Categories: Radha Mohan

Radha Mohan 27th June 2023 Written Episode Update: Damini challanges Radha in the office

Radha Mohan 27th June 2023 Written Episode, Written Update on

Radha tries her best to wake up Mohan but he does not even respond, and when his falls down she realizes he is not sleeping but unconscious, Radha is stunned when she accidentally looks out of the window only to see Damini standing there smiling, she leaves when Radha follows her. Radha angrily slaps Damini in her cabin, she is furious with her. Damini is also shocked, Radha questions what has she done with Mohan jee that he got unconscious. Damini after smiling says what would happen with a single slap as she should slap her again or rather kill her if she likes, Damini says she has done what she planned with Mohan, Damini recalls how she saw Mohan licking his finger and then turning the pages so she applied the medicine on the papers, due to which Mohan ate the medicines while reading the papers, Damini

asks what did Radha think that she will defeat her while pretending to be his wife, she exclaims Damini does not accept defeat like this and Mohan deserved this all as he made fun of her love so she made sure he suffered the humiliation. Radha replies Damini is lying, saying Damini does not love Mohan, she would always used to think that Damini truly loves Mohan, she can never do anything wrong with him but she was wrong, Radha says those whom they love, they never cause any pain to that person. Radha blames the love of Damini is just like her which is hollow and worthless. Radha explains shee tries to find the happiness of Mohan while Damini only thinks about herself, Radha further says she can do anything for Mohan while Damini can do anything to anyone, she can let Mohan go for himself but Damini is only adamant to attain the name of Mohan and nothing else. Damini replies Radha told the truth as she just wants to attain the love of Mohan for which she can do anything and if Mohan does not become her then she will not let him be the life partner of anyone else. Radha is shocked, but says Damini must not think of it as she can never do anything wrong to Mohan since she is standing in front of him, and her love has even more strength then the obsession of Damini, she can try whatever she desires but would not be able to harm Mohan at all.

Damini says Radha does not have the idea of what she can do, since this time her target is not Radha but Mohan and she will hurt him at the place where he feels the most. Radha calls Damini but she warns Radha to stay there and save her energy as she is going to need it. Damini shows the CCCTV footage in which Mohan is leaving the office. Radha turns to leave but Damini stops her explaining her plan backfired as Radha was really eager to reveal her truth in front of everyone but her plan failed and Mohan left because he realized he is not worthy of this office, Damini explains Mohan will never set foot in this office after today, saying the plan of Radha ended before even starting as she wanted to find the truth about Tulsi’s death and desired to use Mohan, Damini explains it is very easy for her to break the confidence of Mohan. Damini tries to leave but Radha stops her saying that the Mohan in front of whom everyone bows, he has his blessings on her Mohan jee so how would Damini be able to defeat him, and it is her habit of playing games but she is just fighting the battle for the truth and is sure she will even win this time and one more thing, that Mohan will not stop coming to the office and is even going to reveal the truth behind the death of Tulsi ji, Damini is shocked and furious hearing it, Radha says the end of Damini will start from this office, and she is going to bring her past in front of Mohan jee. Damini is furious, when Radha turns to see the newspapers which she picks in front of Damini, Radha asks her to take it and start reading her horoscope which says the secrets from the past are going to be revealed, which are relating to her. Damini realizes when she read that the clouds of problem are lingering and if she did not control them then everything would be ruined.

Mandra is also reading the horoscope which mentions the secrets of her past, she goes praying that before the secrets of her past are raveled she is going to strangle it, she thinks she has to reach Barsana very soon so she can end the life of her, she exclaims she feels she meets Radharani in Barsana.

Radha mentions that Damini is always going to find her standing in front of her and Mohan jee

Mandra mentions that she is going to find the truth about her past in Barsana and has to tear them all in order to end it .

Radha is praying with Gungun who asks how are they going to cheer Mohan, Radha mentions that they have to make the person regain his self confidence and believe that he is not alone but has the support of the entire family. Gungun asks how are they going to do it when Mohan is not even opening the door.

Mohan sitting on his bed is constantly thinking about all the memories which he was forced to think about after entering his cabin, Tulsi tries her best to talk with Mohan but thinks that Damini first attacked her and now is going after Mohan, she wonders how is she going to inform him that Damini is planning something very heinous.

Radha wonders how can she stop Damini from taking the evil steps towards her.

Mandra is about to step out of the house when the lady sneezes, she comes to her apologizing that she sneezed so Mandra would not be able to step out right now and must wait for some time, so she will also accompany her to Barsana where she can perform the pooja with Radha rani while she will accompany her, she asks the servant to bring some water for Mandra. However Mandra stops the worker asks Padma if these signs are not planned, she questions who said to her that she will take her to Barsana, Mandra sees Maa ji coming so immediately changes her statement mentioning that if they both go together then will be able to have the support of each other. Maa ji brings the suit of Radharani, Mandra mentions she is just praying that Shiv should be the same as before, Maa ji asks if Padma is also going with her, Padma explains she will also accompany Mandra to Barsana so when two people would pray for Shiv he will get better quickly, Maa turning to Padma mentions she is her mother so knows what sort of pooja she is going to do in Barsana, she leaves warning Padma to be careful of whatever she does.

Radha is walking when she suddenly falls down getting unconscious, Kadambari comes and is shocked seeing Radha so screams, Mohan hearing her name also runs out while even the entire family comes out and are very worried, Ajeet asks Mohan to come out quickly, he is stunned seeing that Radha is unconscious so sits holding her in his arms, he tells Kadambari that Radha is unconscious. They all are shocked when Kadambari asks Mohan to check if she is breathing, he kneels towards her when Radha holds Mohan tightly, he asks her to let go of him but she instead kisses Mohan on the cheek seeing which everyone gets a bit awkward. Mohan is shocked to see a big mirror in which he can see the mark, and the entire family standing beside it. Radha keeps hugging Mohan from behind while signing a song, he does not understand what is going on as they all start dancing. Mohan gets a bit tensed so he tires to leave however Radha keeps acting as a joker in front of him, Kaveri thinks she can also dance with them all. Mohan gets really irritated so asks them all to stop. Radha starts crying so walks away from him and even removes both the mask and cap, the rest of the Trivedi family also gets worried. Mohan then starts singing a song, hearing which Radha is delighted so he then amazed the entire family, Radha even starts singing with him, they both finally get close to each other while Mohan is smiling. Damini gets furious seeing Radha and Mohan together, she thinks Radha is just defeating her so she has to do something after which their relation would be strained and Mohan will never come to the office. Damini sees Gungun so thinks that this is the first time Tulsi is so vulnerable that she will not be able to do anything, Damini thinks her next target is Gungun and no one would be able to stop her.

Tulsi falls in front of the mirror, she thinks she has to talk with Radha even if it means the entire family finds out the truth but she has to do this for her daughter. Tulsi tries to think of a plan but then notices the mirror, she gets an idea.

Mandra reaches the turning of Barsana and Varandhwan, Mandra says this is where their paths are going to be different as she needs to go to Barsana while Padma exclaims that she will have to go to Varandhwan. Mandra mentions that she is coming to end all the problem of her past, she says she is coming. Padma also says she will take back what belongs to her so mentions that she is coming to the Trivedi house.

Mohan tells Radha that he has gotten habitual of not working and always sleeping after eating which is what he did in the office, he says that Gungun wrote the correct essay on him in her school so he mentions he would not be able to go back to office. Radha explains Mohan knows all the work in the office and should not forget her first day in the office as she did not know anything, at that time Mohan stood by her side so how can she let go of the person who was there to support her. Radha vows to never let go of his hand, she asks him to see how everyone is happy to see a positive change in his life. Radha turning to Gungun asks him to think about her, because if he accepts defeat then what would she learned, so he cannot accept defeat for her. Mohan turns saying he would not even accept defeat when Radha has so much trust in him.

Tulsi manages to stand up, she thinks that everyone might fin out the truth about her presence after what she is about to do but she has to tell Radha that the life of Gungun is in danger. Tulsi using her powers starts writing on the mirror however she notices that Radha is not even looking here, Tulsi tries to signal Radha however cannot do it, she keeps writing on the mirror. Kaveri while dancing notices it and so is shocked to see the writing, she quickly turns to Damini who is just staring at both Radha and Mohan.

Damini asks Kaveri what has happened, she points to the mirror seeing which Damini is also shocked. Tulsi keeps on writing with all her strength, both Damini and Kaveri get really worried wondering what would happen if either Radha or Mohan sees the mirror. Gungun also comes to Radha and Mohan, the three of them start dancing together.

Damini quickly calls Guru maa informing her of what is happening, Radha notices that Damini is calling someone and is really tensed. Guru maa after ending the call exclaims that she tried to talk in front of Radha so she tied her mouth but now is going to do the same with her hands. Tulsi feels as if someone is tying her hands so requests Ba Kai Bihari jee for help. Guru maa vows to not let any way which Tulsi tries to use to talk with Radha. Tulsi turning to Damini and Kaveri question ow low are they going to go and must have some shame. Radha turns to notice the writing on the mirror, she calls Tulsi however is not ale to get a reply, Radha thinks Tulsi might be trying to talk with her but what is she trying to inform her, Radha remembers when she read that she must remain cautious, Radha finally leaves when both Damini and Kaveri wonder what can they do.

Radha reaches the mirror and starts removing the writing but is not able to succeed at first however manages to get rid of it all, she is really nervous so leaves.

Ramaveshwar is talking with Kadambari explaining that he was not able to come to Varandhwan but needs her signature on the papers of the Mandir because if it not happens then the Trivedi family would not have an authority over the Mandir. Kadmabari asks Ramaveshwar to come back to the house where they would discuss the matters, Ramaveshwar says he would be able to come to Varandhwan but not her house, Kadmabari requests him to meet Radha at least once but Ramaveshwar refuses to accept this request so kadambari gives her word. Kadmabari is shocked seeing Radha standing behind her, she immediately keeps requesting kadambari to aslo take her as she needs to meet her father and Grandmother but Kadambari replies she has made a promise so would not be able to take her, Radha replies she will only see her family from far away but not come in front of them, Kadambari leaves saying that she cannot take Radha.

Radha thinks that Tulsi is trying to tell her something even when her truth would be revealed while both her father and Grandmother are also coming to Varandhwan but not agreeing to meet her. Radha thinks if this realtes to her past.

Mandra thinks that the one who can change her past is named Mandra and she is surely going to tear everything from her past. Radha thinks that the horoscope might be true. Mandra exclaims she is coming to fight her fate.

Update Credit to: Sona

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