Categories: Radha Mohan

Radha Mohan 5th July 2023 Written Episode Update: Gungun stops Radha from punishing Damini and Kaveri

Radha Mohan 5th July 2023 Written Episode, Written Update on

Radha is continuously beating Damini and Kaveri when Mohan tells only one person can stop Radha and it is Gungun, Kadambari turns to look at Gungun who is enjoying herself so she tells Mohan that Gungun is enjoying, Gungun asks someone to bring some popcorn when Mohan requests Gungun to stop Radha since she also stops her whenever Gungun fights with any of her friend, Gungun exclaims that both Damini and Kaveri have cheered her mood, she realizing ti rushes in front of Radha demanding she must stop, Mohan asks Kadambari that she managed to stop her, Radha gets emotional and crying asks if she is hurt anywhere so demands her to tell so they can bandage her, Gungun assures she is perfectly fine, Radha angrily stares at Damini who is also furious, Gungun mentions she got a little scared when Radha cached

her like a ball but she really enjoyed how she was beating them both, Damini asks Mohan what is this behavior as he does not say anything and Radha beats them whenever she desires, Kadambari asks Radha to calm down asking what has happened, Radha explains she has bared whatever they have done to her but today they have tried to kill her daughter, Radha explains she has just beaten them today but is now even going to get them both locked up and tortured by the police. Kaveri exclaims if the police is going to come in the house of Kadambari Devi, she asks what have they both done when Kaveri replies they have not done anything and Radha has gotten mad because they were sleeping.

Radha asks if Kaveri sleeps with the slippers, mentioning that she herself saw them both standing on the top floor but Kaveri replies she was just feeling cold so slept with her slippers. Kaveri assures she has not done anything, Radha says now she is going to reveal the truth explaining Gungun did not fall down by mistake but they both have surely done something because of which she fell, Damini asks Radha to not lie when Radha replies now the police will decide what is right and wrong, she is adamant to call the police herself and so snatches the phone from Ketki. Kaveri asks Kadambari to stop Radha who is about to call the police however no one is able to do anything. Kadambari requests Mohan to stop Radha, but she is very furious however Gungun stops Radha, saying as she has beaten them both, she really enjoyed it and today it would be the best birthday gift if they both had been thrown out, and she would have lied but Radha taught her that it is not nice to lie and she is also telling the truth that they both have not done anything. Radha mentions Gungun feel down and they would have done anything, Gungun says it was her own mistake because of which she fell after following the kitten but they both did not have any mistake in it. Radha wonders how can the reeling break suddenly, she is sure they both have done something. Damini gets frustrated, she says this house is old and it is possible that the reeling might have broken in the rain. Damini asks how can Radha blame everything on them and does she have any proof. Mohan suggests Radha might be mistaken as just ten minutes are left to celebrate the birthday of Gungun. Damini exclaims Mohan causes a lot of tantrums if Radha is hurt but she beat them both and he is not saying anything, Mohan explains that the birthday of Gungun is about to start in ten minutes and they will talk about it in the morning. Mohan asks Gungun to come as they are going to celebrate the birthday, Damini and Kaveri also leave. Radha is sure they both are lying otherwise they would not be standing in the window, Radha thinks why did Tulsi not do anything to protect Gungun, as she is always there to protect her but when today Gungun was in such a big problem then why did Tulsi not save her. Radha wonders what if Tulsi herself is in some problem, she calls Tulsi asking where is she but does not get any response, Tulsi requests Radha to help her get free as she can no longer bear the pain, she pleads with Radha to protect her.

Ketki and Dulari bring the cake for Gungun and everyone else also join her, Gungun says to Ajeet that this is the same cake which she showed him and he brought it for her, Ajeet says who else would bring it for her if not him. Mohan is also smiling looking at Radha, Gungun exclaims Ajeet is the best uncle in Varandhwan rather the entire world. Damini and Kaveri are furious seeing them all celebrating.

Mohan staring at Radha wonders what sort of a girl is she as she forgot her own pain for the sake of Gungun, the entire family starts singing the birthday song for Gungun who is cutting a cake with a smile on her face, Ajeet and Rahul both burst the party poppers after which each and every one of them present Gungun a gift. Radha signals Mohan asking what has happened, she goes to Radha with a cake who first takes Gungun to her Grandparents, Gungun then brings the cake for Radha but she signals towards Mohan however he also insists that Radha should eat the cake first they both keep turning down Gungun, seeing which everyone gets shocked. Gungun herself eats the cake so everyone starts smiling. Mohan then brings a piece of cake which he feeds Gungun and then turns towards Radha, also wishing her Happy birthday. Moha explains that a mother also has her birthday on the same day as her children, he even makes Radha eat the cake, she gets some on the corner of her lips, Mohan signals her to remove it but she is not able to remove it, Mohan places the piece of cake on the tray and using his other hand removes the cake from the face of Radha, he removes his birthday cap throwing it away and even asks Radha to remove her cap. They both are smiling while constantly staring each other when Gungun suddenly interferes, Radha wishes her Happy birthday along with a lot of blessings for a long life, Radha and Mohan both agree to kiss Gungun together but she manages to run away causing them both to come very close to each other. Damini and Kaveri are not able to bear the sight of them both coming close.

Mohan remembers how Gungun has done it once before, he starts smiling thinking about Radha who has always been by his side, he gets a bit nervous, Kaveri exclaims that Radha has beaten them so much but they all are still celebrating the birthday of Gungun an she feels as if they all donot care about them. Damini thinks she should let them celebrate their time with Gungun as who knows it is their last time. Damini mentions that they have kept Tulsi tied for the past four days and tomorrow is the fifth day, Kaveri does not understand when Damini questions if she does not remember what Guru maa said, so in order to get rid of Tulsi they have to make sure that Gungun dies tomorrow, they both are furious.

Precap: Radha says to Gungun we will celebrate your birthday with all your friends. Gungun gets excited. Damini says to her mother, tomorrow’s party will be the reason for Gungun’s death. Damini hires a goon to sabotage Gungun’s party and kill her..

Update Credit to: Sona

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