Categories: Radha Mohan

Radha Mohan 7th July 2023 Written Episode Update: Radha foils the plan of Damini

Radha Mohan 7th July 2023 Written Episode, Written Update on

Damini shows the birthday candle of Gungun, explaining this lotus will open as soon as they light it after which it will show the true colors, as it will contain the gun powder and just as Gungun blows on it, the gun powder will catch fire so Gungun would die with it. Kaveri exclaims that only the face of Gungun will be burnt however Damini replies she does not do anything incomplete as she will be burnt fully. Damini explains Gungun is very interested in applying makeup so Mohan brought a make up kit for her, Kaveri asks Damini what has she done with it, Damini says that she just mixed a little hatred with it.

Damini expalins when Mohan presented Gungun with the birthday present which was a makeup kit, he explains she can only apply it on the special occasions and never when she is going to her

school. Gungun after opening it got really excited, she explains the make up kit has an eye shadow, and so many things so she will get very beautiful after applying it on her birthday party, Radha said that no one gets beautiful with this makeup, after which Radha instructed her to hurry up as she would get late for school, Damini then secretly entered the room and mixed some chemicals with the make up kit and even mixed it in the perfume using a syringe after which she left, Kaveri replies she can understand it a bit as Damini has prepared everything required to kill Gungun, Damini explains that Gungun is very interested in getting ready and Radha would be helping her but how can she know that this is gong to be the last time when she gets ready.

Radha is helping Gungun get ready and she even applies the eye shadow, seeing which Gungun starts smiling then Radha applies the other things in the make up kit along with the lip stick. Radha smiles signaling how she is looking very beautiful, Radha finally picks the lotion which she applies on her hands, Radha suggests Gungun must not drink too much cold drink as she might get ill, Gungun agrees when Radha exclaims she is a very good girl, Radha finally helps her wear the crown along with the necklace, she then applies the perfume, Gungun asks how is she looking when Mohan exclaims she is just looking fine but then exclaims she is looking like the best daughter, Radha even applies the black tikka behind her ears. Damini exclaims Radha helped Gungun get ready but they both do not know that they are help her get ready to celebrate the last event.

In the night Gungun is standing when everyone is signing the Happy Birthday song to her, Ajeet asks Gungun to blow out the candle, Damini starts smiling thinking that just when Gungun will blow the candle the gun powder will catch fire so she would also burn along with it. Gungun slowly kneels to blow out the candle, but she suddenly stops questioning where is Radha, Damini gets irritated. Mohan says that Radha has gone to take the knife so she can blow the candle but Gungun refuses to blow it without Radha. Mohan calls Radha who says she is coming. Kaveri whispers why is Gungun not blowing the candle as she cannot wait for the death of Gungun. Kadambari also worries where is Radha, when Vishwaniyat even asks her to hurry up. Ketki suggests Gungun must blow out the candle but she insists on blowing it with Radha, but when Ajeet says that if she does not blow it right now then they would also have to eat the candle with the cake. Gungun is about to blow it, ketki stops her suggesting she must first make a wish, they all agree when Damini thinks that today her wish is going to be fulfilled, Kaveri exclaims that Damini has made all the preparations to burn Gungun but Mohan is standing right by her side, and might also burn. Damini says then she should let him burn, Kaveri exclaims he is her love, Damini replies Mohan has caused a lot of pain to her by first marrying Tulsi and then Radha so she now she just desires that Gungun should burn after blowing this candle.

Gungun blows out the candle but it lights up once again, Mohan exclaims that someone might have brought the magic candle which will not die down like this, Kaveri asks her to blow it after getting a bit close but Radha standing behind Damini warns her to not blow out the candle. Kaveri whispers to Damini why has Radha come to ruin their plan. Radha immediately picks the magic candle off the cake, seeing which Damini gets furious, she turns Radha questioning what is she doing, she must let Gungun blow out the candle as today is her birthday so does she have to create a scene on every auspicious occasion. Radha angrily asks Damini to let go of her hand. Radha says she knows what is right and wrong for her daughter. Gungun asks Radha what has happened, as she needs to blow out the candle, Damini thinks that if Radha finds out the truth about this candle then she will burn her. Radha asks Mohan if he forgot when she told him that today no candle will be blown, the children ask Radha about the reason because they always blow out the candle, Radha asks them all what do they do at their birthday, they all informs that they pray and then light a diya. Radha asks if they all like darkness in the night or light, the children say they prefer light otherwise they would get scared and not even able to complete their work. Radha explains when in their birthday they are starting a new year then should go towards the light rather then darkness, so they are not going to blow out the candle. Kaveri whispers to Damini that this will ruin their plan. The children mention how everyone blows the candle, Radha says they are going to do something new as it is also told in their rituals that they must do everything according to their religion so they must not blow out the candles but light a Diya, Mohan along with everyone starts clapping for Radha, she asks Gungun to take all of her friends to the mandir while she will place this candle outside the house, Radha asks them all to go while Damini and Kaveri also follow them.

Radha asks Tulsi where is she, holding the candle in her hand. Tulsi is sitting beside the wall while both her hands and feet are tied, Radha exclaims she was not able to feel her presence since today morning so what if Damini has done something to her, Tulsi informs Radha that she is not fine and even requests for her help, Radha is very worried.

Update Credit to: Sona

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