Categories: Radha Mohan

Radha Mohan 30th March 2023 Written Episode Update: Mohan starts beating Bhushan

Radha Mohan 30th March 2023 Written Episode, Written Update on

Radha is beating Bhushan, Kadambari informs Mohan they have to stop Radha otherwise she is going to take the life of her brother, Mohan replies Radha is not doing anything so no one is going to stop her, Kaveri also asks anyone to stop her otherwise she would kill her brother. Radha keeps on beating Bhushan, who also requests someone to stop her, Kadambari notices that Mohan is really furious, Radha while constantly beating Bhushan even breaks the stick, Kaveri thinks that he will surely die, Kadambari forcefully goes to Radha questioning what is she doing, she replies she is doing what should have been done with the person who tries to ruin the honor of a women, Radha angrily exclaims she is not going to let him go like this explaining he would not find any place even in hell, Kadambari angrily raises

her hand to slap Radha however Mohan holds her hand preventing her from slapping Radha. Kadambari is shocked seeing it, Mohan apologies for his behavior but says he cannot let her slap Radha, Kadambari demands he let go of her hand as Radha not only beat her brother in front of everyone but has also put such a heinous blame on her.

Bhushan says that Radha is another low girl who does not have respect and is even character less, Mohan angrily turns to Radha explaining she can be a liar, deceptive and even clever but can never be characterless. The entire family is shocked hearing it, Bhushan is also shocked while Radha starts crying.

Mohan turns to look at Bhushan who starts crawling back, he slowly tries to get up when Mohan pulls him by the collar, Kadambari is stunned and even Kaveri does not know what is happening. Mohan questions how did he dare put such a heinous blame on his Radha, Damini does not know what is Mohan saying. Mohan swears he would not let Bhushan leave like this because he put an evil eye on his Radha, and tried to touch his Radha so he is going to kill Bhushan. Mohan twists his hand asking f this is the hand with which he touched his Radha, Kadambari tries to stop him. Mohan however angrily twits his hand even more to the extent that he starts screaming, Kaveri and Kadambari both rush to stop Mohan but he is not listening to anyone. Kaveri asks what is he doing as Bhushan will die like this. Mohan pays no heed but is just crushing his neck, Kadambari explains he is their elder, Mohan replies he is just older in age but nothing else, he has tried to ruin the honor of Radha for which he will kill him. Damini also requests Mohan to spare the life of Bhushan uncle. Kadambari seeing Gungun runs over to her, she asks him to let go of Bhushan swearing on the life of Gungun. Mohan gets emotional so pushes Bhushan away, Kaveri rushes to help him as he is not able to breathe. Damini breathes a sigh of relief. Kadambari asks Bhushan to come home.

Kadambari in the house questions Mohan what was this behavior, he does not reply to her when she asks if he forgot that Bhushan is the same uncle with whom he played in the childhood and has always considered him as the role model but today he raised his hand on the same uncle. Mohan angrily replies to Bhushan should be glad he just raised his hand otherwise those people who do not respect women should be killed, Kadambari scolds him when Mohan replies he is sitting here just because she made him swear otherwise he would have been killed. Mohan asks Bhushan if he has any shame, because he is saved only because a women a women made him swear further saying he is ashamed that he thought of Bhushan as his ideal. Kadambari is stunned, Mohan says he is not even worthy to be called a human. Bhushan tries to explain Mohan is mistaken and Radha is lying as he really respects women and even runs an NGO, Mohan warns him to close his mouth otherwise he swears he would break his mouth. Mohan explains that the biggest relief would be when he leaves this earth and if Bhushan tries to say anything then he would do it right now.
Damini asks Mohan if he is even going to kill her, Kadambari stops her but Damini explains she will speak the truth today, she says that Radha is habitual of lying and even then Mohan is believing Radha rather then Bhushan uncle. Kaveri agrees with her daughter, assuring there is no need for Bhushan to give any clarification, she mentions Radha is the biggest deceiver and liar while suggesting Radha should be beaten. Damini blames Radha played the worst game this time because when Mohan did not give her any respect she turned to Bhushan uncle. Mohan angrily warns Damini to watch her mouth, hearing this they all are shocked. Mohan explains Damini is talking about the mother of Gungun and his wife. Kadambari along with the entire family is stunned while Radha starts smiling.

Kadambari smiling says people are right to say that the son remains their own until he is married to someone, while today Mohan also got trapped in the lies of Radha. Mohan asks if to side with the truth means accepting something then he accepts it, but does she know when he started believing Radha, the time when she with utmost courage asked him to stand by her side explaining Mohan should become her strength and not weakness, the remembers when Radha requested him in the Holi function. Kadambari still taunts Radha for being clever, as she would always say that the way Radha married Mohan was wrong but today, she is realizing how wrong she was, because the son who would not even utter a single word in front of her is standing against her, he even humiliated the uncle whom he considered as his ideal. Kadambari blames that today Radha has ruined her family.

Radha tries to explain herself but Mohan stops her saying there is no point in talking to those people whoa re not ready to accept the truth, he explains no one would believe no matter how many times she tries to clarify herself. Mohan explains that Kadambari does not love Radha because she is just her daughter in law but what about Ketki who is her own daughter, he asks if Damini was not able to see the pain in her eyes and how she feels, Kadambari getting shocked walks towards Ketki who starts getting nervous.

Bhushan realizing his truth would be revealed exclaims it is enough, he asks if he came here to celebrate Hoi with his family or to suffer such humiliation, he exclaims he will not stay here for even a single moment and is leaving. Kadambari still asks Ketki what has happened, Radha even requests her to speak the truth.

Ketki however does not speak even a single word, Mohan walking to Ketki apologizes to her for not being able to understand her pain, he explains he promised her when she tied the Rakhi that he would protect her from all the problems and worries of the world, but he failed to fulfill the promise of being a brother. Ketki starts crying while hugging Mohan who is consoling her, she mentions this person is the devil hearing which the entire family is stunned. Damini is also not able to believe what Bhushan has done, he thinks today even Ketki has gotten the courage to speak the truth, he thinks he should run away quietly while he still has the chance, he tries to leave after picking his bag but just as he reaches the door someone hits him from the back with a rock. Bhushan turns back to find Gungun standing while the entire family is furiously staring at him.

Update Credit to: Sona

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