Categories: Radha Mohan

Radha Mohan 22nd December 2022 Written Episode Update: Damini reaches the Trivedi Mansion

Radha Mohan 22nd December 2022 Written Episode, Written Update on

Pandit jee instructs the bride and groom to fulfil the ritual of Varmala, Mohan is the first one to fulfill it by placing the Varmala around the neck of Radha, the entire family is congratulating them. Kadambari asks Damini to take it but she is standing still which worries them all, Kaveri also signals her and even Kadambari instructs her to raise her hand, Tulsi manages to use her powers so Radha can take the Varmala, which she slowly raises so Mohan can wear it, Gungun is smiling as the entire family throws flowers over them.

The garbage man thinks there is a ghost in the suitcase, he explains someone might have done it with their magic, they all are terrified when the suitcase falls on the floor and Damini screams.
Pandit jee explains that now the sister of the groom would perform

the ritual of Gantbnadhan, Kadambari instructs Ketki to fulfill the ritual but she refuses explaining she cannot do this drama anymore as she is not interested in becoming a part of this marriage, Mohan tries to stop Ketki but she apologizes explaining she cannot become a part of it, she sees Gungun standing in front of her who requests Ketki to perform the ritual, she explains she had the most problem with his marriage but now she has also agreed, Gungun explains Radha said it is written in Bhagwat Geeta that whatever happens is for the good and she must rest assured it would be for the good, Tulsi also agrees with Gungun informing Ketki that Radha is the one getting married to Mohan.

Ajeet requests Ketki to accept the request of Gungun, Ketki exclaims who can refuse to such a cute face. Gungun walks over to stand beside Kadambari who showers her affection.

Mohan wonders what sort of magic does Radha have as she managed to convince his daughter and even taught her about Geeta, he wishes she should have been present in this wedding as he feels that she is somewhere nearby. Tulsi looking at the Gantbnadhan thinks that this knot should be for all the seven life times and not just this life, Tulsi thinks there is just one thing left as she will close the lights of the entire house so Mohan fills her Mang and Maa would not stop this marriage because of the fear of the auspicious time.

Damini manages to come out of the suitcase, seeing this everyone is shocked wondering what has happened. Damini is baffled asking if they all are mad and why did they not think that someone is trapped inside the bag, a lady asks Damini why she was locked in the suitcase. Damini ties to think and recalls that she tipped from the hand of Radha, she thinks she has go back home.

Pandit jee exclaims they must perform the ritual of walking around the Hawan, the entire family is throwing flowers over them, but Ketki is tensed, Ajeet signals her to fulfill the ritual. Pandjt jee explains the second circle is of love so they both must pray that they get the strength to live with each other in the entire life and their relationship is always strong. Ketki thinks that Mohan himself is getting married to the biggest problem in their life and now even Bhagwan cannot help them.

Damini while running towards the house falls causing an injury on her head, a person comes asking if she is fine when Damini request if she can call using his mobile, she tris to contact her mother who thinks that she is calling from a bank and explains they do not want any kind of loan, Damini then also tries to call Kadambari however she does not answer her phone, Damini then finally calls the house when Dulari answers it informing that the marriage of Damini is happening in their house.

The person is furious and takes the mobile explaining she dialed so many contacts, Damini is stunned wondering how the marriage is happening when she is here, she realizes that Radha is getting married to Mohan, she thinks of going with the auto, but he first demands the money as she s not dressed properly, Damini notices a girl working by her bicycle so leaves on it.

Pandit jee is about to inform about the meaning of the third circle to which Mohan explains he is not getting married for the first time, they must fulfill the ritual quickly. Tulsi exclaims she does not like his attitude but agrees with him today, Gungun while smiling also asks them to get married quickly, Kadambari gets a bit worried.

Damini while riding the cycle thinks about the times when Mohan would risk his life for Radha, how he took her responsibility and was always there to protect her, she is really angered by the bond which they both share with each other.

Pandit jee mentions after the ritual of the circles now the rituals of Sindoor and Mangal Sutur are left, Pandit jee questions where they are when Gungun recalls that she took it, she goes to bring it when Kaveri asks why she does have it, Gungun explains that she at fist did not want them to get married, she asks papa to fill the Mang of her new mother. Pandit jee asks them to lift the veil of the bride, hearing this Tulsi and Gungun both are tensed. Tulsi turns to look at the main switch mentioning just as he would lift the veil of Radha, she is going to tun off all the lights. Gungun is really worried of what might happen if the truth comes out, Kaveri leans to lift the veil but is stopped when Damini screams standing at the door, she is exhausted standing there with a scar on her forehead. Mohan along with the rest of the family are also stunned. Damini mentions this wedding cannot happen it is deception.

Kaveri runs to Damini asking who did this to her, Tulsi thinks how she managed to come back as she is going to ruin everything. Kadambari is also shocked exclaiming if Damini is standing there then who is in the Mandap.

Kaveri also is tensed questioning who is in the Mandap if Damini is standing here, Mohan is shocked, he lifts the veil with his own hands, Tulsi is scared of what will happen now that the truth is about to come out. Mohan reveals that it is Radha under the veil, he is shocked seeing her there.

The entire Trivedi family is also shocked by the fact, Mohan cannot believe it and is just staring at Radha who is standing there with her eyes closed. Ajeet and Ketki both are excited but stop when Kadambari scolds them.

Mohan asks Radha what is she doing here but Radha does not reply, Ketki exclaims that she prayed to Bihari jee for a magic and he did it, she says both Mohan bhai and Radha are looking really good together, she asks Mohan to come close as it must feel they both are husband and wife, Kadambari instructs her to stop this nonsense. Mohan then also asks Radha, but she doesn’t reply.
Kaveri rushes asking what is going on here and why is Radha in the Mandap instead of Damini, Mohan once again asks Radha what is she doing here in the place of Damini, he even inquires why is she standing with her eyes closed.

Gungun thinks that it is a mess, and she must do something, she act as if she is also shocked by it but mentions that now the rituals have ended so he got married to Radha instead of Damini, she ask Mohan to fill her Mang and perform the ritual of Mangal Sutur to make Radha her mother.
Ketki agrees with Gungun explaining she is right as they do not have any other choice, Kadambari asks them both to stop talking nonsense, when Ketki mentions what is her mistake when Damini suffered a heart break, they both force Gungun to take a photo with Radha and Mohan. Kadambari once again scolds them.

Kaveri threatens to tear the face of Radha, Mohan asks what is she doing as he is going to talk with Radha, Kaveri exclaims he must not try to stop her as she has lost her mind and Radha would not be spared with her anger, she is first going to beat her and then throw her out of the house. Mohan replies to Kaveri masi would not do anything of the sort, Kaveri asks what his problem is and is she not getting angry by what is going on, she blames Mohan asking if he also likes it as now, he got two of them or is he behind everything that is happening. Mohan exclaims it is enough.
Mohan once again asks Radha what she is doing here but Radha just stands there, Mohan mentions the questions would increase if she stayed quiet, he requests Radha to speak the truth. Damini notices that the protection has ended, she thinks it is the work of Gungun and Tulsi so she must win the situation. Damini thinks this is the right moment to oust Radha from the life of Mohan once and for all.

Ketki and Ajeet also do not understand why Radha is standing there without uttering even a single word.

Damini furiously picks a pot before taking Radha with her, the entire family is shocked when Damini throws the water on her face, so she wakes up. Mohan is furious questioning what is she doing. Damini asks why anyone would ask her to do anything of the sort, Radha finally regains consciousness.

Damini blames Radha for doing everything, meanwhile Radha is shocked how she got in the clothes of the bride. Radha notices Damini is standing furiously in front of her while the entire family is shocked.

Update Credit to: Sona

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