Categories: Radha Mohan

Radha Mohan 22nd June 2023 Written Episode Update: Damini vows to take revenge from Mohan

Radha Mohan 22nd June 2023 Written Episode, Written Update on

Tulsi falls from the stairs and calls Radha for help, she also feels that something is wrong so rushes out of the kitchen hearing which even Mohan follows her, Radha wonders why did she feel as if Tulsi is calling her for help, Mohan coming asks if she did not like the Paratha, Radha replies it is not like that but she felt as if someone is calling her for help. Damini and Kaveri both are still digging in the office.

Tulsi is not even able to stand up and keeps calling Radha for help, Mohan gets scared a bit asking why is Radha scaring him, Radha replies she is not trying to scare him but telling the truth, they both start searching the house and Radha goes up stairs. Mohan also starts following her. Radha rushes to see Gungun mentioning Tulsi would be here by the side of Gungun, Mohan is shocked

so asks what did Radha mean by it, she replies she just wanted to check on Gungun. Mohan mentions she just came out after surviving such a big incident this is why she is feeling like this, he asks her to come and rest, Radha prays that Tulsi should be fine.

Tulsi is still lying on the floor informing Radha she is not fine, however Radha enters the room with Mohan.

Kaveri not being able to dig sits down mentioning she no loner has any strength left, Damini says this is not the time to rest and if Mohan finds this proof then he will bury them both in the same place. Kaveri and Damini both keep digging when they finally hit a metal piece, Damini is glad that they were able to find her, they both start removing the dirt and are glad that they both have been able to find her, Damini and Kaveri using all of their strength open it meanwhile Tulsi is still in immense pain. Damini and Kaveri both sit back down after taking deep breaths, Damini mentions Radha wanted to make sure Mohan finds this evidence, she exclaims now they both would see what Radha does in the future as now the bad time of Mohan is going to start, she vows to break the confidence of Mohan to the extent that he will not be able to handle anything in the future. She exclaims he has only seen a loving Damini but now would see her true face, she exclaims from today the end of Radha and Mohan is going to start. Damini and Kaveri are shocked hearing the door opening, they both get shocked. Kaveri asks if anyone is out there, Damini mentions who would come so late at night revealing it will be a cat, they both manage to take the bag outside.

Radha is not able to sleep in her room so after turning in her bed finally sits straight, she thinks she cannot say anything to Mohan since tomorrow is his first day in the office. Radha seeing the open window slowly walks to it, wondering why is she thinking as if one of her relative is in a lot of pain, she is not able to understand it while Tulsi is sitting outside the room pressing her hand against her ears as she cannot bear the pain.

Gurur maa says she herself warned them both to not come in her place but she has herself asked them to come here, Guru maa explains after bring the proof of Tulsi death they have given her a way to get rid of Tulsi as using this proof she is going to end her soul and send her from this world. Kaveri exclaims the soul of Tulsi was able to stay here because of this proof and had she known then she would have gotten rid of this proof a long time ago. Guru maa exclaims that all of their problems are going to end, she just needs five more days. Guru maa advises that Radha should not know about it otherwise she would try her best to protect Tulsi. Damini assures that Radha will not find it, Guru maa instructs them both to leave, Kaveri asks Damini for help explaining her back got stuck.

Guru maa opens the bag to find the skeleton of Tulsi, exclaiming that first Tulsi died and now Radha as Mohan does not have the love of a wife in his life, Dadi wakes up from her sleep shouting the name of Radha, Ramaveshwar comes asking what has happened, she informs something bad has happened to Radha. Ramaveshwar says that he had talked with Vishwaniyat so Radha is fine and with Mohan. Dadi asks if she will come back in their lives, Ramaveshwar says the one who took away his wife and the mother of Radha from her, has left a long time ago so will never come back. Dadi mentions they both should go and meet Radha once, Ramaveshwar says if Dadi desires to go and meet Radha then she can go by herself but he does not have any relation with Radha anymore.

In the morning Radha is watering the Tulsi plant, she fulfills the ritual praying that today is the first day of Mohan jee in the office so everything should go without any problem. Radha then walks into the Mandir, praying to Ba Kai Bihari jee, Radha takes a match to light a Diya in the Mandir. Radha asks Ba Kai Bihari jee for strength so she can make sure the offenders of Tulsi ji are punished for their cries Radha enters the house while Tulsi is sitting beside the door, she calls Radha who is not able to listen to her and walks away.

Radha entering the room opens the window asking Mohan to wake but he does not respond at all and just keeps snoring, Radha thinks that he will not wake up like this, she thinks of a plan so slowly picks the mug of green tea in which she places his finger, Mohan wakes up after shouting, Radha wishes him good morning, he asks what is she doing when Radha informs she was trying to wake him up, he replies she could have done it with love, Radha gets close to him mentioning he is her husband so if she would not show her love to him then who is she going to show it to, Mohan takes the name of maa and Gungun but as he is about to take the name of Damini, Radha angrily stops him mentioning there is no need t ruin the morning after taking hr name, she hands him the toothbrush and paste, saying he should get ready since today is his first day in the office. Mohan acts as if he is sleeping when Radha threatens she would pour the entire tea on him, Mohan thinks Radha has gotten very dangerous so he starts brushing his teeth while sitting on the bed.

Radha thinks she has not heard any sound of Tulsi je, so thinks she might be in the room of Gungun. Radha hits a pot which is on the floor so she picks it up thinking that Dulari does not do anything correctly, she enters the room of Gungun who is still sleeping. Radha asks Gungun to wake up since she has to go to her school but Gungun informs today is a holiday however Radha informs they have ended. Radha asks Tulsi to see how both Gungun and Mohan donot like waking up in the morning. She asks if Tulsi is here who then causes the tray to fall, Radha is glad saying that she felt as if Tulsi was not by her side since yesterday. Tulsi informs she is in a lot of pain and does not know what Damini and Kaveri has done to her, she requests Radha should go and find out.

Radha forces Gungun to wake up and takes her to the bathroom, Gungun exclaims could the summer vacation not be any longer however Radha asks her to go and get ready. Tulsi wonders what has Damini and Kaveri done as the pain is not ending.

Radha asks everyone to come as the breakfast is ready, Kaveri exclaims that Radha just came back two days ago but is now perfectly fine. Damini mentions everything would end after today as Radha was really interested in making sure Mohan meets his older self but what if something happens in the office seeing which Mohan is not able to stay calm. Kaveri exclaims Damini is very dangerous as she is planning to hurt the person she loves, Damini explains it is the problem of Mohan because had he accepted her then all these problems would have ended but now he will see what she is capable off. Kaveri asks what about the situation which they have created in the cabin, Damini says she is also worried but assures she will handle the situation.

Ajeet comes asking Radha if she has seen Ketki as she did not return to her room since last night, Radha notices Ketki is sleeping on the couch so says she is sleeping here, Ajeet wonders why is Ketki sleeping on the couch, Radha asks if they both have gotten in an argument, Ajeet replies if that had happened he would be the one sleeping here. Ajeet and Radha try to wake Ketki but she does not respond at first however then slowly opens her eyes, Radha asks Ketki if she is fine, Damini and Kaveri are worried. Ajeet asks why did Ketki come and sleep outside, Ketki informs she was not able to sleep last night so went out to walk, and then came here to sleep. Ketki asks Ajeet to go and bring some coffee for her, Ajeet says she is scolding him so everything is fine. Radha is glad so Ajeet leaves, Radha asks Ketki to come as she will serve breakfast to her, Ketki informs when she was coming back from her walk, Damini and Kaveri were going somewhere but they both did not give a suitable reply and she cannot remember anything after that, Radha gets really worried, she stares at both Damini and Kaveri who are standing o the balcony. Mohan calls Radha, she informs that if it relates to Damini and Kaveri then it cannot be a coincidence as they both would have surely gone out for some reason, she assures to keep an eye on them both after which their cleverness is not going to work. Kaveri says to Damini how Ketki might not know the truth and she would have just said she saw them both leaving, Damini assures there is nothing to worry about as Radha would not be able to do anything after what is about to happen with her in the office.

Precap: Guru maa is taking the skeleton of Tulsi away with her, she starts slapping the skeleton and even lifts her, Mohan wakes up from his sleep taking the name of Tulsi. Radha tries to console him.

Update Credit to: Sona

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