Categories: Radha Mohan

Radha Mohan 1st June 2024 Written Episode Update: Yug manages to hide the mask

Radha Mohan 1st June 2024 Written Episode, Written Update on

Manan is still searching for his friends but they get away so he falls after hitting the couch, Manan takes off the blinds when he is shocked to see that he is holding the mask in his hands which the person in the black hood was wearing, Yug is also shocked thinking he got trapped and remembers when he put the bag under the couch, he thinks if Radhika sees his mask then everyone will point fingers at him while Gungun is prepared to blame him. Yug is worried.

Mohan is preparing a dish in the kitchen when Gungun comes saying he will make the cake but they are not invited at the party, Mohan replies it is their duty to make the cake while the responsibility of Ba Kai Bihari jee to make sure ti reached Manan, he says she should pray that the life of Manan is also filled with the same happiness and

so asks Gungun to put it there, Mohan himself puts the cake batter in the oven, Mohan goes to the window while Ketki and Ajeet come, Ketki tells Ajeet that some people donot care for their respect as Radha keeps humiliating him but he is making the birthday cake for Manan, Mohan tells Ketki that people give their life in love but he is just being humiliated, he can suffer anything for Radha and Manan while says since when has these things come into family, the oven starts beeping so Mohan explains his cake is burning, he goes to quickly take it out when ketki calls him, Meera coming asks why are they all so tensed so Ajeet informs Mohan is baking a cake, Ketki tells Meera that the mind of Mohan bhai has gotten out of hand, she says Radha has not invited them rather asked Mohan bhai to stay away from their house but he is baking a cake, Mohan mentions he feels Manan would like the chocolate cake since it is his favourite flavor. Ajeet agrees with Mohan when Gungun standing in the corner thinks she is not able to understand as today is the first birthday of Manan for her, she wishes if Ramaa would have allowed her to celebrate the birthday of Manan with him and wonders for how long would she not get her brother.

Yug wonders what can he do and then looks at the fuse box in the corner, he quickly goes there while Manan loudly screams for his mother, Radhika coming tries to look around but is not able to find him, the children start running as soon as the lights go off, Gungun realizes it is the voice of Manan and wonders how did the lights go off, she prays if Manan is safe.

Manan is once again screaming for his mother but he gets scared so Radhika requests him to not be worried assuring she is right beside him, Yug sees Manan on the floor while constantly calling to his mother before slowly trying to get up, Manan then gets up while still holding the mask before walking away, Yug keeps following him, Manan is hesitantly calling to his mother, Yug walks towards him holding the balloons in his arms, Manan is very scared when Yug is able to throw the mask under the table while pushing the other boy who falls after hitting his head, Gungun runs to hug Manan asking if he is fine and did he not get hurt, Radhika sees Chintu who has hit his head against the chair, she goes to help him up and says he is bleeding from the head, Yug comes running from behind asking what has happened, Radhika says they have to apply the bandage and then Yug asks Garv to bring the first aid kit.

Mohan says that ketki desired that he does not make the cake, Ketki replies they are the Trivedi’s when Ajeet asks if they are habitual of making cake, Ketki replies they have never listened to each other and she knows he does not know how to do icing so she thought about doing it, as they should make a good cake so they are able to retain their respect, Ketki mentions the icing is ready, Ajeet replies he felt she was making butter. Ketki starts applying the icing when Mohan is very anxious so asks her to be quick as who knows what would be happening in that house, Ketki keeps applying the icing while everyone is looking at her, she even makes flowers at the top with the blue and orange when Mohan asks her to not do anything more otherwise it might get ruined, Ajeet rushes to help Kadambari when Mohan tells her that today is the birthday of Manan this is why they are baking a cake, Kadambari thinks Mohan will bring him home tomorrow and prays to Bhagwan what is happening as she spent the past seven years peacefully but now Radha has returned to their life with the one named Manan. Mohan says he is going to check what is going on there and then stands by the window, he wonders why are the lights turned off, Mohan says he will go and check, Ketki asks if he would go even when he is not invited so Mohan agrees.

Radhika is applying the bandage on the injury of Chintu assuring he would get better and then asks how did h get hurt, Chintu informs someone pushed him so he got hurt, Yug asks if Manan was not the one who pushed him hearing which everyone gets shocked, Yug asks if Manan did not push him but Chintu says that Manan was the only one there and would have pushed him, Radhika then asks Manan if he was the one who pushed Chintu, Manan replies he was holding the mask, Gungun and Radhika get worried when she asks what mask is he talking about, Manan says it was the same mask which the uncle was wearing in the school, hearing this Radhika and Gungun get worried while Punam starts looking at Yug, Radhika asks him where did he see the mask, Yug coming tells Radhika he feels Manan is the one who pushed Chintu, Radhika gets shocked asking how can Manan hit anyone, Yug replies he feels Manan started panicking due to which he pushed Chintu, Radhika asks Manan to not be worried assuring she is by his side,

Mohan wonders if Gungun is also there and then says Manan is surely in some problem, kadambari thinks Gungun has gone there so now Mohan will surely go there, Kadambari thinks had she not had to do this paralysis act then would have forced them both to sit in the house. Ketki stops Mohan asking if he does not care about his respect, Mohan replies he is worried for his Radha and son, as the lights are turned off so there would surely be a problem, Ketki refuses to let him go there.

Yug replies his mother is coming as they have not stopped anyone, Gungun assures Manan she is by his side when Yug goes to check why is the light turned off, Yug leaves and the lights come back on.

Mohan says Ketki is not understanding it, she replies she is not interested in learning anything and just knows Radha is the destruction of his life and she would not let him go near her, Kadambari praises Ketki saying she should be adamant so Mohan does not go to Radha as she is surely her destruction, Meera comes asking Ketki to let Mohan go, she says Ketki can stop Mohan but his heart, mind and soul are already with Radha, Kadambari thinks Meera is surely going to ruin her and if she desires then would have killed her with the wheelchair, Meera asks Mohan to go and check if everything is fine there so he leaves.

The mother of Chintu comes asking how did he get injured, Chintu blames Manan for pushing him when hearing this the mother gets furious, Yug tries to explain it might have been a mistake when the lady questions why have they arranged the party when they cannot handle it asking if they were invited to the party or the hitting competition, the mother asks Manan why did he hit Chintu,

Update Credit to: Sona

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