Categories: Radha Mohan

Radha Mohan 20th May 2022 Written Episode Update: Gungun gets locked inside the trunk

Radha Mohan 20th May 2022 Written Episode, Written Update on

Mohan opening the door questions why has Radha come to him, asking was it not sufficient that she got him humiliated by his own daughter, he turns away. Radha replies she has been feeling low ever since the incident but she swears that she neither came to break anything nor to come close with him, she assures she is still six feet away from him when he asks why did she come to his room, Radha explains she brought his phone, Mohan after picking it is shocked to see how Radha has glued the mobile, he looks to her in shocked when Radha mentions that her Dadi says there is nothing in this world which cannot be repaired and they should just have the mind to repair it. Damini entering the room questions what is this, Radha informs that she has fixed his mobile when Damini asks what was the need when she brought

him the new phone, Damini mentions that Mohan always desires the latest mobile, Radha looking at it asks for the price to which Damini exclaims it is close to one, Radha thinks she might be talking about one thousand but is shocked to learn that she actually meant one lac, Radha asks what was the need to bring such an expensive mobile when her Dadi says that everything can be fixed. Mohan starts thinking, Radha hears the horn of the car, she rushes out exclaiming Gungun would have come back, she prays that Gungun should have at least won.

Radha is standing when Gungun enters with her uncle, they both enter with long faces as if she was not able to win, Radha even then asks her what happened at the competition so after a while she in excitement reveals she won it, everyone is joyed hearing this while Mohan hugs his mother, Radha dances with Gungun, she even starts to show her affection but Gungun gets annoyed exclaiming it is enough, Mohan comes towards Gungun wishing her for being able to win the competition, he exclaims that if Gungun won this competition it was all because of her efforts and he even needs to apologize to her because he is not able t control his anger, Mohan hugs Damini who is also smiling but Gungun is not able to see it and she thinks that she prays Mohan jee should always get the best in his life, Mohan leaves while Damini also goes to hug Kadambari, Gungun informs Radha that she should have been the one getting the praise as she did all the effort and this is what the Britishers used to do with the Indians. Radha feels worried.

Radha in excitement is sitting in front of Bihari jee exclaiming that she is glad Gungun managed to win the competition and so feels a tear on her hand, she wonders why did this tear fell when she should be happy for Damini and Mohan jee, Radha recalls the time when she saw them both getting engaged. Tulsi slaps her from behind, Radha wonders what might have happened so asks Bihari jee if they also get a headache with the tears. Tulsi sitting beside her exclaims her Dadi is right to say that she has half a brain.

Mohan is sitting with the phone looking at the photos of Gungun, he questions why is this girl always near Gungun because of her, he was not able to take even a single photo of her, Damini comes to Mohan handing him the coffee, when he reveals Gungun is looking nice after such a long time but she just has a little bit of attitude, Damini exclaims she got that from her father. Damini questions if he is free tomorrow, Mohan going to the bed mentions he has a really busy schedule tomorrow as there is first a meeting with the PM and then the selection of the cricket team, Damini inquires if he can take out some time to be with her as some of her friends are coming for lunch, Mohan questions what is to worry as he doesnot have to cook, she replies she was asking if he would like to join them, Mohan replies he doesnot like to so social, Damini explains he said she should also get a prize for helping Gungun get ready for the fancy dress competition, Mohan agrees to only lunch and nothing else.

In the morning Gungun is playing with the ball when Damini tries to hand her a gift, Gungun tries taking it but Damini informs she can open it in he room during the evening when her friends would come to visit her, Gungun asks if this is a bribe so Damini says she can either think it as a bribe or gift, Gungun takes it with a smile. Radha is seeing them both from the balcony, she rushes down calling Damini exclaiming how she saw her talking with Gungun, she seemed like Yashoda maa, Damini turns back explaining that her friend is coming with her family so can she look after Gungun, Radha assures so Damini thinks she just wants her to control that Gungun and now her father should remain in control. Radha thinks that Damini loves Gungun a lot, the spirit of Tulsi standing exclaims she also doesnot leave any stone unturned in spoiling her, Tulsi sees Gungun sitting outside plotting against Damini.

There is someone at the door, Radha opens the door and with a smile welcome them all mentioning they were waiting for them, Damini’s friend enters the house with her husband and son, she hugs Damini who also greets Rahul and their son. Damini introduces Mohan as her husband and she even points out to the rest of the family, Rahul hugs Mohan as if he they are really old friends, Rada starts serving them drinks when Niharika explains their wedding was like no other in Delhi and there were rivers of champagnes running, it has been eight years but the performance of Shahrukh was mind blowing. The entire family is shocked at the way Rahul is talking.

Gungun also comes to the entire family when she inquires asking if she can take Chinto to her room, Damini signals her to go after Gungun when Radha assures, she will take care of everything, Niharika calls Radha demanding a black coffee when Radha agrees to bring it after checking on Gungun.

Gungun takes Chinto to her room, she is about to close the door when Radha enters exclaiming, he is a nice boy and even she is looking pretty so they both must not fight but become friends, Radha leaves after making her swear when Gungun reveals that her room is soundproof, hearing this Chinto starts throwing all the toys in the room, because now no one can hear him, Gungun gets worried so tries to stop him but he doesnot listen, Tulsi gets worried so rushes to the kitchen but Radha is not able to listen to her, meanwhile in the room Gungun and Chinto both get in a fight so they struggle, he even throws all the toys from the trunk, Gungun tries to stop him questioning why is he throwing them, he pushes her in the trunk before sitting on top of it, Gungun gets worried after being locked up in the trunk.

Precap: Gungun is playing hide n seek with her friend. Gungun hides inside a trunk. Her friend sits above the trunk and she suffocates inside. Radha asks her friend where is Gungun. He says, we both are playing hide and seek.

Update Credit to: Sona

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