Categories: Radha Mohan

Radha Mohan 26th June 2023 Written Episode Update: Damini plans to ruin the meeting of Mohan with the CA

Radha Mohan 26th June 2023 Written Episode, Written Update on

Mohan is reading the news paper, while drinking the green tea. Mohan reads the horoscope that he is going to get a lot in his life and there is a new start, Radha snatches the newspaper mentioning he has started going to the office so it is a new start. Mohan asks Radha what does she think about it, he notices that she is constantly staring at him so starts taking a step backwards while Radha gets very close to him, she yells in his ear that he has not gone to take a bath. Mohan replies he thought she has come to bite him but he stops when she calls him from behind, Radha throws a towel at him. Radha picks the newspaper exclaiming she will also see what is written in her horoscope, she reads that there are new changes in her life, Radha gets excited but then she reads that some past secrets are going

to be revealed, that will chance her life forever so she must stay cautious of her actions. Radha gets worried wondering if these secrets are relating to the death of Tulsi ji. Radha howeve refutes the thought mentioning these things are not true and what secret of her past is going to be revealed.

A women standing on the boat exclaims that there is no one worse then her and if something is even old then the history itself, she exclaims that this city has given her a lot in these twenty years be it the family or even power. She exclaims Banaras is even the reason of her identity, she is Mandap Kyshup from Banaras. She thinks because of this identity her past has ended once and for all.

Ajeet reads in the horoscope that the old and broken relations would be mended once again, Ketki suddenly snatches the newspaper reading that the people whom they have left in the back are going to come back, Ketki questions if he has started talking to his old girlfriend, she gets angry when he says he was just joking with her because he did not have anyone else in his life, Ajeet holds her hand asking if she does not trust her, Ketki exclaims she wants to read her own horoscope which states that there is a new person coming into their live, Ketki exclaims that this is why she was desiring to eat something sour however Ajeet says it will happen if they stop fighting. Ketki is however excited.

Damini is also reading it which says they must take care of the problem otherwise it will ruin everything. Kaveri requests Damini to not listen to these things because just last week it said that she would suffer something painful but she is fine, Damini informs that Kaveri was about to be bitten by a dog however Kaveri says it is nothing of the sort. Kaveri once again says that nothing wrong would happen. Damini informs nothing is going according to their plan, she informs she has filled his cabin with memories of Tulsi but Radha manged to calm him down once again, she also informs Mohan is insisting on meeting the CA and if it happens then he would find out how much discrepancies there are in the accounts. Kaveri asks if it means that they are going to be thrown out of this house.

Radha while ironing the coat of Mohan wonders what secret of her past is going to be revealed, Radha calls to Tulsi mentionig no matter how much she tries to end this thought but she is forced to think that everything is realtng to her death, Tulsi is trying to talk with Radha but is not able to do so. Radha exclaims she is feeling that a big storm is coming their way and which will ruin everything, she is feeling as if there is going to be a storm that will wash away her entire family, as if there will be a fire that will destroy not only her life but that of her family members. Tulsi exclaims Radha is not wrong as something of this sort will happen. Radha wonders what sort of sign is this.

Mandra Kayshup is performing the puja of the sun praying that the reason for her life must never get any sort of problem and he should always protect her. Radha thinks that Damini has still hidden the biggest secret and she does not even know what is the truth that Damini is hiding.

Mandra exclaims she will take care of everything else but if anyone raises an evil eye against her, she vows to ruin their life and they will not be able to see even a single light as her name is Mandra.

Radha thinks she will surely find out the truth about the secret, Mohan questions what I the secret which she desires to find out, Mohan mentions he will not come to save her this time when Radha asks the reason, he says because he is a very busy person but if she desires then he can stay with her. Radha however informs that he has to get ready for the office, Mohan asks why is she not ready, Radha replies because she will not be coming to the office. Mohan asks if she does not come then how would he be able to work, he after thinking for a moment exclaims it is not like that and he would surely get buys but why is she not coming. Radha replies because her husband is going after so many days so she feels she must make dinner for him. Mohan asks if she is going to bring the sugar with tortilla, Radha replies it will only happen when he starts working in the farm, Mohan says they will start working right now, both Radha and Mohan start laughing. Damini reaching the door asks if she can come inside if they both are not disturbed, Radha asks why is she asking this question after entering the room so must go out and then ask this question. Radha says she was just joking so Damini can come and tell what does she want to talk about, Damini mentions she wants to talk with Mohan, mentioning Mohan has arranged a meeting with the CA but he must know that the CA is very buys, Radha however replies that he will come at three pm, Damini questions how can she do it, Mohan says when Radha schedules all the meetings then why not this, he leaves thanking Radha for it. Damini gets furious thinking that he has harmed her reputation she will therefor make him pay.

Mandra sits in front of the Pandit jee who asks what has she seen in her dream, Mandra informs she has seen a dream of someone buried and a skeleton, which is being dug out by two people, she exclaims she is not scared even by Bhagwan but got a little tensed. Pandit jee says that they cannot deny the fact of this world, Mandra tries to interfere when pandit jee explains that someone is trying to find out the truth of her past and when it comes in face of her present then it will ruin everything, Pandit jee says that it would even mean her wealth, reputation and even her house is gong to be snatched so she will get the punishment for her actions, as her past will surely knock on her doors and it is the reality of that dream. Mandra gets furious exclaiming she will change the truth, her past which she has left, she will not allow it to change her present and she will make sure it remains a secret, Mandra exclaims that she will not let anything be changed, Pandit replies she cannot change what is about to happen, as Bhagya does not change, Mandra questions how can it not change, saying a person who knows his future is also capable of changing it, Mandra once again exclaims she is not even scared of Bhagwan and this is only the game of Bhagwan. Mandra places the money in front of Pandit jee before leaving, Pandit jee smiles.

Radha is making the dish which is the favourite of Mohan jee, Radha prays that ti should taste just like the one which her Dadi makes. Radha once again remembers how the horoscope said that the secrets of her past are going to be revealed, she gets worried if it relates to her father and Dadi. Radha suddenly starts getting hiccups so wonders if her Dadi is remembering her. Radha thinks of calling her but just as Dadi is about to pick the mobile, Ramaveshwar after snatching the mobile ends the call, he exclaims they donot have to keep any relation with her, Dadi mentions there is no need to be so stubborn but he says he does not want to talk about it. Radha eve dials the number of her father but he also declines it, Radha feels they both are not remembering her and what is the secret of her past, she si really confused.

The car stops at the front o the house, Mandra walks into the house where the guard salutes her. She keeps walking inside the house and where ever she goes, all the servants stop for her respect. Mandra reaching the room thinks how Pandit jee mentioned that the skeleton and body are a truth of her past and they are going to knock on her door. Mandra thinks she is gong to bury all the secrets of her past to the extent that it will not be able to harm the beautiful present in which she is living. Mandra holds her hand exclaiming she is surely gong to change everything as her destiny cannot run her life but she is herself going to run her life, and will crush everything that comes in her path if it is a thing or a human being. Mandra hears the servant calling on the phone, she angrily turns towards him while he does not notice her approaching him. Mandra angrily stands beside him, he is shocked and so drops his phone.Mandra sees the vase and touching it finds that it is dirty, seeing this the servant assures he will clean it right now, but Mandra pushes it so it falls on the floor. The servant starts picking the pieces of the broken vase while Mandra slowly walks to stand beside him and then pushes his hand over the broken pieces of the vase, he covers his mouth so that his screams cannot be heard, Mandra taunts that he got hurt and leaves after placing money on the desk.

Radha is applying bandage on the hand of Dulari saying she must be careful while working, Dulari exclaims Radha has a very big heart when she assures that everything would be fine.

The servant is looking at his wound when another comes saying this omen is really cruel and she does not care for anyone other then herself. Mandra thinks that she is really tensed and thinks what if she should end the past, Maa je calls Mandra who rushes to take her blessings, Maa ji praises Mandra for being a very good piano player but Mandra mentions that there is someone else meaning their Shiv who is a very good player. Maa je exclaims that she is very sad to see the condition in which their Shiv is at the moment. Mandra stops Maa ji mentioning that she feels she should go and arrange a small puja for their Shiv in Barsana, Maa jee exclaims that Mandra is the only one who has taken control of this family because the person who was responsible left no stone un turned in casing it to burn, Mandra angrily exclaims that she is coming to meet the Radha rani of Barsana.

Mohan is checking the files when Damini sees him through the window and thinks now she will see how he holds the meeting with the CA, Damini enters the cabin asking him to have this green tea, Mohan is about to drink it when the cup drops after hitting the lunch basket of Radha. Damini gets shocked asking what is this behavior, Radha apologizes saying that she did not see the cup, however exclaims that Mohan should not drink the green tea before having lunch. Damini mentions that it is already two so he has not even checked the files, she asks if she can cancel the meeting. Radha immediately stops Damini suggesting Damini should bring all the files here, Damini asks Mohan then how will he eat it, Radha says Damini should let her worry for it but must only bring the files, Damini agrees to bring them.

Mohan gets joyed smelling the food, Damini however angrily sees them while leaving. Mohan is only staring at Radha who is serving him lunch.

Damini brings both the books of accounts and some bank details, Radha asks him to start checking it when he asks how will he eat it, Radha feeds him the lunch saying from here the work of Damini has ended so she can leave, Damini angrily leaves.

Radha keeps preparing the bites for Mohan who is just eating them, she says that he should focus on his work, Radha replies she is also going to pay attention t him. Mohan just keeps staring at Radha recalling how she would often take care of him, Radha keeps preparing the bites for him to eat, however he is not able to stop thinking about Radha, she even starts teasing him but he forces her to feed him. Damini comes back but is shocked seeing how they both are very close and enjoying the company of each other. She is not able to bear it so finally knocks informing the CA sir has arrived, Radha asks Mohan to get ready while she will bring him, CA informs that he does not come to the clients and they usually come to his office. Damini also greets the CA suggesting that they can discuss the financial affairs in her office but Radha interrupts mentioning that now the MD of this company has joined the office. Radha takes the CA to the cabin. Mohan is sleeping when Radha tries to wake him up, CA says that this is why Mohan was not seen in the office in the past seven years, Radha tries to stop the CA but he says that the flight from Delhi to Varandhwan is of four hours he leaves telling Radha to convey her message to Mohan that he should come to Delhi, Radha realizes that Mohan is not sleeping bu unconscious. Radha sees Damini standing in the hall smiling.

Update Credit to: Sona

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