daughter lost her mother while a husband lost his wife, the crime for which she would only get the punishment of death, revealing it is for killing Tulsi. Kaveri and Damini both are shocked hearing it, Radha notices how the are shocked.

Damini thinks about what had happened that night and how Tulsi was buried, Damini accepts that she has killed Tulsi while staring Radha in her eyes, seeing this Radha gets shocked, Damini mentions she has killed Tulsi slowly and with immense pain but the problem in all this is that she can never be punished for it, because she has gotten rid of all the proofs relating to that crime and now no one can even think of touching her. Radha replies she knows that Damini would have gotten rid of all the proofs and no one is going to believe her, but Radha mentions now only one person is going to reveal the truth about her, who had to bear a lot of pain and suffering because of it. Tulsi asks who si Radha talking about, Radha replies that she has seen a lot of things that Damini does, she warns her to control herself because if her family suffers even a bit then she vows to not let Damini get away so easily. Kaveri and Damini both are shocked, Radha replies now the entire family is standing by her side so does Damini understand it, Radha walks in front of Damini warning how she must start counting backwards as from tomorrow her bad time is going to start, Damini is a little intimidated by Radha, Damini thinks who is Radha talking about when Radha asks Damini to stop thinking for a moment about the person who is going to reveal her truth, Kaveri asks Radha if she is threatening her, because she thinks she is invincible and mentions they will kill her right now if she tries to act smart. Mohan questions what is going on over here, Damini and Kaveri both are shocked to see Mohan, he walks to stand beside Radha questioning why was Kaveri yelling at Radha, Damini tries to explain when Mohan says he is talking to Kaveri, she is not able to say anything. Mohan once again asks why was she yelling, Radha calls Mohan mentioning there was nothing going over here and Kaveri was just scolding her as she is still walking around even when she is so ill, Radha asks Kaveri who agrees with her, Kaveri explains she really loves Radha this is why she was just explaining it to her, Kaveri asks Mohan to take his Radha rani away, Radha mentions even she is feeling a bit tired, Mohan asks Radha to come with him, they are leaving when Radha turns to angrily stare at Damini

Tulsi mentions that Radha should have revealed the truth to Mohan since this is the best time to reveal the truth for them, Tulsi leaves when Damini angrily mentions she will first kill Gungun and even drown her, Kaveri starts apologizing to Tulsi mentioning her daughter has just gotten mad, Damini asks her to not be worried because if Tuls was here then would have surely started beating her, Damini mentions she just wanted to know if they both are alone since she wants to discuss her plan, Damini plans to attack her directly and it will have an immense effect on Radha since now she is going to target Mohan, Kaveri is shocked hearing Damini and asks if she really means it, Damini replies they have to change their plans so she explains now she is going to inflict the pain to Mohan as it is time he understands her feelings for him, because if he cannot understand it then she has to hurt him in order to be his, Damini says it si his fault and he is also the reason for it, she exclaims she just wanted to love him but he made her like this, explaining he had only seen her love till now but now is even going to see how she attacks him.

Precap: Damini and Kaveri enter the cabin exclaiming that the proof which they have kept hidden is the only thing that Radha can get her hands on, they think if they manage to end it then no one can harm them. Damini and Kaveri start digging in the cabin, Tulsi starts screaming and falls from the stairs. Mohan suddenly wakes up feeling the presence of Tulsi, Damini and Kaveri have unearthed the skeleton of Tulsi.

Update Credit to: Sona

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