Categories: Radha Mohan

Radha Mohan 22nd July 2024 Written Episode Update

Radha Mohan 22nd July 2024 Written Episode, Written Update on

Yug turns to Radhika asking her to invite Ketki, Radhika requests ketki to come to their wedding, Mohan is stunned hearing it and he does not know what to say while Ketki keeps informing how she said that she did not know Radha can go so low when Gungun and Mohan bhai are in the lockup but still then Mohan bhai was more worried about her while she is doing all this here, Ketki leaves calling her disgusting explaining she warned Mohan bhai a lot of times that Radha is a deceiver but he did not listen to her and kept trusting Rahda while today that belief lost, Radha replies now her yes would not remain closed and she wants to open her eyes, she asks Ketki to leave from here, Yug says ketki did not hear that Radhika said her eyes have opened and she saw the real face of Mohan so now Ketki can leave from

their life and house, Mohan is shocked, Ketki replies he must just worry about coming out of here as she has even talked to Ajeet who has gone to meet with the lawyer. Gungun says Ramaa can not do something like this, she explains Ketki might be mistaken but Ketki replies Radha said she would no longer close her eyes and trust Mohan bhai. Mohan asks ketki what did she say about what Radha said and so asks her for the exact words. Mohan says he understood the meaning, he explains when Radharani jee was born she did not open her eyes for a lot of years and everyone thought she does not have eyesight but Radharani jee vowed to see her Mohan after opening the eyes, and after a lot of her years when Ba Kai Bihari jee reached there and was standing in front of Radha Rani then at that time she opened her eyes while saw Mohan first, Ketki asks him what does Radha have to relate in all of this, Mohan replies just like Radharani did then his Radha also wants to open her eyes when he will stand in front of her, he says she has given a signal that she wants to stand with her Mohan jee so warns ketki that Radha is in a lot of trouble.

Radha is crying sitting on the couch thinking she desired to tell the entire truth to Ketki, but could not because she saw Yug who showed her the video of Manan who was being held by the knife, Radha wonders how her son would be and she prays that Mohan jee should return quickly as she needs him and their son needs his support, she keeps crying.

Mohan says to ketki he is sure Radha does not want to marry Yug but he is forcing her through blackmail, Mohan asks ketki to go and stay with Radha as she needs her support while saying she can do anything but not fight with Yug who is mad and can do anything, Mohan says she should tell Radha that Mohan is coming to Radha after which he can handle everything else, ketki asks how will Mohan bhai gte out of here, he replies he will surely reach till Radha, Mohan thinks he will come to Radha after breaking all the locks and climbing though the walls.

Radha is still crying when Yug comes to pick her up by holding her hand, he starts pulling her away while Radha requests him to let Manan go as he is a child and did not know that Mohan and Gungun were hiding in the store, Yug exclaims he loses his mind when someone requests him and so sitting asks her what does she desire, she pleads with him to let go of Manan as he did not know that she had kept Mohan jee and Gungun hidden, Yug also stands holding the hands saying he is a also a child and desires to do something but Yug says Manan would return when they get married and if Bhagwan desires then there would even be some more children. Radha asks him to not talk nonsense, he says this is why he does not like the hypocrisy of women so he says he liked children a lot, Manan and Gungun but then Radha hits him on the head with the metal vase, he stops her saying his phone is ringing and it is from the person who is with Manan, he says that she does not know the location of Manan, she should decide if it is more important to kill him then asks Radhika if he can answer the call or not, Yug asks what sort of a person is he and have they gone mad, while how can they talk about killing when his mother is standing in front of him, Yug says he will call after fifteen minutes while if he does not call then they can kill him without asking him. Radha says she is holding her hands while he should let go of Manan, Yug explains even he is holding his hands that she should get married to him which will solve the problem. Yug explains all of their problems would solve if they get married and does he look bad, he says she should think practically that if they do not get marred then he sacrifice of Dadi would go to waste and who knows how many people would have to lose their lives, he has an entire diary which he had to do for her. Radha requests him when he says even he feels bad, he is just acting of being heartless so says she should wear the wedding dress but Radha replies she does not have the wedding dress. Yug starts laughing explaining this is what all the women say that they donot have any clothes, he explains he has prepared for it and kept the wedding dress of his ex wife Radhika in the wardrobe, Yug takes out the dress mentioning all of the old memories would be relived today, Radha is very tensed thinking about what can she do, Yug says he always wanted to see her in the wedding dress but they donot have any photos together, Yug requests Radhika to wear it then asks if he can help her with it. Radha starts screaming but he replies she knows he does not like noise pollution as her son is already up there and might be killed, Yug agrees saying he would do it after they get married, the door bell rings when Yug agrees to send his mother who will help her. Radha starts crying when she calls to her Mohan jee wondering where is he as she needs him.

Mohan wonders how can he get out of here then calls the constable, Ajeet runs to the Inspector informing he wants to meet Mohan bhai, Ajeet asks if Mohan bhai is fine when he asks what did the lawyer say, Ajeet replies he tried a lot but no one is ready to take his case, as all the proof are against them, Ajeet says he is going to meet a lawyer who might agree to take the case, he says tomorrow is Saturday and then Sunday so they would have to wait till Monday for the bail. Mohan replies that Radha is in a lot of trouble and Yug can do anything to her, Mohan asks Ajeet to go back to the house and keep an eye on Radha while not let anything happen as he will sort it all, Ajeet asks how will it happen, Mohan replies he does not know how he will get out of here but would surely get out from here, Mohan along with Ajeet and Gungun are worried.

Precap: Yug asks Radha to wear her wedding dress and asks his mother to do what he instructed her ot else he will unalive her.
Mohan asks police to unlock him or he will kill his cell mate. Police unlocks the door. Mohan hits them to get out of his cell. Police inspector is looking for his gun. Gungun pointing his gun at him and says I have what you look for.

Update Credit to: Sona

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