Categories: Radha Mohan

Radha Mohan 30th June 2023 Written Episode Update: Rameshwar and Dadi hide the truth from Radha

Radha Mohan 30th June 2023 Written Episode, Written Update on

Ramaveshwar explains he has a burden but it is not because of Radha, which he has been carrying his entire life, Radha asks what burden is he bearing, Dadi signals Ramaveshwar to not say anything, he informs it is the burden of the memories of her mother but now the time has come that he should let her mother stay peacefully, Radha asks what is he saying since her mother has left her a long time ago, Ramaveshwar replies her mother has no died hearing this Radha is shocked so Ramaveshwar explains tomorrow he was about to perform the MahaSharad and burn all of the belongings of her mother, Radha asks why do they MahaSharad, Ramaveshwar replies they do it so that all of the relations the soul has with this world ends and Radha should also be present in it. Radha thinks this is what has been worrying her

for so many days and this is what Ba Kai Bihari jee wants to tell her, she thinks tomorrow is the third of July and if the soul of her mother gets peace because o this MahaSharad then she would surely arrange it. Dadi gets really tensed seeing at the curtain, she asks Vishwaniyat and Radha to come as Ramaveshwar needs to rest, Vishwaniyat also advises Ramaveshwar to take care of himself. Radha slowly walks out of the door after closing it.

Mandra comes out of hiding praising Ramaveshwar for doing it, she mentions she does not want to have any relation with either him or his daughter but she would not have done anything of the sort if he had not challenged her Mandra mentions she is glad both him and his mother did what she asked them to do, Mandra recalls when she instructed Dadi to do what she tells her. Mandra explains that the chapter has ended so she is going to leave after which they will not meet. Mandra explains that if her past comes in the way of her present then he should know how easy it would be for her to reach Radha if she can even reach her. Ramaveshwar gets tensed assuring they would exactly as she desires, Mandra explains that she had snatched the mother of Radha all those years ago so he must not do anything that she even takes away his daughter.

Radha is standing with Dadi when Mohan comes asking her to smile assuring that everything is fine, he explains Radha must be glad to know her father is not admitted because of her as now only one person would be admitted is him. Radha gets shocked when Mohan jokes with her so she hits him questioning why is he saying anything as even he should get her life. Mohan says she wants him to live for a hundred and fifty years. Mohan asks Radha to go back home while he will stay with Ramaveshwar, Radha insists on staying but Mohan asks if she does not trust him. Dadi and Radha start walking away when they all hear the sound of a ringtone, they all are shocked when Mohan questions how is this voice coming from the ICU when there is no phone allowed there, Dadi tries to mention that it might be a machine but Mohan says the machine does not sound like this, he tries to enter when Dadi stops him. Mandra is standing wondering why is Damini calling her, she ends it when Padma also calls her asking if her work has finished, Padma informs that they must return since the third of July is a very big day.

Mohan enters along with Dadi and Radha but they are not able to see anyone so Radha also thinks that the sound might be coming from some other room. They all leave.

Mandra is relieved that she was not caught however while trying to turn off her phone she accidentally drops it in the jug g full of water, she thinks it does not matter as such a small sacrifice is worth it after such a big achievement. Mandra thinks she has to leave quietly so that no one sees her and they must wait for the third of July.

Mohan gets a call from Damini who explains that Mandra gave them such a big order but is now not even answering her call as she tried calling her but her phone is now switched of. Damini suggests they should cancel the order but Mohan assures he will handle it.

Mohan tells Radha that he has to leave for Banaras due to a meeting, Radha asks if he would be able to come for the pooja when Mohan assures he will try his best. Dadi also tells Radha that they must not stop anyone from doing such a good thing. Dadi thinks if she tells Mohan the truth then things might get even worse, she prays that Mandra must not tell Mohan the truth as they are also doing what she has asked them.

Mohan calls Damini asking her to send him the covers for the Geeta as he will get them personally approved, Damini suggests it will be a night drive that is not suitable but Mohan says he does not care for anything while working. Damini agrees however ending the call thinks that she is about to get a very difficult time because of Radha.

In the night Radha is sitting beside Gungun who is reading a story in which the mother of the princess is evil, Radha taking the story book tells Gungun that it is wrong since a mother can never think wrong for her children as she is always ready to do everything for them and can even stay hungry to fulfill their desires. Radha explains there is a very thin string between a mother and her children, Radha says there is a saying which says that children might choose the wrong path but a mothers love can never be wrong. Gungun asks why does Radha really love her, Radha replies because Gungun is her daughter and she also got the same love from her own mother. Gungun request Radha to tell her about her mother, Radha tells Gungun that her mother died when she was very young but her father told her that her mother really loved her and was the best mother, Radha hugs Gungun.

Update Credit to: Sona

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