Categories: RadhaKrishn

RadhaKrishn 16th August 2021 Written Episode Update: Ganesh Wins Competition

RadhaKrishn 16th August 2021 Written Episode, Written Update on

Swing festival starts at Dwarka. Balram and his family shows their swing. Ganesh asks where is maa Radha’s swing. Krishna enter saying how can there not be Radha’s swing and brings it down. Ganesh asks where is his swing. Radha says Krishna and Radha’s swing is same. Sam challenges that his swing is more strong and long and he will win for sure. Balram warns him to stop his arrogance. Sam continues his argument. Ganesh says he will win instead and its not to degrade anyone. Sam says one who couldn’t play bansuri properly is challenging him. Balram gets angry and challenges him first. Nishant and Ulmukh stop him and compete with Sam. Ganesh encourages him them. They lose. Ganesh says its important to enjoy the swing than competing. They agree. Rukmini and Revati

challenge him next saying they wanted to enjoy the swinger, but seeing his arrogance will win the competition. Sam insults even them, and they lose. Balram challenges him next. Krishna asks him to control his anger, but Balrma competes with anger and loses. Krishna says he told him already him to maintain his calm. Sam insults Balram and laughs on him.

Krishna then challenges Sam. Sam insults him saying he couldn’t teach bansuri to Ganesh and wants to compete with him. Radha says Radha and Krishna are one and will win over Sam. Sam jokes on Ganesh to play bansuri while his mamasri Krishna competes. Ganesh plays bansuri. Everyone are amazed to hear him playing bansuri melodiously. Mahadev and Devi Gauri also get happy seeing their son playing bansuri. Krishna wins the competition and Sam falls down and loses. Sam then vents out his anger on Ganesh that he should challenge Krishna and win as per his challenge.

Ganesh replies that he is not afraid of challenge his guru and respects his guru. Sam continues. Krishna says he wants his student to win and asks Ganesh to give his bansuri. Ganesh says he will fix it near his waist like mamsri does and does same. Their competition starts, and Ganesh wins. Sam says Krishna lost. Ganesh says wrong, he swung high. Revati says they have a ritual of Radha and Krishna swinging together at the end. Ganesh challenges them.

Precap: Krishna introduces rishi Vedvyas and says Ganesh has to pen a story of Mahabharath with him. Ganesh breaks his tooth. Krishna says due to this sacrifice, Ganesh will be called Ekadant.

Update Credit to: MA

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