Categories: Radha Mohan

Radha Mohan 3rd July 2024 Written Episode Update: Yug tries to kill Pari Dadi and Punam

Radha Mohan 3rd July 2024 Written Episode, Written Update on

Yug warns if anyone finds out that he was the one behind the accident of Manan then he would do something that is going to make death nervous, he warns Kundan of severe consequence while advising him to stay away from Gungun because she would be able to convince him to reveal the truth while he says he is going to give the money. Manan is still searching for Dadi, Yug thinks it is very expensive and even then neither did Mohan die nor Gungun and even Manan so he thinks one should stay away from it all, he walks out of the room so Dadi hides thinking that Yug tried to get Manan killed and attacked Gungun, she is crying wondering what is happening. Mohan calls her asking if she reached back home, Dadi is telling Mohan when she sees Yug standing at the other side of the window. Mohan keeps asking her about

what happened and then ends the call wondering why was Pari so tensed, Yug takes the phone from Dadi to see that Mohan is calling her so he throws the phone on the couch while slowly taking her hand which he kisses, Dadi is crying while Yug keep scaring her.

Mohan wonders why was Pari trying to meet him and he hopes that everything is fine, Yug sits in front of Pari Dadi asking why is she crying as she heard it all, Dadi says she understood that her Grandson was mischievous in his childhood but has now become an animal and he tried to kill Manan who is his son but Yug replies that Manan is the son of Mohan, while Manan would never be his son, Dadi says then he is going to kill him and even tried to do it, he also tried to kill Gungun and lied to them all, Pari Dadi says he is just a criminal, Yug starts laughing saying that they should talk of something, he asks if she s going to look for him and says she should start the counting, Dadi asks if he has gotten mad, Yug coming close to her asks when has she seen his madness when it is different, Pari Dadi is worried.

Manan says that Pari Dadi has hidden so he is coming, he is still searching for her with a smile on his face.

Pari Dadi says that Radhika feels that Yug has saved her life by giving her a shelter but she is not aware of it, but when can she could realize that her husband has so much hatred for her son, Pari Dadi says Yug kept her here by showing the love for Manan and she is not able to accept the love of Mohan as she feels Yug loves her dearly but it is in fact madness, Pari Dadi says that she is not going to let it happen and reveal the truth to everyone, Pari Dadi is adamant to reveal it but Yug holds her hand as she vows to make sure Radha and Mohan come together, Yug tells that Dadi that Radhika is now his wife and if anyone comes between them then he is going to slit their throat, he would not even take a minute. Yug says the problem with Manan is that he interferes in them by constantly talking of Uncle M, and Radhika forgets everyone when Manan is in front of her including him. Yug says how Radhika threatened to end their relation, Yug says this is his biggest problem as he kept talking about love but did not get it all. Pari Dadi says that Yug thought about killing him and if he has the courage then should kill someone like him but why is he going after a child. Manan keeps trying to find the Pari Dadi but is not able to do it so gets worried.

Yug asks if Pari Dadi really thinks she is a little child but then he says she is not young, Yug says he has even killed the one of his own standard, meaning his ex wife Radhika whom he had to kill. Pari Dadi is stunned hearing it and not even able to accept it, Yug says she made a mistake and he loved her a lot while he was even ready to die but she went away from him so he sends them all away forever, Yug says he send her away to permanently rest, Yug says that when Pari Dadi goes now it would be permanent and she should also say hello from him side. Yug further says she would have gotten bored while sitting up there.

Yug mentions he has canceled going up there and now believes should send his Dadi explaining it is not about killing but of trust and when someone breaks it then it hurts him in the heart, and would love the one he said so about while kill the person so says it would be the case with the children but now it is the turn of his Dadi. Yug goes towards the flower saying when she will go up there then she would tell her that he loved her a lot, and when Pari Dadi goes there then should tell Radhika it was her mistake for which Yug killed her and this is why she got bored and it was not his desire to do it, he makes Pari Dadi smell the rose saying that people give flowers after death but how will the person know of it, but it is very nice to die before it, Pari Dadi says she is his Grandmother but Yug replies she is his enemy and whoever comes in between him and Radhika will be his enemy. Yug says no one took him seriously and he loves Radhika while it would be madness for her but for him she is his love. Yug then turns back while hits Pari Dadi on the head with the metal vase so she falls on the floor while blood starts coming out of her forehead. Manan is still searching for Pari Dadi, he thinks she would be hiding in the room of his father and now she is going to be taught a lesson. Yug apologizes to Pari Dadi saying she should be ready for another one, he once again prepares to hit her with the vase but just then Punam enters the room asking what is he doing however he demands she leave his hand but when she does not listen then he pushes Punam who hits her head against the wall, Yug says he was warning her she will get hurt while everyone is going to make him a lady killer when he kept asking them to stay away, Manan is calling Dadi hearing which Yug gets worried, Yug goes out to stop Manan from entering the room asking what is he doing here, Manan informs he was playing hide and seek with Pari Dadi but he does not know where she hid, Yug asks if Manan would do as he is asked and so says he should close his eyes, Yug says Manan should ask his Ba Kai Bihari jee where is his Pari Dadi and he should keep asking until he gets the answer, Yug is able to close the door, before coming to sit in front of Yug asking if he got the answer, Manan replies he did not get any answer.

Radhika is sitting while the employee presents the schedule to her, Radhika wonders why is she so tensed and thinking something bad is about to happen. They all notice it so call her again when they say if she desires then they can do the discussion tomorrow but the lady employee says they want to give it to the marketing team today, Radhika agrees and they start explaining the plan, she still prays that everything is fine in the house.

Yug takes Manan to the room and sits beside him saying Dadi got busy and then it might be she has some work, Manan says he wants to play but Yug asks who is going to play the video game and then shows the new car racing game, Yug asks Manan to show him how it is played and then even helps him wear the head phones so no one else disturbs him, Manan gets very excited after which Yug walks out of the room while closing the door, he thinks he has made sure Manan gets busy while now his game is going to start, he is smiling.

Precap: Sargam shouts in pain and calls Gungun saying my stomach is paining. Gungun calls Mohan and tells him about Sargam’s situation. Mohan says I’ll take time to reach.
Yug gives an idea to Gungun to take her father’s car.
Gungun is driving and hits someone. A stranger walks to her and says you killed her.

Update Credit to: Sona

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