Categories: Radha Mohan

Radha Mohan 24th October 2023 Written Episode Update: Damini plans to have Radha killed

Radha Mohan 24th October 2023 Written Episode, Written Update on

Radha thanks Kunal who also congratulates her when she turns back hitting him on the face with her hair, she goes to hug Mohan who also with a smile on his face hugs her tightly, Mohan sees Damini staring at them both so he picks Radha up while hugging her seeing which Damini gets disturbed, Radha is excited saying the entire family would be very happy after hearing their news so they both decide to leave, Damini furiously gets up when Mohan stops and starts walking towards her, Kunal also notices that there is something wrong, Damini sits back on the seat when Mohan asks Damini why is she taking such long breaths asking if she forgot that when Radha and Mohan are together they are always successful, Damini notices Kunal so immediately goes to him but he also leaves calling Radha and Mohan.


stops both Radha and Mohan telling that she has done pretty well and he raises his hand to shake with Radha but Mohan notices it so he instead shakes the hand of Kunal, saying that Kunal also did it very good when Kunal tells that Radha would have to come in the second round after taking off her saree, Mohan gets furious asking why is Kunal talking like this about his wife, Kunal apologizes for how it seemed like but is only saying that she needs to come in a suite for the next round due to the dress code, Radha gets worried looking at Mohan, Kunal asks if they would have to arrange it when Mohan asks what is the problem in it, Kunal leaves wishing them all the best. Mohan turns to Radha telling her that Kunal was flirting with her, Radha says that her own husband does not flirt with her so how would Kunal do it, Mohan says that Kunal has been looking at her of so long when Radha ask how does he know it, Mohan replies he himself saw Kunal so Radha bursts into immense laughter, Mohan asks why is she laughing at this and even clapping, Radha replies because she is really enjoying the moment, saying that her husband is getting jealous when she always fights for him with either Damini or Miss Rozy, Mohan says he is not jealous of Kunal and asks if they should change the topic, Mohan asks how will she arrange the dress for tomorrow, Radha says that she has his support so Mohan asks would she go wearing him but Radha asks him to come to the room where she will reveal the plan.

Damini is sitting in the dining area mentioning that Radha needs to die, she says that he has the photo under the plate which he must look at, Damini tells him that he has to end her life right now but the contract killer says the security is very tight here, Damini offers to give him twice the amount when the contract killer asks what about her husband as he will surely come to save her however Damini promises to take care of him, she says that he must take the next flight after completing the work. Damini mentions Radha would not be able to get into the next round because when she would be gasping for her life, her husband would be very busy.

Mohan is given the string and needle when the worker asks what is he going to do, Mohan says that she will make a gown of the saree so the worker asks how is it possible when Mohan says that his wife can do anything so Mohan starts walking towards the room, Damini stops Mohan saying what time has come on him since he was the most renowned publisher of Varandhwan but now is purchasing needle and string, she says he has even come to participate in this competition after taking recommendation from someone else and even the treatment of his daughter is being performed with the aid of someone else, Mohan leaves saying that he does not want to talk with her, Damini tries her best to stop him.

Radha calls Kadambari informing her that with the prayers of the Trivedi family they have achieved the first position in the first round and are now waiting for the next round, she requests Kadambari to let her talk with Gungun as she is really missing her, Kadambari gets worried when Nirmala takes the phone and tells Radha that she has the blessing of the entire family, Radha says that she is glad Nirmala also came here since it is important that the entire family is present here, Ketki takes the phone from Nirmala telling Radha that Gungun is asleep so she would let her talk once Gungun is awake.

Kadambari tells Ketki that Gungun is not fine and they need to call back Radha and Mohan, Gungun hearing their conversation starts removing the oxygen mask, she requests the doctor to call her Grandmother, Tulsi while crying tells Maa that Gungun is calling her, the doctor says that Gungun is not fine when Gungun replies that she has to talk about something important with her Grandmother, the doctor signals the sister who leaves the room and requests Kadambari to come inside hearing which they all get worried at first but then kadmabari rushes into the room. Kadambari asks the doctor what has happened when Gungun tells Kadambari to not call her Ramaa and father, as they should be defeated because of her, the doctor is also moved by the courage of Gungun. Kadambari agrees reassuring nothing would happen so she asks Gungun to keep wearing the oxygen mask and breathe, Kadmabari after seeing that Gungun is breathing fine turns to leave. Ketki standing with the entire family thinks that Gungun is not fine so she has to inform Radha and Mohan, Kadambari takes the phone mentioning no one will call Radha and Mohan, Ketki asks what about the condition of Gungun, Kadambari mentions this is the desire of Gungun and when the child is showing so much strength then they also have to be courageous, Kadambari while crying sits on the bench when Nirmala also says that everything would be fine.

Radha standing in the balcony wishes that Gungun should also be present here since this is a very beautiful place, she thinks of sending Gungun some photos. Radha turns on the front camera exclaiming that he does not have to take her photo but that of the beautiful location, Radha sees person entering her room with a knife in his hand, the person after closing the door wonders where did she go as she was just standing in front of him, Radha is lying down in front of the bed to remain hidden from the contract killer.

Mohan is walking when Damini stops him asking if he does not even have the courage to talk with her, Mohan replies he said he does not want to talk with her when she asks what does he see in Radha that he completely ignores her, Mohan replies that Radha does not make plans like her nor does she hurt anyone and even never loves after placing condition like Damini but she can give her life for those whom she loves. Damini thinks that Mohan should keep praising Radha here while she would be send to her Ba Kai Bihari jee.

Radha wonders who is the person and what is he doing here since even Mohan jee is not here, Radha taking her phone starts calling Mohan while she is still hiding in front of the bed, the person wonders where is she hiding and should reveal herself as he will kill her instantly so she does not feel any sort of pain. Radha notices how the person is checking in the bathroom, she quickly tries to get up but her saree gets stuck in the corner of the bed, Radha with all her strength tries to remove it however it it does not come out easily, the person finally turns back and sees Radha trying to remove her saree, she gets really worried.

Precap: Goon is trying to kill Radha by drowning her. Damini insults Radha infront of Mohan. Mohan asks her to stop saying wrong things about Radha. Gungun wakes up. Doctor says her condition is getting worse and asks nurse to be ready with injection. Damini says to Mohan you won’t be able to do anything because you are not in condition to do something.

Update Credit to: Sona

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