Categories: RadhaKrishn

RadhaKrishn 14th April 2022 Written Episode Update: Srinivas Rejects Padmavathi’s Offer

RadhaKrishn 14th April 2022 Written Episode, Written Update on

Bhargavi gets happy seeing her favorite flower garland. Srinivas hhiding behind a tree thinks he wanted to see her smile since long. Bhargavi asks who left flowers for her. Friends taunt that someone is stealing her dreams and making her remember him during the day with flowers. Bhargavi says there is no one in her life and tries to throw flowers away. Friends stop her and says she should be happy that someone admires her and knows about her so much. Bhargavi thinks who he must be. Srinivas thinks he knows everything about Lakshmi and thinks he will make rishi Bhrigu marry her to him.

Bhrigu is surprised to see princess Padmavati and Bhargavi’s kundalis/horoscopes are same, they will marry in a same muhurat. His devotees get happy hearing about their guru sister’s marriage and

asks when is the muhurath. Bhrigu says he will inform later and thinks Narayan will come to marry Lakshmi then, he should make sure that gets her married to a ghar jamai/house husband. Srinivas thinks he will marry Bhargavi, but is also worried about Padmavathi’s feelings; he should make sure Padmavathi doesn’t misundestand.

Govindraj walks to dance auditorium and searches Srinivas. Padmavathi comes there and enquires about Srinivas. Govindraj says he has gone out and once he returns, he will inform him to met her. She says she will wait for him. He says she need not waste her time here, he will send Srinivas to her once he comes. On the other side, Bala informs prince Vasudev that Srinivas was peeping into rishi Bhrigu’s house. Vasudev says Srinivas is trying to impress Padmavathi on one side and Bhrigu’s daughter on the other side, what is he up to.

Srinivas returns to auditorium. Govindraj scolds him for coming late as princess is waiting for him. Padmavathi asks how is he now. He says his leg wounds have healed and he can even dance now. He dances for her. She requests him to teach her dance and ake any fees in return. He denies to teach her and says he is not yet ready for that. She gets angry. He hopes she stops bothering him now.

Bhargavi thinks who must have sent her flower garland. Bhrigu returns home and informs his wife that he will get Bhargavi married in 3 months after Padmavathi’s marriage as their kundalis are same. Bhargavi gets happy hearing that. Back to auditorium, Govindraj confronts Srinivas for rejecting Padmavathi’s offer. Vasudev walks to him and asks why was she peeping into rishi Bhrigu’s ashram and house instead of doing his work. Srinivas says he will find out soon. Vasudev says he can stay in the auditorium til then.

Precap: Padmavathi tels her friends that she knows whom and how she will marry and knows how to get him. Srinivas desires to meet Bhargavi.
Bhargavi meets him.

Update Credit to: MA

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