Categories: Radha Mohan

Radha Mohan 28th October 2022 Written Episode Update: Parthap threatens the bus driver.

Radha Mohan 28th October 2022 Written Episode, Written Update on

Mohan explains he is getting weird feelings that something bad is about to happen, Shekar replies he has only one way to calm himself by beating anyone, Kadambari signals Shekar to calm down when Mohan replies he would not let anyone go away with hurting his daughter, Shekar mentions the hearing of custody case is already going on and his actions might be difficult for them, Mohan thinks he is still restless and feels he should be present in the competition.

Parthap is looking at the cars so thinks he must take the bus to some distant road after which he would fit the bomb in the car and run away, Parthap notices that Radha is worried so thinks she might have started to suspect him, so he needs to do something to finalize his plan.

Mohan is demanding the keys to his car, he asks Rahul

if he knows where they are when Rahul replies he doesnot even touch the cars, Mohan then goes to ask Dulari but she also doesnot know, he replies why does anyone not put the things in the right spot, he also questions Damini about his keys but she asks where is he going, Mohan mentions he talked with Radha so feels there would be a problem, Tulsi mentions Damini herself is the problem so asks if he talked with her but Mohan rushes to ask Ajit who informs both have gone to bring the Brahman. Mohan rushes away.
Damini calls Parthap asking if Radha talked with Mohan, he mentions that she got so scared and was not able to say anything, Damini questions what did she say so Parthap informs about what she said, Damini mentions Radha doesnot worry of anything when it comes to Gungun and she was able to say everything in front of his eyes, Radha tries her best to listen so thinks he was also angry the last time when he was on the call and she is sure that it is the enemy of the family.

Damini thinks she would have to stop Mohan, Kadambari also asks him where is he going as all the Brahman have come including the Maha Pandit jee so how can he leave, Mohan gets worried but then Kadambari mentions he ahs to stay inside the house.

Radha thinks she must inform Mohan but doesnot have her mobile so asks Ketki for her phone, she tries calling Mohan however he doesnot answer her call. Kaveri agrees with Kadambari mentioning that he should not go out after the Haldi function, and it is not worth it but Mohan replies he cannot explain the situation.

Parthap notices Radha talking on the phone so thinks he would teach Radha a lesson, he forces the steering causing Radha to lose her balance and she drops the phone, Ketki is stunned questioning what did she do, and it caused her to lose the phone, Radha apologizes. The driver also questions Parthap what he does as they might have met with an accident, because he did not see such a big hole when the driver mentions he himself saw it, Parthap then threatens the driver with the pocketknife which causes him to not stop the bus. Ketki demands the driver to stop however Parthap replies to this bus would not stop, Radha prays Ketki should stop talking as it might cause them to lose their lives. Radha forces Ketki to sit down who is angry with her saying that Radha first threw her phone and is now defending the peon, Radha reveals that he is the same person who kidnapped her and because of which Ketki is stunned, Radha signals her to not look at him directly hearing which she is scared.

Mohan apologizes mentioning he has to leave but just as he is about to step out Damini holds his hand, Mohan turns back when Damini mentions he can leave after a while as what is the emergency, Mohan mentions there is suddenly an emergency.

Gungun questions Ketki why is she worried, Ketki is about to inform her the truth but Radha explains she is tensed because her phone was thrown out of the bus, Radha questions Ketki what is she doing as the students might get scared and they have to work with their mind, Radha reveals he can harm the children a lot because he had buried her alive in the ground. Radha asks her to look at the children because they are not their own children however, they are responsible for the students. Ketki notices Parthap staring at the bag, she is stunned to see there is a bomb in the bus, Parthap quickly covers it before placing it under the seat.

Mohan asks Damini to let him leave when all the Brahman have come for them and if he leaves it would be wrong as what is more important. Mohan explains there is someone more important who is Gungun, Radha and Ketki. He doesnot care if anyone comes or goes and eats anything but he just cares for his family.

Ketki replies she doesnot know what it is but feels there is something in the bag, Ketki wonders how they would be able to find out about it. Parthap explains she is right because he was first suspicious that Radha knew about the truth however, he is now sure, Damini replies he must make sure her plan doesnot fail otherwise she would have a bomb fit under him, Parthap ends the call.

Damini thinks that the bus would be the last place for both Radha and Gungun, she is stunned to see Kaveri standing who exclaims she is sure Damini is planning something, she must tell her the plan as she can no longer bear the pain of not knowing it, Damini replies they first must go inside otherwise everyone would suspect them.

Radha thinks they have to do something as they cannot sit here, Ketki questions how they can do it since they neither have the phone to tell Mohan so no one can help them, Radha replies it is said in Bhagwat Geeta that those who donot think of changing their situation are not even helped by Bihari jee, she thinks they have to first get this bus stopped. Ketki replies it is not that easy because if it was possible, she would have done it before for her mobile. Radha is worried when a student comes explaining he needs to go attend the bathroom, Ketki gets worried but Radha explains she ahs found a way to stop this bus, Radha goes to Parthap mentioning they need to stop the bus because the student has to pee and they need to stop the bus, Parthap however replies the bus would not stop here as it is a lonely road, however the driver replies that the road is busy so they can stop the bus but Parthap is not convinced, Radha signals Ketki who comes to sit beside Parthap while Radha kneels down to find what is inside the bag, Parthap gets furious so yells at Ketki ordering her to go back and sit down, he notices Radha is trying to search for something in the bag so asks what is she searching for, Radha stands in front of the door with the bag when Parthap opens the door, the driver questions why did he do it to which Parthap gets up and tries to intimidate Radha, she starts walking backwards and then stumbles from he stairs which worries both Gungun and Ketki, who get scared.

Update Credit to: Sona

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