Categories: RadhaKrishn

RadhaKrishn 17th June 2021 Written Episode Update: Alakshmi’s Evil Plan

RadhaKrishn 17th June 2021 Written Episode, Written Update on

Radha tells Krishna that she wants to know something. He says she knows everything. She says she needs his ring which she gifted him long ago. He gives it to her saying he can sacrifice his life for her. Radha asks Jamvati to touch the ring. Jamvati hesitates. Radha insists. Jamvati touches it and is surprised to see it not disappearing. Radha says this is truth. Alakshmi gets angry seeing this. Revati apologizes Jamvati for not letting her touch her jewelry. Jamvati says they all made a mistake by getting greedy. Revati says they will not let greed in their family and will support each other. Radha says let us all give their one jewelry to Jamvati. Laxmana says she is right. Everyone offer Jamvati their jewelry. Jamvati emotionally hugs Sam and tells him that Radha explained her today that

he is the most important gem of his life, so he should go and touch Radha’s feet and thank her. Sam angrily obeys her. Mahadev tells Devi Gauri that everyone realized the real meaning of Dhanalakshmi’s because of her given powers to Radha. Devi Gauri says Radha enlightened the energy within her and credit should go to Radha.

Krishna taunts Alakshmi that she must have seen the power of purity, just one pure thinking failed her plan, so she should mend her ways at least now. Alakshmi says she wants him to stop ruining Dwarka citizens, she will not accept her defeat at any cost.

Radha walks to Krishna and thanks him. He says their relationship doesn’t need thank you or sorry. She says she knows, but even then she wants to thank him. He says their relationship doesn’t need formalities. She says he described a story and gave her a plan. He says not everyone understands stories, but she made everyone understand the story, so she should be credited for it. Radha says seeing his happiness today, she wants to ask him something. He says she can. Radha says she promised Jestha to help her find her love, so he should help her. Krishna says sometimes one has to do their task themselves. She asks if he will not help Jestha. He asks who brought her here and promised her. She says she did. He says he cannot help Jestha and will not stop Radha from helping Jestha; thinks he had to promised Radha, but if Radha helps Alakshmi at a wrong time, he cannot stop her and is sure that Alakshmi is waiting for a wrong time.

Alakshmi tells Sam that she will win for sure. Sam suggests her not to involve Radha in her plan. Alakshmi warns him not to teach her and asks if he finished his task of diverting his mother’s attention against Radha, he should make sure today worst food is cooked in the kitchen and everyone get ill because of it. Sam asks what is she up to. She says she wants to attack Dhanyalakshmi this time and blaming the disaster on Radha get her cursed. He asks what does she mean. She orders not to make a mistake this time.

Rishi Sandipani and his team are busy performing yagna. Radha visits him and says she came here for an important work. He says she came at the right time, they are performing yagna since 11 days and are fasting, tomorrow on ekadashi this yagna will be completed. Radha invites him and his team for a feast tomorrow at the ashram and bless Krishna as Dwarka is getting dhanya/food because of his blessings. Sandipani accepts her invitation and praises Krishna. Radha leaves and turns into Alakshmi and laughs thinking guru Sandipini will curse Dwarka now, she has invited Dwarka’s disaster and not guru Sandipani.

Balram while having food asks Revati when is he most happy. She says when he has food with family. He says a family which eats together helps each other. Krishna backs him. Jestha/Alakshmi walks in and tries to walk back. Radha thinking she is tensed stops her and asks reason. Nishant, Ulmukh, LAxmana, and everyone tasty food and complain that its the worst food they ever had and walk away. Jestha asks Radha what happened to them. Radha says she doesn’t’ know. Jestha says she found out that her lover will come near river in the evening, so she wants Radha to accompany her to catch him. Radha agrees. Jestha thinks she will make sure rishi Sandipani curses Radha.

Precap: Krishna tells Sandipani that he is happy to see him coming here suddenly. Sandipani says Radha invited him here. Alakshmi serves hm juice. He sips it and says its very bad. Alakshmi says Radha gave it. Sandipani angrily says Radha deserves his curse.

Update Credit to: MA

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